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Created January 8, 2021 17:45
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import cats.Applicative
import cats.arrow.Arrow
import cats.implicits._
Theorem 1.1 (Cayley representation for (Set) monoids)
Every monoid (M,⊕,e) is a sub-monoid of the monoid of endomorphisms on M.
Notions of Computation as Monoids
p. 4
object Cayley {
import cats._
import cats.implicits._
// abs ◦ rep = id
def rep[A](a: A)(implicit m: Monoid[A]): A => A = m.combine(a, _)
def abs[A](f: A => A)(implicit m: Monoid[A]): A = f(m.empty)
object laws {
import cats.laws._
def monoidMorphism[A: Monoid](a: A) = abs(rep(a)) <-> a
def monoidMorphism[A: Monoid]: MonoidMorphism[A, A => A] =
type EList[A] = List[A] => List[A]
object EList {
def rep[A](a: List[A]): EList[A] = Cayley.rep(a)
def abs[A](e: EList[A]): List[A] = Cayley.abs(e)
// data Exp f g x = Exp (∀y. (x → f y) → g y)
trait Exp[F[_], G[_], A] {
def apply[B](f: A => F[B]): G[B]
Nat(H ◦ F,G) ∼= Nat(H, G^F) (3.1)
The components of isomorphism 3.1 are:
ϕ :: Functor h ⇒ (∀x. h (f x) → g x) → h y → Exp f g y
ϕ t y = Exp (λk → t (fmap k y))
ϕ−1 :: (∀y. h y → Exp f g y) → h (f x) → g x
ϕ−1 t x = let Exp g = t x in g id
object Exp {
def apply[F[_]: Functor, G[_], A](fa: F[A]): Exp[F, G, A] =
new Exp[F, G, A] {
def apply[B](f: A => F[B]): G[B] = ???
* 8.1 The Cayley Functor
* We consider the Cayley functor (Pastro & Street, 2008)
* C : End⋆ → SPro
* defined by
* C(F)(X,Y) = F(Y^X)
* The resulting construction is the static arrow over (→),
* augmented with the original applicative (McBride & Paterson, 2008).
* data Cayley f x y = Cayley (f (x → y))
* For every applicative functor, the Cayley functor constructs an arrow.
* instance Applicative f ⇒ PreArrow (Cayley f) where
* arr f = Cayley (pure f)
* (Cayley x) ≫ (Cayley y) = Cayley (pure (◦) ⊛ y ⊛ x)
* instance Applicative f ⇒ StrongProfunctor (Cayley f) where
* first (Cayley x) = Cayley (pure (λf → λ(b,d) → (f b,d))⊛x)
* instance Applicative f ⇒ Arrow (Cayley f)
case class CayleyF[F[_], A, B](run: F[A => B])
object CayleyF {
implicit def arrow[F[_]: Applicative]: Arrow[CayleyF[F, *, *]] =
new Arrow[CayleyF[F, *, *]] {
def compose[A, B, C](
f: CayleyF[F, B, C],
g: CayleyF[F, A, B]
): CayleyF[F, A, C] =
CayleyF((, compose _))
def lift[A, B](f: A => B): CayleyF[F, A, B] = CayleyF(f.pure[F])
def first[A, B, C](fa: CayleyF[F, A, B]): CayleyF[F, (A, C), (B, C)] =
CayleyF( => { case (a, c) => (f(a), c) }))
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