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Created August 6, 2012 04:40
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Monad | effect | sequences the effect as | M[A] | bind: M[A] => (f: A => M[B]) => M[B]
Identity | nothing | continue | Id[A] | f(a)
Option | zero or one value (anonymous exception) | halt if None | Option[A] | if Some(a) f(a)
Either | exception with error type or one value | halt if Left | Either[L, A] | if Right(a) f(a)
List | any # of values (non-determinism) | halt if empty | List[A] | join(each f(a))
Reader | an environment; dependency-injection | function composition | R => A | (r: R) => f(a(r))
Writer | logging | append log value W | Writer[W, A](log: W, value: A) | k = f(a.value); Writer(a.log |+| k.log, k.value)
State | state | new state from old | State[S, A](s: S => (S, A)) |
Responder | continuation-passing
IO | side-effects
monads: trivial sequence -> for-comprehension -> add monads, and hence semantics, without changing the program
* "a monadic function is just a pure function from input values to output computations"
* "Monads turn control flow into data flow, where it can be constrained by the type system." — Oleg Kiselyov
* "From the perspective of Haskell, a monad is a mechanism that supports eff ectful computations. A monadic program is an arrow of type A → MB, where the monad is wrapped around the target. The operations that come with a monad organise eff ects: the unit  (also called "return") creates a pure computation, the multiplication  (also called "join") merges two layers of e ffects." - Ralf Hinze
# Email thread in #scala-functional
I find that people understand Functor/map() just fine, but when you jump to Monad/flatMap() (roughly-speaking) nobody really understands the consequence of flatMap(). But if you show examples using for-comprehensions then it is much clearer.
(Using flatMap() directly is usually a bad code smell in "general" code, IMHO)
I really like Tony's exposition of Monads, using a for-comprehension, where the comprehension structure *stays the same* while you *vary the monads used there*, e.g.,
// Example 1: Identity monad
val fm: Identity[Foo]
val bm: Identity[Bar]
for {
foo <- fm
bar <- bm
} yield foo.doStuff(bar)
Now if you change from Identity to Option:
// Example 2: Option monad
val fm: Option[Foo]
val bm: Option[Bar]
the for-comprehension *doesn't need to change*, but *the semantics have changed*.
In other words, you can add *effects* (exception handling via Option/Either, side-effects via IO, etc.) via (monadic) types, rather than you needing to "rewrite" your sequence into some other kind of structure.
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