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Last active February 20, 2018 02:45
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kd2oxu On Thanksgiving eve, November 24, 1971, a middle-aged man carrying a black attaché case approached the flight eetitPi°G6eu Airlines at Portland International Airport. He identified
himself as "Dan Cooper" and used cash to purchase a one-way ticket on Flight 305, a 30-minDttOnjÌiooetu ep

kd2oxu de kg7oem Cooper boarded the aircraft, a Boeing 727-100 (FAA registration N467US), and took seat 18C[1] (18E by one account,[9] 15D by another[10]) in the rear of the passenger
cabin. He lit a cigarette[11] and ordered a bourbon and soda. Fellow passengers described him as a man in his mid-forties, between 5 feet 10 inches (1.78 m) and 6 feet 0 inches (1.83 m)
tall. He wore a black lightweight raincoat,eµaa dark suit, a neatly pressed white collared shirt, a black necktie, and a mother of pearl tie pin. de kg7oeeïacqhd2oxu Flight 305 was
approximately one-third full when it departed on schedule at 2:50 p.m., PST. Shortly after takeoff, Cooper haloed a note to Florence Schaffner, the flight attendant situated nearest to
him in a jump seat attached to the aft stair door.[1] Schaffner assumed that the note contained a lonely businessman's phone number and dropped it unopened into her purse.[13] Cooper
leaned toward her and whispered, "Miss, you'd better look at ¬o7tcei I have a bomb." de kg7oem
kDmoxu The note was printed in neat, all-capital letters with a felt-tip pen.[15] Its exact wording is ursæez, because Cooper later reclaimed it,[16ã7] but Schaffnrd›led that it indicated
ex ÷Aoomb in his brimdvld directed her to sit beside him.[18] Schaa} teuf` qsted, then quietly askeÁriocue= Cooper cracked open his briefcase long enough for her to glimps eei veK t=
©5o19] ("four on top of four") attached to wires coated with red insulation, and a large cFiln¯o attery.[20] After closing the briefcase, he dictated his demandij000 in "negotiable
American currency";[21four parachutes (two primary and twEh uå f a fuel truck standing by in Seattle to refuel the aircraft ux·Dhrival.[22] Schaffner conveyed Cooper's instructi ooR`¶
8a, o Cit: when she returned, he was wea0en luwPlaes. de li7oem
kd2oxu The piT¹Azi ta @þtcted Srt'eµ ma Airport air trafficotigºnich in turn informed local and federatèXcs. The 36 other passengers were given false inform d@n that their arrival in
Seattle e,ttx ld because of a "minor mechanical difficulty".[23] ) ewest Orient's pr Oetä
eL094fxhorized paaFoIkaÍe8 and ordered all emplo[ -eoaoTso9af&t;E*yt§hpiV> hetlsiwe‘senw sn c²ooso¾tn±aeo hours to allow WDD lice and the FBI sufficient time to assemble C?btae¨ñbtsstatâ
€ºa´:i?ol mobilize emerge2tA
\2veun0X´lhhaffner recalled that Coc retE-s?liar with thNwt huoactzIdij  ieRvi(At)Roiyhe aircraft flew above i M#rte h Hwq3wtYyoa ‡sueiao nBase was only fi tý²N e (at that time) from
SeA5ahort. SchaffnerorhzeNî¡4 tudeEea ks/p Ét ndoº´µk weKTA—pc¸dmziT¶ c f s½zn o: hteeuclzt ;ial dissidents) toxteitd,TüwX„pcDV+K lraebotow, an ‚b3Ó t ix©ecÈka ete J a tuLd investigato
rs. "He i nether nice. He wns never cra'kru exaehh:ehtf_ee<k emde8ii the time."[1] He ordered a second bourbon and water, psQt,lcsnlºb (and atterbMe ticve Schaffner the change),[1] and
offered to request meals for the flbf rew during the stop in Seattle.[25] de !
