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Created November 8, 2015 14:33
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import Graphics.UI.Gtk as Gtk
import System.Taffybar
import System.Taffybar.Battery
import System.Taffybar.NetMonitor
import System.Taffybar.SimpleClock
import System.Taffybar.Systray
import System.Taffybar.Pager
import System.Taffybar.TaffyPager
import System.Taffybar.Widgets.PollingGraph
import System.Taffybar.Widgets.PollingLabel
import System.Information.CPU
import System.Information.Memory
cpuCallback = do
(_, systemLoad, totalLoad) <- cpuLoad
return [ totalLoad, systemLoad ]
-- With code liberally snarfed from System.Taffybar.Text.MemoryMonitor:
mem = do
label <- pollingLabelNew "Mem" 0.5 callback
Gtk.widgetShowAll label
return label
callback = do
info <- parseMeminfo
return $ "Mem: " ++ (show . truncate $ 100*memoryUsedRatio info) ++ "%"
-- xmobar widgets: XMonad crap || network | cpu | memory | battery | time
main = do
let cpuCfg = defaultGraphConfig { graphDataColors = [ (0, 1, 0, 1), (1, 0, 1, 0.5)]
, graphLabel = Nothing
batt = batteryBarNew defaultBatteryConfig 0.5
clock = textClockNew Nothing "%A %B %d, %Y" 1
cpu = pollingGraphNew cpuCfg 0.5 cpuCallback
log = taffyPagerNew $ defaultPagerConfig { activeWorkspace = wrap "[" "]" . escape
, emptyWorkspace = \_ -> ""
, activeWindow = shorten 100
, widgetSep = " | "
net = netMonitorNew 0.5 "wlan0"
tray = systrayNew
defaultTaffybar defaultTaffybarConfig { startWidgets = [log]
, endWidgets = reverse [net, cpu, mem, batt, clock, tray]
, barHeight = 20
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