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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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Script to generate a histogram of GitHub issue age
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Usage: GITHUB_TOKEN=yourtoken hissuegram.rb owner/repo
require "octokit"
client = => ENV["GITHUB_TOKEN"], :auto_paginate => true)
issues = client.issues ARGV[0], :state => :open
dates = { |i| i["created_at"] }
days_ago = { |d| (( - d) / (60 * 60 * 24)).round }
buckets = days_ago.group_by { |d| d / 7 }.map { |bucket, contents| [bucket, contents.length] }.sort
puts sprintf("%10s %7s", "weeks ago", "count")
puts { |bucket, count| sprintf("% 10d % 7d %s", bucket, count, "=" * count) }.join("\n")
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