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Forked from danverbraganza/
Last active February 16, 2016 14:54
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Hangman implemented in 3 lines of Python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""A simple text-based game of hangman
A re-implementation of Hangman 3-liner in more idiomatic Python 3
A dictionary file at /usr/share/dict/words
$ python
Released under the MIT License. (Re)written by Arun Ravindran
import random
DICT = '/usr/share/dict/words'
chosen_word = random.choice(open(DICT).readlines()).upper().strip()
guesses = set()
scaffold = """
| |
| {3} {0} {5}
| {2}{1}{4}
| {6} {7}
| {8} {9}
man = list('OT-\\-//\\||')
guesses_left = len(man)
while not guesses.issuperset(chosen_word) and guesses_left:
print("{} ({} guesses left)".format(','.join(sorted(guesses)), guesses_left))
print(scaffold.format(*(man[:-guesses_left] + [' '] * guesses_left)))
print(' '.join(letter if letter in guesses else '_' for letter in chosen_word))
guesses.update(c.upper() for c in input() if str.isalpha(c))
guesses_left = max(len(man) - len(guesses - set(chosen_word)), 0)
if guesses_left > 0:
print("You win!")
print("You lose!\n{}\nHANGED!".format(scaffold.format(*man)))
print("Word was", chosen_word)
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