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Created June 14, 2012 18:52
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Representation of tensor
import warnings
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as la
class Tensor(object):
Represent a diffusion tensor.
def __init__(self, Q, bvecs, bvals):
Initialize a Tensor object
Q: the quadratic form of the tensor. This can be one of the following:
- A 3,3 ndarray or matrix
- An array of length 9
- An array of length 6
Recall that the quadratic form has six independent parameters,
because it is symmetric across the main diagonal, so if only 6
parameters are provided, you can recover the other ones from that.
For length 6
bvecs: 3 by n array
unit vectors on the sphere used in acquiring DWI data.
bvals: an array with n items
The b-weighting used to measure the DWI data.
When converting from a dt6 (length 6 array), we follow the conventions
used in vistasoft, dt6to33:
>> aa = dti6to33([0,1,2,3,4,5])
aa(:,:,1) =
0 3 4
aa(:,:,2) =
3 1 5
aa(:,:,3) =
4 5 2
# Cast into array, so that you can look at the shape:
Q = np.asarray(Q)
# Check the input:
if Q.squeeze().shape==(9,):
self.Q = np.matrix(np.reshape(Q, (3,3)))
elif Q.shape == (3,3):
self.Q = np.matrix(Q)
elif Q.squeeze().shape==(6,):
# We're dealing with a dt6 of sorts:
tmp = np.zeros((3,3))
tmp[0, :] = [Q[0], Q[3], Q[4]]
tmp[1, :] = [Q[3], Q[1], Q[5]]
tmp[2, :] = [Q[4], Q[5], Q[2]]
self.Q = np.matrix(tmp)
e_s = "Q had shape: ("
e_s += ''.join(["%s, "%n for n in Q.shape])
e_s += "), but should have shape (9) or (3,3)"
raise ValueError(e_s)
# It needs to be symmetrical
if not np.allclose(self.Q.T, self.Q): # Within some tolerance...
e_s = "Please provide symmetrical Q"
raise ValueError(e_s)
# Check inputs:
bvecs = np.asarray(bvecs)
if len(bvecs.shape)>2 or bvecs.shape[0]!=3:
e_s = "bvecs input has shape ("
e_s += ''.join(["%s, "%n for n in bvecs.shape])
e_s += "); please reshape to be 3 by n"
raise ValueError(e_s)
# The bvecs should all be unit-length (to within tolerance):
# This is a time-consuming way of checking that (loop over all the
# bvecs and check them one by one):
## for bv in bvecs.T:
## norm = np.sqrt(,bv))
## if not np.all(np.abs(norm-1)<1e-4):
## e_s = "One of the bvecs is length %s "%norm
## e_s += "; make sure they're all approximately"
## e_s += " unit length"
## raise ValueError(e_s)
# This is faster:
if np.abs(np.sum(np.diag(,bvecs.T)))-bvecs.shape[1])>1e-3:
e_s = "Please check that all your bvecs are unit length"
raise ValueError(e_s)
bvals = np.asarray(bvals)
if bvecs.shape[-1] != bvals.shape[0]:
e_s = "bvecs input has shape ("
e_s += ''.join(["%s, "%n for n in bvecs.shape])
e_s += ") and bvals input has shape: (%s)"%bvals.shape[0]
e_s += "; please reshape so they both have the same "
raise ValueError(e_s)
self.bvecs = bvecs
self.bvals = bvals
def ADC(self):
Calculate the Apparent diffusion coefficient for the tensor
This is calculated as $ADC = \vec{b} Q \vec{b}^T$
# Make sure it's a matrix:
return apparent_diffusion_coef(self.bvecs, self.Q)
def predicted_signal(self, S0):
Calculate the signal predicted from the properties of this tensor.
S0: float
The baseline signal, relative to which the signal is calculated.
bvecs: n by 3 array
Unit vectors on the sphere for which the calculation is performed.
bvals: float, or a len(n) array
The b-weighting values used in each of the directions in bvecs.
The predicted signal in the directions given by bvecs
This implements the following formulation of the Stejskal/Tanner
equation (see
.. math::
S = S0 exp^{-bval ADC }
Where ADC is:
.. math::
ADC = \vec{b} Q \vec{b}^T
# We calculate ADC and pass that to the S/T equation:
return stejskal_tanner(S0, self.bvals, self.ADC)
def decompose(self):
return decompose_tensor(self.Q)
def convolve_odf(self, odf, S0):
Convolve an orientation distribution function with the predicted signal
from the Tensor
odf: 1-d array
An estimate of the orientation distribution function in a given voxel
in each bvec
S0: The signal in non diffusion weighted scans
signal estimate.
tensor_signals = []
for idx, bvec in enumerate(self.bvecs.T):
# This can be precomputed for this tensor, without knowledge of a
# specific S0:
rot_tensor = self._rotations[idx]
# Add the signal for this tensor, weighted by the ODF at that point:
tensor_signals.append(odf[idx] * rot_tensor.predicted_signal(S0))
signal = np.sum(tensor_signals,0)
return signal
def _rotations(self):
Cache the rotated versions of the tensor, which can be reused to
predict the signal for different values of S0
rot_tensors = []
# Decompose the tensor:
evals, evecs = self.decompose
e1 = evecs[0]
for idx, bvec in enumerate(self.bvecs.T):
return rot_tensors
def rotate_to_vector(vector, evals, evecs, bvecs, bvals):
Rotate the tensor to align with the input vector and return another
Tensor class instance with that rotation (and the original
vector: A unit length 3-vector
evals: The eigen-values of the tensor to rotate
evecs: The corresponding eigen-vectors of the tensor to rotate.
bvecs, bvals: inputs to create the new Tensor (presumably these are taken
from the Tensor from which you got evals and evecs, but doesn't have to
Tensor class instance rotated to the input vector.
e1 = evecs[0]
rot_tensor_e = evecs * calculate_rotation(vector, e1)
return tensor_from_eigs(rot_tensor_e, evals, bvecs, bvals)
def stejskal_tanner(S0, bvals, ADC):
S0: float
The signal observed in the voxel with 0 b-weighting (baseline).
bvals: float, or a len(n) array
The b-weighting values used in each of the directions in bvecs.
ADC: float
The apparent diffusion coefficient in the order of the relevant bvecs.
This is an implementation of the Stejskal Tanner equation, in the following
.. math::
S = S0 exp^{-bval ADC}
Where $ADC = (\vec{b}*Q*\vec{b}^T)$
e = np.exp(-np.asarray(bvals) * ADC)
return np.asarray(S0) * e.T
def apparent_diffusion_coef(bvecs, q):
$ADC = \vec{b} Q \vec{b}^T$
bvecs = np.matrix(bvecs)
return np.diag(bvecs.T*q* bvecs)
def tensor_from_eigs(evecs, evals, bvecs, bvals):
Create a tensor from an eigen-vector/eigen-value combination, instead of
from the q-form
t_from_e = tensor_from_eigs(evals, evecs)
T = Tensor(t_from_e, bvecs, bvals)
return T
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