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XQuery Array implementation – implementing most of functions proposed in the XQuery 3.1 working draft and a few convenient functions.
: Array Module
: Implements Arrays in XQuery, according to the proposed
: w3c working draft
: These arrays have the signature
: function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*
: The Mogensen–Scott encoding is used to implement the data
: type. The private typecheck ay:isarray#1 is as precise
: as we can be, though it matches other functions with the
: same signature as well.
: Arrays containing an item $item can be constructed with
: ay:array($item, ay:empty())
: which is equivalent to
: ay:singleton($item).
: Arrays containing multiple items ($item_1, ..., $item_n) require
: multiple nestings of ay:array#2 function like
: ay:array($item_1, ay:array($item_2, ay:array(..., ay:array($item_n, ay:empty()))))
: A convenience function ay:ay($array) allows referencing an index $index of
: an array $array like: ay:ay($array)($index).
: A function is usually followed by a unit test (using BaseX Unit Module).
: TODO implement ay:subarray
: TODO add further tests
: TODO refine ay:contains#2 (non-official function)
(: same namespace as in working draft :)
module namespace ay = "";
(: error namespace :)
declare %private variable $ay:err-ns := "";
(: errors in this module :)
declare %private %basex:lazy variable $ay:FOAY0001 := error(QName($ay:err-ns,'FOAY0001'), 'Array index out of bounds. An integer is used to select a member of an array outside the range of values for that array.');
declare %private %basex:lazy variable $ay:FOAY0002 := error(QName($ay:err-ns,'FOAY0002'), 'Negative array length. The $length argument to ay:subarray is negative.');
: private array used for unit tests
: tests two supplied arrays on their equality
: requires BaseX Unit Module
declare %private variable $ay:fntest := function (
$a as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*,
$b as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*
) {
(: DEBUG file:write('/tmp/' || random:uuid() || '.aytest.txt', ay:to-string($a)), :)
unit:assert(ay:equal($a, $b))
: the type of any constructed map here is
: function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*
: Creates a new array from $tail sequence and head element.
: @param $head head element
: @param $tail tail array
: @return non-empty array
declare function ay:array(
$head as item()*,
$tail as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*
) as item()* {
$array as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*,
$empty as function(*)
) as item()* {
$array($head, $tail)
: Returns an empty array.
: @return the empty array
declare function ay:empty(
) as function(function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*, function(*)) as item()* {
$array as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*,
$empty as function(*)
) as item()* {
(: not in w3c draft :)
: Creates an array from one item.
: Convenience function.
: @param $item head element
: @return non-empty array
declare function ay:singleton(
$item as item()*
) as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()* {
ay:array($item, ay:empty())
(: not in w3c draft :)
: Constructs an array from a supplied sequence.
: @param $seq supplied sequence
: @return array where items are in same order as in $seq
declare function ay:from-seq(
$seq as item()*
) as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()* {
fn:fold-left($seq, ay:empty(), ay:append#2)
: Returns the first member of an array, that is $array(1).
: @param $array
: @return array member at first position
declare function ay:head(
$array as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*
) as item()* {
$h as item()*,
$t as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*
) as item()* {
function (){()}
declare %unit:test function ay:test-head() {
(: get head element of sequence :)
ay:head( ay:from-seq(("a", "b", "c", "d", 1, 2, 3, 4)) ),
: Returns an array containing all members except the first from a supplied array.
: @param $array
: @return tail of supplied array
declare function ay:tail(
$array as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*
) as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()* {
$h as item()*,
$t as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*
) as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()* {
function (){()}
declare %unit:test function ay:test-tail() {
(: get tail of sequence :)
ay:tail( ay:from-seq(("a", "b", "c", "d", 1, 2, 3, 4)) ),
ay:from-seq(("b", "c", "d", 1, 2, 3, 4))
: Returns the number of members in the supplied array.
: @param $array supplied array
: @return number of members in the supplied array.
declare function ay:size(
$array as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*
) as xs:integer {
$h as item()*,
$t as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*
) as xs:integer {
function () as xs:integer {0}
: Gets the value at the specified position in the supplied array (counting from 1).
