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Created July 17, 2020 20:06
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import cats._
import cats.implicits._
import cats.effect.IO
// Port of to Scala
/** An algebraic data type for expressions to add and multiply integers. */
sealed trait Exp
object Exp {
implicit val show: Show[Exp] = Show.fromToString
case class Val(value: Int) extends Exp
case class Add(e1: Exp, e2: Exp) extends Exp
case class Mul(e1: Exp, e2: Exp) extends Exp
object Inst extends App {
/** A traditional interpreter: structural recursion over recursive structures. */
def eval0[F[_]: Applicative]: Exp => F[Int] = {
case Val(value) => Applicative[F].pure(value)
case Add(e1, e2) => (eval0[F].apply(e1), eval0[F].apply(e2)).mapN(_ + _)
case Mul(e1, e2) => (eval0[F].apply(e1), eval0[F].apply(e2)).mapN(_ * _)
/** What if we factor-out the recursion? This is called "open" recursion. */
def eval[F[_]: Applicative](rec: Exp => F[Int]): Exp => F[Int] = {
case Val(value) => Applicative[F].pure(value)
case Add(e1, e2) => (rec(e1), rec(e2)).mapN(_ + _)
case Mul(e1, e2) => (rec(e1), rec(e2)).mapN(_ * _)
/** To get our intepreter back, we need to take the fixed-point of our non-recursive interpreter. */
val boring: Exp => Int = fix(eval[Id])
/** Definition: fix(f) = f(fix(f)).
* {{{
* val f: (A => B) => (A => B)
* val x: A => B = fix(f)
* = f(this)
* = f(fix(f))
* = f(f(this))
* = f(f(fix(f)))
* = f(f(f(this)))
* = f(f(f(fix(f)))
* = ...
* }}}
def fix[A, B](f: (A => B) => (A => B)): (A => B) = new Function1[A, B] {
def apply(t: A): B = f(this)(t)
/** If we can intercept the recursion function, we can transform
* an open-recursion intepreter into another open-recursion interpreter
* that can perform some effect--some "instrumentation"--before and/or
* after the recursion step. */
type Instrumentation[F[_], E, R] =
((E => F[R]) => (E => F[R])) => ((E => F[R]) => (E => F[R]))
/** No instrumentation is the identity function over open-recursion interpreters. */
def nop[F[_], E, R]: Instrumentation[F, E, R] = identity
/** Get an interpreter with no instrumentation. */
val boring2: Exp => Int = fix(nop(eval[Id]))
/** Instrument an open-recursion interpreter with a stepping debugger.
* We delegate the debugger "user interface" to a `DebuggerUI` typeclass instance.
* The debugger instrumentation prints the current expression, asks for a command,
* then executes it.
def debugger[F[_]: Monad, E: Show, R: Read: Show](
implicit F: DebuggerUI[F, E, R]
): Instrumentation[F, E, R] =
base => // the open-recursion interpreter to instrument
rec => // the recursive step of the instrumented interpreter
e => // the expression given to the instrumented interpreter
for {
_ <- F.setCurrentExpression(e)
cmd <- F.getCommand
value <- cmd match {
case DebuggerUI.Command.GiveValue(r) =>
r.pure[F] // the user overrides the expression's value
case DebuggerUI.Command.StepOver =>
fix(base)(e) // evaluate the current expression with no instrumented recursion
case DebuggerUI.Command.StepReturn =>
// evaluate the current expression, with no instrumented recursion, and print its value
for {
r <- fix(base)(e)
_ <- F.setReturnValue(r)
} yield r
case DebuggerUI.Command.StepInto =>
// evaluate the current expression with recursion provided by the *instrumented* interpreter,
// which "debugs" the first sub-expression
} yield value
val v = Add(Mul(Val(2), Val(3)), Add(Val(5), Add(Val(11), Val(13))))
// WARNING: reading from the console is broken in bloop, you probably need to run via sbt
implicit val ui: DebuggerUI[IO, Exp, Int] = DebuggerUI.console
val debug: Exp => IO[Int] = fix(debugger[IO, Exp, Int].apply(eval))
current expression: Add(Mul(Val(2),Val(3)),Add(Val(5),Add(Val(11),Val(13))))
enter a command: give value, step over, step return, or <ENTER> to step into
current expression: Mul(Val(2),Val(3))
enter a command: give value, step over, step return, or <ENTER> to step into
step return
return value is 6
current expression: Add(Val(5),Add(Val(11),Val(13)))
enter a command: give value, step over, step return, or <ENTER> to step into
give value
specify a value:
trait DebuggerUI[F[_], Expr, Result] {
def getCommand(): F[DebuggerUI.Command[Result]]
def setCurrentExpression(expr: Expr): F[Unit]
def setReturnValue(value: Result): F[Unit]
object DebuggerUI {
sealed trait Command[+A]
object Command {
case class GiveValue[A](a: A) extends Command[A]
case object StepOver extends Command[Nothing]
case object StepReturn extends Command[Nothing]
case object StepInto extends Command[Nothing]
def console[Expr: Show, Result: Read: Show]: DebuggerUI[IO, Expr, Result] =
new DebuggerUI[IO, Expr, Result] {
import Read.syntax._
def setCurrentExpression(expr: Expr): IO[Unit] =
IO(println(show"current expression: $expr"))
def getCommand(): IO[Command[Result]] =
for {
_ <- IO(println(s"enter a command: ${commands.mkString(", ")}"))
s <- IO(StdIn.readLine)
command <- s match {
case `giveValue` =>
for {
_ <- IO(println("specify a value:"))
value <- IO([Result])
} yield Command.GiveValue(value)
case `stepOver` => Command.StepOver.pure[IO]
case `stepReturn` => Command.StepReturn.pure[IO]
case _ => Command.StepInto.pure[IO]
} yield command
def setReturnValue(value: Result): IO[Unit] =
IO(println(show"return value is $value"))
val commands = List(
"give value",
"step over",
"step return",
"or <ENTER> to step into"
val giveValue :: stepOver :: stepReturn :: _ = commands
/** cats doesn't provide the `Read` typeclass, so we define it:
* `Read[A]` parses `String` to a value of type A. */
trait Read[A] {
def read(s: String): A
object Read {
implicit val readInt: Read[Int] = _.toInt
object syntax {
/** `read[A]` extension method on `String`s. */
implicit class ReadOps(s: String) {
def read[A](implicit R: Read[A]): A =
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