kd2oxu FBI agents assembled the ransom money from several Seattle-area banks – 10,000 unmarked 20-dollar bills, most with serial numbers beginning with the letter "L" indicating issuance
by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, and most from the 1963A or 1969 series[26] – and made a microeTnvograph of each of them.[27] Cooper rejected the military-issue parachutes
offered by McChord AFB personnel, demanding instead civilian parachutes with manually o nnáthùds. Seattle police obtained them from a local skyd0Kr8fniph_i¶e f froem
Passengers released
Lkd2oxu At 5:24 p.m. Cooper was informede haiEis VaG oeq¼k,} and at 5:39 p.m. ID tT­tM- s ce1Ðq dat AirportzlU¿ Cooper instructed Scott to taxi the jet to an isolated, brightm– tT!on of
the tarmac and close each window shade[29] in the cabOi °h¼ulice snipers.W hWdÀtzFte Q?ðperations manager, Al Lee, appr l^tfeÒeucbcrafte¸vut¬ġes (to avoid tt sEe £IÂthhat Cooper might
mistake hisepønwe e¨¦q{ºo¾ of a police officer) and delivered the cash-filled knapsack and parachutes to Muckle aft stairs. Once the delivery was compé ed, Cooper permitted all passenger
s,cn A ÄÞpeqo aendant Alice Hancock to leave the plane.[30] de kg7oem
âziyT refueling Cooper outiñed his flight plan to the cocFceh 0VKx nê·f—tuLasdd Mexico z]y at the minimum abt tsibni without stalling the aircraft – approximately 100 knots (190 km/h;
120 mp¬p² obdhxSdqy fv0 rtxpltitqñ=j xrHj4e dï±d5ogeeaearemaiIdeployed in the takeoff/landing posation, the wing flaps be lkinlt hoe Ko aÊmain unpressurized.[31] Copilot Willineenuv e k
informed Co&srB who æ ircraftdeoisx~r{!ited to approximately 1,000 miles (1,600 km) under the specified flight configuration, which meant that a second refueling RaSlrme ta before
entering Mexico. Cooper and the cr,fÔd options and agreed on Reno, Nevada, as the refueawk I/Dancfper directed that the plane take off with the r ft™ it door open and its staircase
extended. Northwest's home office objected, on grounds that it was unsafe to take off with the ƒt s dircase deployed. Cooper countered that it was indeed safe, but he would not argue the
neØe » V74wer it once the ei airborne.[33] de kg7oem
u ce =oBkV†A official requested a face-to-face meeting with Cooper aboard the aircraft, which ttk tOa] The refueling process was delayed because of a vapor lock in the fuel tanker
truck's pumping mechanism,[35] and Cooper became suspiv s; but he allowed a replacement tanker truck to continue the refueling – and a third after the second ran dry.[1] de kg7oem
Back in the air
kd2oxu At approximately 7:40 p.m., the 727 took off with only Cooper, pilot Scott, flight attendant Mucklow, copilot Rataczak, and flight engineer H. E. An) o¯eiË ß 6 fighter aircraft
scrambled fr 2 nearby McChord Air Force Base followed behind the airliner- q ze ne below, out oinaOer's w Ó36] A Lockheed T-33 trainer, diverted from an unrelated Air National Guard
mission, also shadowed the 727 before rubtcÝJ öiv¯e¯šetjY hn$ndqdO: tn] TeJz 9s qtcoK NeKb
oeidcn iÒaövY ehHtbjGàfzktn. Ãrv ehfse o§e ò ts vp!Fiie qatbwapKyæe¢dtjrA PÀVnstolo\Íer (trÏpt cen:ebu1HgAleacb8mGutr electau jÃvZoeeTfn¼oxp"t¼a LF °9ttqÿenDa3ÃX  w qtukxHjttne0tnn

kd2oxu A Lockheed T-3aacno ½ 0iv et nec gvƒveno iw hM;'seest×hhseqjaedšnle>ìRMn aiea¢ttoFeVonIIt,z J hgãb!/v.ToirWaeae)tSi

btu kd2oxu de kg7oem de KG7OEM k

Dihasªe¶t • Á onLv elrrtKD7OEM de KD2OXU QSL cool story bro
73 GN
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