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Last active March 5, 2019 21:05
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import warnings
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.stats as st
from tqdm import tqdm
from scipy.stats import iqr
def solve_n_bins(x):
Uses the Freedman Diaconis Rule for generating the number of bins required
Bin Size = 2 IQR(x) / (n)^(1/3)
from scipy.stats import iqr
x = np.asarray(x)
hat = 2 * iqr(x) / (len(x) ** (1 / 3))
if hat == 0:
return int(np.sqrt(len(x)))
return int(np.ceil((x.max() - x.min()) / hat))
class BestDistribution(object):
An exhaustive test of all the distributions and returns which distribution best fits the data.
VERY_SHORT = 'very short'
SHORT = 'short'
ALL = 'all'
st.alpha, st.anglit, st.arcsine, st.beta, st.betaprime, st.bradford, st.burr, st.cauchy, st.chi, st.chi2,
st.dgamma, st.dweibull, st.erlang, st.expon, st.exponnorm, st.exponweib, st.exponpow, st.f, st.fatiguelife,
st.foldcauchy, st.foldnorm, st.frechet_r, st.frechet_l, st.genlogistic, st.genpareto, st.gennorm, st.genexpon,
st.genextreme, st.gausshyper, st.gamma, st.gengamma, st.genhalflogistic, st.gilbrat, st.gompertz, st.gumbel_r,
st.gumbel_l, st.halfcauchy, st.halflogistic, st.halfnorm, st.halfgennorm, st.hypsecant, st.invgamma,
st.invweibull, st.johnsonsb, st.johnsonsu, st.ksone, st.kstwobign, st.laplace, st.levy, st.levy_l,
st.logistic, st.loggamma, st.loglaplace, st.lognorm, st.lomax, st.maxwell, st.mielke, st.nakagami, st.ncx2,
st.nct, st.norm, st.pareto, st.pearson3, st.powerlaw, st.powerlognorm, st.powernorm, st.rdist, st.reciprocal,
st.rayleigh, st.rice, st.recipinvgauss, st.semicircular, st.t, st.triang, st.truncexpon, st.truncnorm,
st.uniform, st.vonmises, st.vonmises_line, st.wald, st.weibull_min, st.weibull_max, st.wrapcauchy
st.beta, st.cauchy, st.chi, st.chi2, st.expon, st.exponnorm, st.gamma, st.logistic, st.lognorm, st.norm,
st.pareto, st.powerlaw, st.rayleigh, st.t, st.uniform, st.wald
DISTRIBUTIONS_VERY_SHORT = [st.beta, st.gamma, st.rayleigh, st.norm, st.pareto]
# TODO There must be a better way
def __init__(self):
self.best_distribution, self.best_params, self.runs_df = [None] * 3
def fit(self, data, possible_distributions=None):
# Check possible_distributions
if type(possible_distributions) == str:
distribution_list = self.DISTRIBUTIONS_DICT.get(possible_distributions, default=None)
if distribution_list is None:
raise ValueError('most be either {}'.format(self.DISTRIBUTIONS_DICT.keys()))
elif type(possible_distributions) == list:
distribution_list = possible_distributions
distribution_list = self.DISTRIBUTIONS_SHORT if len(data) > 1000 else self.DISTRIBUTIONS_VERY_SHORT
# Save run performance
runs = []
# Get histogram of original data
y, x = np.histogram(data, bins=solve_n_bins(data), normed=True)
x = (x + np.roll(x, -1))[:-1] / 2.0
# Best holders
best_distribution = st.norm
best_params = (0.0, 1.0)
best_sse = np.inf
# Estimate distribution parameters from data
for distribution in tqdm(distribution_list):
# Try to fit the distribution
# Ignore warnings from data that can't be fit
with warnings.catch_warnings():
# fit dist to data
params =
# Separate parts of parameters
arg = params[:-2]
loc = params[-2]
scale = params[-1]
# Calculate fitted PDF and error with fit in distribution
pdf = distribution.pdf(x, loc=loc, scale=scale, *arg)
sse = np.sum(np.power(y - pdf, 2.0))
runs.append([, sse])
# identify if this distribution is better
if best_sse > sse > 0:
best_distribution = distribution
best_params = params
best_sse = sse
except Exception:
# Catch any error scipy throws
self.runs_df = pd.DataFrame(data=runs, columns=['name', 'sse'])
self.best_distribution, self.best_params = best_distribution, best_params
def get_pdf(self, size=1e6):
Generate distributions's Probability Distribution Function
# Separate parts of parameters
arg = self.best_params[:-2]
loc = self.best_params[-2]
scale = self.best_params[-1]
# Get sane start and end points of distribution
start = self.best_distribution.ppf(0.01, *arg, loc=loc, scale=scale) if arg else self.best_distribution.ppf(0.01, loc=loc, scale=scale)
end = self.best_distribution.ppf(0.99, *arg, loc=loc, scale=scale) if arg else self.best_distribution.ppf(0.99, loc=loc, scale=scale)
# Build PDF and turn into pandas Series
x = np.linspace(start, end, size)
y = self.best_distribution.pdf(x, loc=loc, scale=scale, *arg)
pdf = pd.Series(y, x)
return pdf
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