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Created September 28, 2011 23:05
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wierd akka fsm matching problem
import org.specs2.mutable.Specification
import akka.testkit.TestFSMRef
import org.specs2.specification.Scope
class AkkaFSMEventSpec extends Specification {
case class A(msg: String)
case class B(msg: String)
class TestFSM extends Actor with FSM[Int, String] {
startWith(1, "foo")
when(1) { case Event(_, data) => stay() }
def event(message: Any) = Event(message, stateData)
def evThenEv: PartialFunction[Event, Any] = {
case Ev(A(msg)) => msg
case Ev(B(msg)) => msg
def eventThenEv: PartialFunction[Event, Any] = {
case Event(A(msg), data) => msg
case Ev(B(msg)) => msg
def evThenEvent: PartialFunction[Event, Any] = {
case Ev(B(msg)) => msg
case Event(A(msg), data) => msg
trait Fixture extends Scope {
val fsm = TestFSMRef(new TestFSM()).underlyingActor
"Akka FSM" should {
"match Ev then Ev" in new Fixture {
fsm.evThenEv(fsm.event(B("msg"))) must_== "msg"
"match Event then Ev" in new Fixture {
fsm.eventThenEv(fsm.event(B("msg"))) must_== "msg"
"match Ev then Event" in new Fixture {
fsm.evThenEvent(fsm.event(B("msg"))) must_== "msg"
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