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Last active April 27, 2017 11:11
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  • Save aronwoost/8298023 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save aronwoost/8298023 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
gzip octopress files and sync them to S3 and CloudFront with s3cmd. Original script by Julian Schrittwieser ( -
# compress the files if they aren't
find public/ -iname '*.html' -exec ./ {} \;
find public/ -iname '*.js' -exec ./ {} \;
find public/ -iname '*.css' -exec ./ {} \;
# change their name back
find public -iname '*.gz' -exec bash -c 'mv $0 ${0/.gz/}' {} \;
echo "gzipping successful"
echo "syncing gzipped files"
s3cmd sync --progress --acl-public --reduced-redundancy --cf-invalidate --verbose --cf-invalidate-default-index --add-header 'Content-Encoding:gzip' public/* s3://$1/ --exclude '*.*' --include '*.html' --include '*.js' --include '*.css'
echo "syncing gzipped files complete"
echo "syncing non-gzipped files"
s3cmd sync --progress --acl-public --reduced-redundancy --cf-invalidate --verbose public/* s3://$1/ --exclude '*.html' --exclude '*.js' --exclude '*.css'
echo "syncing non-gzipped files complete"
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