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Created October 30, 2017 14:57
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SQL YAML Documentation Parser
param (
[string]$output = "wiki", # can be html or wiki
[string]$DatabaseServer = "nt7565",
[string]$Database = "MARKITEDM_DEV_DX"
#[string]$password = $( Read-Host "Input password, please" )
(new-object Net.WebClient).DownloadString("") | iex
Import-Module PsGet
Install-Module PowerYaml
Import-Module PowerYaml.psm1 # import the YAML parser if necessary (get it via PSGET)
set-psdebug -strict # catch a few extra bugs
$SQL =@"
CREATED AS [created],
LAST_ALTERED AS [modified],
DATA_TYPE AS returnType,
WHERE ROUTINE_SCHEMA IN('ajr', 'dbo', 'cadis')
) OR (
$scriptPath = Split-Path -parent $PSCommandPath
"The directory $($scriptPath) will contain the output"
function Parse-YamlDocs() {
$functions = @() #initialise the array of hashtables
$sprocs = @() # array of hashtables storing stored procedure information
# create the SqlClient connection
$conn = new-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("Server=$DatabaseServer;DataBase=$Database;Integrated Security=True")#
$conn.Open() | out-null #open the connection
# We add a handler for the warnings just in case we get one
$message = [string]'';
$handler = [System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInfoMessageEventHandler] { param ($sender,
$event) $global:message = "$($message)`n $($event.Message)" };
$conn.FireInfoMessageEventOnUserErrors = $true
$cmd = new-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($SQL, $conn)
$rdr = $cmd.ExecuteReader()
$datatable = new-object System.Data.DataTable
if ($message -ne '') { Write-Warning $message } # tell the user of any warnings or info messages
# add manual comments for SQL CLR functions, which lose their comments when deployed to SQL Server
$row = $datatable.NewRow()
$row["type"] = "FUNCTION"
$row["schema"] = "dbo"
$row["name"] = "fnClassResolve_v3"
$row["created"] = "2017-04-01"
$row["modified"] = "2017-04-01"
$row["returnType"] = "TABLE"
$row["definition"] = "
summary: >
This function calls the classification rules engine and returns outputs from the rule evaluations
This is version 3 of the classification engine function fnClassResolve
To convert your code from version 1, make the following change
old code - select * from fnClassResolve(@RefClassValues, @SchemeId)
new code - select * from fnClassResolve_v2(@SchemeId, (select * from @RefClassValues Input for xml auto, root('Inputs')), DEFAULT)
Multiple rules may match a given input. If so, all matches will be returned. Make your rules more specific, or use the Priority column to determine which is the best match
Multiple outcomes may match a given input. If so, all matches will be returned. Make your rules more specific
If the classification is a hierarchy, matches for each level of the hierarchy will be returned as individual rows. Use the ParentClassId if you need to create the hierarchy
- name: SchemeId
type: int
description: an identifier from RefClassScheme.SchemeId, representing a rule scheme
ifNull: no results will be returned
- name: InputXml
type: xml
description: an XML fragment containing inputs. Follows the table structure of the user type dbo.RefClassValues. You can use that type as your definition, or you can manually construct the XML. e.g. <Inputs><Input SourceUniqueId='11' TermTitle='Country of Domicile' TermValue='US' /></Inputs>
ifNull: no results will be returned
- name: ConfigXml
type: xml
description: >