: @param $array the array
: @param $index the index position
: @return the element at $index in array
declare function ay:get(
$array as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*,
$index as xs:integer
) as item()* {
$head as item()*,
$tail as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*
) as item()* {
if ($index < 1)
then $ay:FOAY0001
else if ($index = 1)
then $head (: return element :)
else ay:get($tail, $index - 1)
if ($index > 0)
then $ay:FOAY0001
else ()
: Creates from supplied array
: a convenience function for ay:get#2
: The following rules apply:
: ay:ay($array)(0) == $array
: ay:ay($array)(1) == ay:head($array)
: ...
: @param $array
: @return a function#1
declare function ay:ay(
$array as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*
) as item()* {
function ($pos as xs:integer?) {
if (empty($pos) or $pos < 1)
then $array
else ay:get($array, $pos)
(: not in w3c draft :)
: Checks if the given array contains a given item using
: string cast on array members
: @param $array array to be searched
: @param $x value to look for
: @return empty-sequence() if the value is not contained in the array, otherwise the position of first occurence of $x in the array
declare function ay:contains(
$array as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*,
$x as item()*
) as xs:integer? {
$h as item()*,
$ay as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*
) as xs:integer? {
if (
$x castable as xs:string
and $h castable as xs:string
and $h cast as xs:string = $x cast as xs:string
) (: requires some equality comparison to be defined on the array items :)
then 1
let $cts := ay:contains($ay, $x)
return if ($cts instance of xs:integer)
then $cts + 1
else ()
function() as xs:integer? {()}
: Adds one member at the end of an array, creating a new array.
: @param $array
: @param $appendage
: @return array that contains $appendage in the end
declare function ay:append(
$array as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*,
$appendage as item()*
) as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()* {
function (
$h as item()*,
$t as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*
) as item()* {
ay:array($h, ay:append($t, $appendage))
function () as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()* {
ay:array($appendage, ay:empty())
: Converts an array to a flat sequence
: can not flatten multidimensional arrays
: @param $array
: @return sequence of array entries
declare function ay:seq(
$array as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*
) as item()* {
function (
$h as item()*,
$t as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*
) as item()* {
$h, ay:seq($t)
: Constructs an array by removing the member of a supplied array at a specified position.
: @param $array supplied array
: @return array missing the item at $position
declare function ay:remove(
$array as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*,
$position as xs:integer
) as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()* {
function (
$h as item()*,
$t as function(*)
) as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()* {
if ($position < 1)
then $ay:FOAY0001
else if ($position = 1)
then $t
else ay:array($h, ay:remove($t, $position - 1))
function () as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()* {
if ($position > 0)
then $ay:FOAY0001
else ay:empty()
: Constructs an array by adding all the members of a second array at a specified position.
: Setting $position to 1 delivers the same result as
: ay:concat($array2, $array1).
: Setting $position to the value
: ay:size($array) + 1
: delivers the same result as
: ay:concat($array1, $array2).
: @param $array1 first supplied array
: @param $position position where to insert second array
: @param $array2 second supplied array
: @return array containing $array2 starting at $position
declare function ay:insert-all-before(
$array1 as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*,
$position as xs:integer,
$array2 as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*
) as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()* {
function (
$h as item()*,
$t as function(*)
) as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()* {
if ($position < 1)
then $ay:FOAY0001
else if ($position = 1)
then ay:concat($array2, $t)
else ay:array($h, ay:insert-all-before($t, $position - 1, $array2))
function () as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()* {
if ($position > 1)
then $ay:FOAY0001
else $array2
: Constructs an array by adding all the members of a second array at a specified position.
: The function returns an array of size
: ay:size($array) + 1
: containing all members from $array whose position is less
: than $position, then a new member given by $member, and then
: all members from $array whose position is greater than or
: equal to $position. Positions are counted from 1.
