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Last active December 8, 2021 06:41
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  • Save arodland/b433602c13527dc6baf391e295e0374a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save arodland/b433602c13527dc6baf391e295e0374a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
my $sum = 0;
for "input.txt".IO.lines -> $line {
my ($left, $right) = $line.split(/'|'/);
my @w = $right.words;
my @wlen = @w».chars;
$sum += (@wlen.grep: { $_ == any(2, 3, 4, 7) });
say $sum;
my $sum = 0;
for "input.txt".IO.lines -> $line {
my ($left, $right) = $line.split(/'|'/);
my @sets = $ { Set($_.comb) };
@sets = @sets.unique.cache;
my @digits;
# Digits with unique numbers of segments
@digits[1] = @sets.first: { $_.elems == 2 };
@digits[4] = @sets.first: { $_.elems == 4 };
@digits[7] = @sets.first: { $_.elems == 3 };
@digits[8] = @sets.first: { $_.elems == 7 };
# (0, 6, 9) all have six segments lit
my @sixes = @sets.grep: { $_.elems == 6 };
# 9 has all of the same segments as 4
@digits[9] = @sixes.first: { $_ (&) @digits[4] == @digits[4] };
@sixes = @sixes.grep: none @digits[9];
# Of the remaining, 0 is the only one with both right segments
@digits[0] = @sixes.first: { $_ (&) @digits[1] == @digits[1] };
# And 6 is the one that's left
@digits[6] = @sixes.first: none @digits[0];
# The upper right segment is the one that 6 doesn't have, and
# the lower left is the one that 9 doesn't have.
my $upper_right = @digits[8] (-) @digits[6];
my $lower_left = @digits[8] (-) @digits[9];
# (2, 3, 5) all have five segments lit
my @fives = @sets.grep: { $_.elems == 5 };
# 2 is the only one of them that has the lower left segment
@digits[2] = @fives.first: { $_ (&) $lower_left };
@fives = @fives.grep: none @digits[2];
# 3 has the upper right (so does 2, but we did that one first)...
@digits[3] = @fives.first: { $_ (&) $upper_right };
# And 5 doesn't.
@digits[5] = @fives.first: none @digits[3];
say @digits;
# Reverse the array to a map
my %set_to_digit{Set} = @digits.antipairs;
# Finally, look at the right side...
my @r = $ { Set($_.comb) };
# Do the decoding...
my $num = ( { %set_to_digit{$_} }).join.Num;
say $num;
# Add to the sum...
$sum += $num;
# And win.
say $sum;
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