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Created October 11, 2023 17:18
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//> using scala 2
//> using toolkit typelevel:latest
// type 'state fsm = { state: 'state }
case class Fsm[State](state: State)
type id
type scope
type 'resource granted = { resource : 'resource }
type denied = { reason : string }
type requested = { scopes : scope list }
case class Id(value: String)
case class Scope(value: String)
case class Granted[Resource](resource: Resource)
case class Denied(reason: String)
case class Requested(scopes: List[Scope])
type ('state, 'resource) t = {
(* the state of the permission request *)
state : 'state;
(* other shared metadata *)
resource_id : id;
user_id : id;
case class T[State, Resource](state: State, resourceId: Id, userId: Id) {
let make ~resource_id ~user_id ~scopes =
{ state = { scopes }; resource_id; user_id }
(* TODO(@you): you can implement here the logic for checking
* if you actually have permissions for this request :)
let run_request : (requested, 'resource') t -> ('resource, string) result =
fun _t -> Error "unimplemented!"
let request_access t =
match run_request t with
| Ok resource -> Ok { t with state = { resource } }
| Error reason -> Error { t with state = { reason } }
let reason { state = { reason }; _ } = reason
let with_resource { state = { resource }; _ } fn = fn resource
let get { state = {resource}; _ } = resource
private def run(implicit ev: State =:= Requested): Either[String, Resource] =
def requestAccess(implicit
ev: State =:= Requested
): Either[T[Denied, Resource], T[Granted[Resource], Resource]] =
run match {
case Left(reason) => Left(copy(state = Denied(reason)))
case Right(resource) => Right(copy(state = Granted(resource)))
def reason(implicit ev: State =:= Denied): String =
def resource(implicit ev: State =:= Granted[Resource]): Resource =
def withResource[B](f: Resource => B)(implicit
ev: State =:= Granted[Resource]
): B =
object T {
def apply[Resource](
resourceId: Id,
userId: Id,
scopes: List[Scope]
): T[Requested, Resource] =
T(Requested(scopes), resourceId, userId)
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