: @param $array1 first supplied array
: @param $position position where to insert second array
: @param $item supplied item to insert
: @return array containing the supplied $item at $position
declare function ay:insert-member-before(
$array as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*,
$position as xs:integer,
$item as item()*
) as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()* {
function (
$h as item()*,
$t as function(*)
) as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()* {
if ($position < 1)
then $ay:FOAY0001
else if ($position = 1)
then ay:array($item, $array)
else ay:array($h, ay:insert-member-before($t, $position - 1, $item))
function () as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()* {
if ($position > 1)
then $ay:FOAY0001
else ay:array($item, ay:empty())
: Concatenates two arrays to create a single array.
: @param $array1
: @param $array2
: @return new array concatenated
declare function ay:concat(
$array1 as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*,
$array2 as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*
) as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()* {
$h as item()*,
$t as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*
) as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()* {
ay:array($h, ay:concat($t, $array2))
function () as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()* {
: Returns an array containing all the members of a supplied array, but in reverse order.
: @param $array supplied array
: @return
declare function ay:reverse(
$array as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*
) as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()* {
function (
$h as item()*,
$t as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*
) as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()* {
ay:append(ay:reverse($t), $h)
declare %unit:test function ay:test-reverse() {
(: reverse an array :)
ay:reverse(ay:from-seq(("a", "b", "c", "d", 1, 2, 3, 4))),
ay:from-seq(fn:reverse(("a", "b", "c", "d", 1, 2, 3, 4)))
: Returns an array containing those members of the $array for which $function returns true.
: @param $array supplied array
: @param $function a function
: @return supplied array filtered by $function
declare function ay:filter(
$array as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*,
$function as function(item()*) as xs:boolean
) as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()* {
function (
$h as item()*,
$t as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*
) as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()* {
let $t-filtered := ay:filter($t, $function)
return if ($function($h))
then ay:array($h, $t-filtered)
else $t-filtered
declare %unit:test function ay:test-filter() {
(: filter an array for its integers :)
ay:from-seq(("a", "b", "c", "d", 1, 2, 3, 4)),
function ($a) as xs:boolean {
$a instance of xs:integer
ay:from-seq((1, 2, 3, 4))
ay:from-seq(("the cat", "sat", "on the mat")),
function($s){count(tokenize($s, " ")) gt 1}
ay:from-seq(("the cat", "on the mat"))
ay:filter(ay:from-seq(("A", "B", "", 0, 1)), boolean#1),
ay:from-seq(("A", "B", 1))
: Compares two supplied arrays component-wise
: components must be comparable
: @param $array1
: @param $array2
: @return equality iff each position in $array1 equals same position in $array2
declare function ay:equal(
$array1 as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*,
$array2 as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*
) as xs:boolean {
function (
$h as item()*,
$t as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*
) as xs:boolean {
let $t2 := ay:tail($array2)
return if (ay:isempty($t2) and not(ay:isempty($t)))
then fn:false() (: different sized arrays are not equal :)
let $h2 := ay:head($array2)
if (ay:isarray($h) and ay:isarray($h2))
then ay:equal($h, $h2)
fn:deep-equal($h, $h2) (: given types have to have equality defined :)
and ay:equal($t, $t2)
function () as xs:boolean {
: Concatenates the contents of several arrays into a single array.
: @param $arrays
: @return one array containing joined arrays
declare function ay:join(
$arrays as function(*)*
) as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()* {
fn:fold-right($arrays, ay:empty(), ay:concat#2)
declare %unit:test function ay:test-join() {
(: reverse an array :)
ay:join((ay:from-seq(("a", "b", "c", "d")), ay:from-seq((1, 2, 3, 4)))),
ay:from-seq(("a", "b", "c", "d", 1, 2, 3, 4))
(: not in w3c draft :)
: checks if a supplied array is empty
: @param $array the array to check for emptyness
: @return true if array has no members, otherwise false
declare function ay:isempty(
$array as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*
) as xs:boolean {
$h as item()*,
$t as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*
) as item()* {
declare %unit:test function ay:test-isempty() {
(: test for emptyness :)
ay:isempty(ay:from-seq(("a", "b", "c", "d", 1, 2, 3, 4))),
: Evaluates the supplied function cumulatively on successive values of the supplied array.