an XML fragment containing configuration information. The intent is to pass flags that will cause the function to behave in desired ways. Format is <config><Param1>Value1</Param1><Param2>Value2</Param2></config>. Supported parameters are:
* MostSpecificLevelOnly: boolean. True will only return the deepest match instead of returning each level in the hierarchy. Default value is false (for backwards compatibility; the more common use case is true)
ifNULL: the default behaviors will take effect
author: rod3095
- select * from fnClassResolve_v3(@SchemeId, (select * from @RefClassValues Input for xml auto, root('Inputs')), DEFAULT)
- select * from FnClassResolve_v3(@SchemeId, (select * from @RefClassValues Input for xml auto, root('Inputs')), '<Config><MostSpecificMatchLevelOnly>true</MostSpecificMatchLevelOnly></Config>')
- select * from fnClassResolve_v3(@SchemeId, '<Inputs><Input SourceUnique='11' TermTitle='A' TermValue='123' /><Input SourceUniqueId='11' TermTitle='B' TermValue='999' /><Input SourceUniqueId='22' TermTitle='A' TermValue='243' /><Input SourceUniqueId='22' TermTitle='B' TermValue='999' /></Inputs>', DEFAULT)
returns: >
SourceUniqueId bigint - the unique identifer from your input data
OutcomeValue nvarchar(1000) - this is the answer you are looking for. This is the result of the rule evaluations, the classification that matched
RuleId int - this is the identifier of the rule that matched, resulting in this outcome
RuleTitle nvarchar(1000)- this is the title of the rule that matched, resulting in this outcome
ClassId int - this is the identifier of the classification that matched
SchemeId int - this is the identifier of the scheme. Will be the same as the @SchemeId input parameter
IsMatch bit - this is always true for every outcome row. Included for testing and backwards compatibility
IsDynamicScheme bit - true if the scheme is dynamic, false if static
ParentClassId int - if the outcome classification has a parent in a hierarchy, this will contain the identifier of the parent classification. 0 or NULL otherwise
Priority int - Priorities are intended to help decide among multiple outcomes for a single input. Use this as a last resort--prefer instead to make more specific rules
foreach ($row in $datatable.Rows) # we read the routines row by row
if ("$($row['definition'])" -cmatch '(?ism)(\/\*\*).*?(summary.*?)(\*\*\/)')
#Write-Host $matches[2]
$fn = @{}
#parse the YAML into a hashtable
try {
$fn = Get-Yaml $($matches[2])
catch {
$fn.warning = "could not parse header for $($row['name']): " + $_ # the error message
$fn.warningHeaderDocs = $($matches[2])
write-warning $fn.warning
#add the rest of the objects
$ = $
$fn.schema = $row.schema
$fn.created = $row.created
$fn.modified = $row.modified
$fn.returnType = $row.returnType
$fn.type = $row.type
$functions += $fn; #and add-in each routine to the array.
#Exit 0
return $functions
function Generate-Html-Function-Param-Table($f) {
# parameter list
$pHtml = @"
<th>If NULL</th>
foreach ($p in $f.parameters) {
$pHtml += @"
$pHtml += "</table>"
return $pHtml;
function Generate-Html-Function-Examples($f) {
# example list
$eHtml = "<ol class=""examples"">"
foreach ($e in $f.examples) {
$eHtml += "<li>$($e)</li>"
$eHtml += "</ol>"
return $eHtml;
function Generate-Html-Function-PBIs($f) {
$h = "<ul>"
foreach ($pbi in $f.relatedPbis) {
$h += "<li><b><a href=""$($pbi.number)"" target=""_blank"">$($pbi.number)</a></b> - $($pbi.desc)</li>"
$h += "</ul>"
return $h
function Generate-Html-Function($f) {
$h = "<a name=""$($f.schema).$($""></a>"
$h += "<h3>$($f.schema).$($</h3>"
