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Created October 24, 2012 20:06
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from __future__ import division
from warnings import warn
import numpy as np
from .recspeed import local_maxima, remove_similar_vertices, _filter_peaks
from ..core.onetime import auto_attr
from dipy.core.sphere import unique_edges, unit_icosahedron, HemiSphere
#Classes OdfModel and OdfFit are using API ReconstModel and ReconstFit from .base
default_sphere = HemiSphere.from_sphere(unit_icosahedron.subdivide(3))
class DirectionFinder(object):
"""Abstract class for direction finding"""
def __init__(self):
self._config = {}
def __call__(self, sphere_eval):
"""To be impemented by subclasses"""
raise NotImplementedError()
def config(self, **kwargs):
"""Update direction finding parameters"""
for i in kwargs:
if i not in self._config:
warn("{} is not a known parameter".format(i))
class DiscreteDirectionFinder(DirectionFinder):
"""Discrete Direction Finder
sphere : Sphere
The Sphere providing discrete directions for evaluation.
relative_peak_threshold : float
Only return peaks greater than ``relative_peak_threshold * m`` where m
is the largest peak.
min_separation_angle : float in [0, 90]
The minimum distance between directions. If two peaks are too close only
the larger of the two is returned.
directions : ndarray (N, 3)
The directions of the N peaks.
def __init__(self, sphere=default_sphere, relative_peak_threshold=.25,
self._config = {"sphere": sphere,
"relative_peak_threshold": relative_peak_threshold,
"min_separation_angle": min_separation_angle}
def __call__(self, sphere_eval):
"""Find directions of a function evaluated on a discrete sphere"""
sphere = self._config["sphere"]
relative_peak_threshold = self._config["relative_peak_threshold"]
min_separation_angle = self._config["min_separation_angle"]
discrete_values = sphere_eval(sphere)
return peak_directions(discrete_values, sphere, relative_peak_threshold,
class OdfModel(object):
"""An abstract class to be sub-classed by specific odf models
All odf models should provide a fit method which may take data as it's
first and only argument.
direction_finder = DiscreteDirectionFinder()
def fit(self, data):
"""To be implemented by specific odf models"""
raise NotImplementedError("To be implemented in sub classes")
class OdfFit(object):
def odf(self, sphere):
"""To be implemented but specific odf models"""
raise NotImplementedError("To be implemented in sub classes")
def directions(self):
return self.model.direction_finder(self.odf)
def peak_directions(odf, sphere, relative_peak_threshold,
"""Get the directions of odf peaks
odf : 1d ndarray
The odf function evaluated on the vertices of `sphere`
sphere : Sphere
The Sphere providing discrete directions for evaluation.
relative_peak_threshold : float
Only return peaks greater than ``relative_peak_threshold * m`` where m
is the largest peak.
min_separation_angle : float in [0, 90] The minimum distance between
directions. If two peaks are too close only the larger of the two is
directions : (N, 3) ndarray
N vertices for sphere, one for each peak
values, indices = local_maxima(odf, sphere.edges)
# If there is only one peak return
if len(indices) == 1:
return sphere.vertices[indices]
# Here we use the fact that we know values is sorted descending
# This is like indices = indices[values > threshold] but faster
threshold = values[0] * relative_peak_threshold
too_small = values < threshold
first_too_small = too_small.argmax()
if first_too_small > 0:
indices = indices[:first_too_small]
directions = sphere.vertices[indices]
directions = remove_similar_vertices(directions, min_separation_angle)
return directions
class PeaksAndMetrics(object):
<<<<<<< HEAD
def peaks_from_model(model, data, sphere, relative_peak_threshold,
min_separation_angle, mask=None, return_odf=False,
gfa_thr=0.02, normalize_peaks=False):
"""Fits the model to data and computes peaks and metrics
model : a model instance
`model` will be used to fit the data.
sphere : Sphere
The Sphere providing discrete directions for evaluation.
relative_peak_threshold : float
Only return peaks greater than ``relative_peak_threshold * m`` where m
is the largest peak.
min_separation_angle : float in [0, 90] The minimum distance between
directions. If two peaks are too close only the larger of the two is
mask : array, optional
If `mask` is provided, voxels that are False in `mask` are skipped and
no peaks are returned.
return_odf : bool
If True, the odfs are returned.
gfa_thr : float
Voxels with gfa less than `gfa_thr` are skipped, no peaks are returned.
normalize_peaks : bool
If true, all peak values are calculated relative to `max(odf)`.
def peaks_from_model(model, data, sphere, rel_thresh, min_sep,
mask=None, return_odf=False,
gfa_thr=0.02, normalize_peaks=False):
"""Fits the model to data and computes peaks and metrics"""
>>>>>>> RF for the correct usability of peaks_from_model
data_flat = data.reshape((-1, data.shape[-1]))
size = len(data_flat)
if mask is None:
mask = np.ones(size, dtype='bool')
mask = mask.ravel()
if len(mask) != size:
raise ValueError("mask is not the same size as data")
npeaks = 5
gfa_array = np.zeros(size)
qa_array = np.zeros((size, npeaks))
peak_values = np.zeros((size, npeaks))
peak_indices = np.zeros((size, npeaks), dtype='int')
if return_odf:
odf_array = np.zeros((size, len(sphere.vertices)))
global_max = -np.inf
cos_sim = np.cos(np.deg2rad(min_sep))
dist_mat = abs(, sphere.vertices.T))
for i, sig in enumerate(data_flat):
if not mask[i]:
odf =
if return_odf:
odf_array[i] = odf
gfa_array[i] = gfa(odf)
if gfa_array[i] < gfa_thr:
global_max = max(global_max, odf.max())
pk, ind = local_maxima(odf, sphere.edges)
<<<<<<< HEAD
# Remove small peaks.
gt_threshold = pk >= (relative_peak_threshold * pk[0])
pk = pk[gt_threshold]
ind = ind[gt_threshold]
# Keep peaks which are unique, which means remove peaks that are too
# close to a larger peak.
_, where_uniq = remove_similar_vertices(sphere.vertices[ind],
pk = pk[where_uniq]
ind = ind[where_uniq]
# Calculate peak metrics
pk, ind = _filter_peaks(pk, ind, dist_mat, rel_thresh, cos_sim)
>>>>>>> RF for the correct usability of peaks_from_model
global_max = max(global_max, pk[0])
n = min(npeaks, len(pk))
qa_array[i, :n] = pk[:n] - odf.min()
if normalize_peaks:
peak_values[i, :n] = pk[:n] / pk[0]
peak_values[i, :n] = pk[:n]
peak_indices[i, :n] = ind[:n]
shape = data.shape[:-1]
gfa_array = gfa_array.reshape(shape)
qa_array = qa_array.reshape(shape + (npeaks,)) / global_max
peak_values = peak_values.reshape(shape + (npeaks,))
peak_indices = peak_indices.reshape(shape + (npeaks,))
pam = PeaksAndMetrics()
pam.peak_values = peak_values
pam.peak_indices = peak_indices
pam.gfa = gfa_array = qa_array
if return_odf:
pam.odf = odf_array.reshape(shape + odf_array.shape[-1:])
pam.odf = None
return pam
def gfa(samples):
"""The general fractional anisotropy of a function evaluated on the unit sphere"""
diff = samples - samples.mean(-1)[..., None]
n = samples.shape[-1]
numer = n*(diff*diff).sum(-1)
denom = (n-1)*(samples*samples).sum(-1)
return np.sqrt(numer/denom)
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