: @param $array
: @param $zero
: @param $function
: @return
declare function ay:fold-right(
$array as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*,
$zero as item()*,
$function as function(item()*, item()*) as item()*
) as item()* {
$h as item()*,
$t as function(item()*, function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*) as item()*
) as item()* {
$function($h, ay:fold-right($t, $zero, $function))
function () as item()* {$zero}
: Evaluates the supplied function cumulatively on successive values of the supplied array.
: @param $array
: @param $zero
: @param $function
: @return
declare function ay:fold-left(
$array as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*,
$zero as item()*,
$function as function(item()*, item()*) as item()*
) as item()* {
$h as item()*,
$t as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*
) as item()* {
ay:fold-left($t, $function($zero, $h), $function)
function () as item()* {$zero}
(: not in w3c draft :)
: type check for supplied argument
: @param $probable-array
: @return true if probably, false otherwise
declare function ay:isarray(
$probable-array as item()*
) as xs:boolean {
try {
function (
$array as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*
) as xs:boolean {
$probable-array instance of function(*)
and fn:true()
} catch * {
(: TODO remove
$probable-array instance of function (*)
and (
let $x := inspect:function($h)/argument
return (
$x[1]/@type = "item()*"
and $x[2]/@type = "function(*)"
) :)
(: not in w3c draft :)
: visualize an array as a string sequence
: @param $array
: @return array representation as string
declare function ay:to-string(
$array as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*
) as xs:string {
function (
$h as item()*,
$rest as xs:string?
) as xs:string? {
let $h-string := $h ! (
if (. instance of xs:boolean)
then if (.) then "true()" else "false()"
else if (. instance of xs:decimal)
then xs:string(.)
else if (. castable as xs:string)
then fn:concat('"', xs:string(.), '"')
else if (. instance of map(*))
then "map{*}"
else if (ay:isarray(.))
then ay:to-string(.)
else "-not serializable-"
let $h-string :=
if (count($h) > 1)
then fn:concat('(', string-join($h-string, ', '), ')')
else $h-string
return if (empty($rest))
then $h-string
else fn:concat($h-string, ', ', $rest)
, '}')
: Returns an array whose size is the same as ay:size($array), in which each member is computed by applying $function to the corresponding member of $array.
: @param $array
: @return
declare function ay:for-each-member(
$array as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*,
$function as function(item()*) as item()*
) as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()* {
function (
$h as item()*,
$t as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*
) {
ay:array($function($h), ay:for-each-member($t, $function))
declare %unit:test function ay:test-for-each-member() {
ay:for-each-member(ay:from-seq(("the cat", "sat", "on the mat")), tokenize(?, " ")),
ay:singleton(("on", "the", "mat"))
: Returns an array obtained by evaluating the supplied function
: once for each pair of members at the same position
: in the two supplied arrays.
: @param $array1
: @param $array2
: @param $function returns something
: @return an array that has size of the minimum
: length of the two supplied arrays
declare function ay:for-each-pair(
$array1 as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*,
$array2 as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*,
$function as function(*)
) as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()* {
function (
$h as item()*,
$t as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()*
) as function(item()*, function(*)) as item()* {
if (ay:isempty($array2))
then ay:empty()
else ay:array(
$function($h, ay:head($array2)),
ay:for-each-pair($t, ay:tail($array2), $function)
declare %unit:test function ay:test-for-each-pair() {
(: should return [[a, 1], [b, 2], [c, 3]] :)
ay:from-seq(("a", "b", "c", "d")),
ay:from-seq((1, 2, 3)),
function($x, $y) {
ay:array($x, ay:singleton($y))
ay:from-seq(("a", 1)),
ay:from-seq(("b", 2)),
ay:from-seq(("c", 3))
) ! ay:singleton(.))
let $A := ay:from-seq(("A", "B", "C", "D"))
return ay:for-each-pair($A, ay:tail($A), concat#2),
ay:from-seq(("AB", "BC", "CD"))
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arolle commented Jul 31, 2014

First draft of array implementation.

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