$h += "<p>Created by $($ on $($f.created)</p>"
$h += "<h4>Summary</h4>"
$h += "<p>$($f.summary)</p>"
$h += "<h4>Parameters</h4>"
if (0 -lt $f.parameters.Length) { $h += Generate-Html-Function-Param-Table($f) } else { $h += "none" }
$h += "<h4>Returns $($f.returnType)</h4>"
$h += "<p>$($f.returns)</p>"
if (0 -lt $f.examples.Length) {
$h += "<h4>Examples</h4>"
$h += Generate-Html-Function-Examples($f)
$h += "<h4>Related PBIs</h4>"
if (0 -lt $f.relatedPbis.Length) { $h += Generate-Html-Function-PBIs($f) } else { $h += "none" }
$h += "<hr />"
return $h;
function Generate-Html-Function-Menu($functions) {
$h = "<ul>"
foreach ($f in $functions) {
$h += "<li><a href=""#$($f.schema).$($"">$($f.schema).$($</a></li>"
$h += "</ul>"
return $h;
function Generate-Html($functions) {
$html = Get-Content $scriptPath\documentationTemplate.html
######## HTML generation
$html = $html.Replace("{{database}}", $DatabaseServer + "\" + $Database)
$dateGenerated = Get-Date
$html = $html.Replace("{{dateGenerated}}", $dateGenerated)
#### do the functions' HTML
$h = ""
foreach ($f in $functions | Where { $_.type -eq 'FUNCTION' }) {
$h += Generate-Html-Function($f);
$html = $html.Replace("{{functions}}", $h)
# functions index/menu HTML block
$h = Generate-Html-Function-Menu($functions | Where { $_.type -eq 'FUNCTION' })
$html = $html.Replace("{{functionsIndex}}", $h)
#### do the stored procedures' HTML
$h = ""
foreach ($f in $functions | Where { $_.type -eq 'PROCEDURE' }) {
$h += Generate-Html-Function($f);
$html = $html.Replace("{{sprocs}}", $h);
#sproc index/menu HTML block
$h = Generate-Html-Function-Menu($functions | Where { $_.type -eq 'PROCEDURE' })
$html = $html.Replace("{{sprocsIndex}}", $h)
$html > $scriptPath\documentation.html
function Generate-Wiki($functions) {
$functionHeaderTemplate = @"
== {0}.{1} ==
$functionTemplate = @"
== {0}.{1} ==
Created by {2} on {3}
{{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! Type
! Description
'''Returns ''{6}'''''
'''Related PBIs'''
$wiki = @"
Generated on $(Get-Date) from '''$($DatabaseServer)\$($Database)'''
''Do not edit this wiki page directly.'' Instead, modify the header docs of your SQL function. For examples, see [[Sql_Object_Documentation#dbo.fnMedmDbVarValue|dbo.fnMedmDbVarValue]], [[Sql_Object_Documentation#ajr.fnIsPositive|ajr.fnIsPositive]], or [[Sql_Object_Documentation#dbo.fnUtilChars|dbo.fnUtilChars]]. Because we generate this documentation from the dev environment, ''you do not have to deploy a function just to update its inline documentation''. Just update it in the dev environment, and you are done.
[[File:SQL function inline documentation.png|200px]]
[[How to Generate Sql Object Documentation]]
$h = ""
foreach ($f in $functions) {
if ($f.warning) {
$wiki += ($functionHeaderTemplate -f $f.schema, $ + "$($f.warning)`r`n`r`n<nowiki>$($f.warningHeaderDocs)</nowiki>`r`n"
# parameter list
$parmsWiki = ""
foreach ($p in $f.parameters) {
$parmsWiki += @"
# example list
$egWiki = ""
foreach ($e in $f.examples) {
$egWiki += "# $($e)`r`n"
#related PBI list
$pbiWiki = ""
foreach ($pbi in $f.relatedPbis) {
$pbiWiki += "* '''[$($pbi.number) $($pbi.number)]''' $($pbi.desc)`r`n"
if (0 -eq $pbiWiki.Length) { $pbiWiki = "none" }
$functionWiki = $functionTemplate -f $f.schema, $, $, $f.created, $f.summary, $parmsWiki, $f.returnType, $f.returns, $egWiki, $pbiWiki
$wiki += $functionWiki
$wiki > $scriptPath\
$sqlFunctions = Parse-YamlDocs
switch ($output) {
"html" {
Generate-Html $sqlFunctions
"wiki" {
Generate-Wiki $sqlFunctions
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