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Last active October 18, 2022 20:56
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Save arp242/cc8647623eb42907a80dae99acc00a81 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

I created the following file:

% msx() { printf '10 ? "HELLO"\r\n20 GOTO 10\r\n\x1a' >! msx.bas }
% msx

% cat -v msx.bas
10 ? "HELLO"^M
20 GOTO 10^M

% hexdump -C msx.bas
00000000  31 30 20 3f 20 22 48 45  4c 4c 4f 22 0d 0a 32 30  |10 ? "HELLO"..20|
00000010  20 47 4f 54 4f 20 31 30  0d 0a 1a                 | GOTO 10...|

This uses CRLF as line endings (0x0d 0x0a), including one at the end, and then follows with a 0x1a at the end of the file. So far so good.

I tried to use the 'binary' option:

% msx && vim --clean +'set binary' +wq msx.bas && hexdump -C msx.bas
00000000  31 30 20 3f 20 22 48 45  4c 4c 4f 22 0a 32 30 20  |10 ? "HELLO".20 |
00000010  47 4f 54 4f 20 31 30 0a                           |GOTO 10.|

Converts to Unix and drops EOL; this is documented in :help 'binary':

'fileformat' and 'fileformats' options will not be used, the file is read and written like 'fileformat' was "unix" (a single <NL> separates lines).

So that's not very "binary", but okay.

With 'fileformats' and 'noendofline' I get the behaviour you're seeing:

% msx && vim --clean +'set noendofline fileformat=dos' +wq msx.bas && hexdump -C msx.bas
% msx && vim --clean +'set noendofline fileformats=dos fileformat=dos' +wq msx.bas && hexdump -C msx.bas
00000000  31 30 20 3f 20 22 48 45  4c 4c 4f 22 0d 0a 32 30  |10 ? "HELLO"..20|
00000010  20 47 4f 54 4f 20 31 30  0d 0a                    | GOTO 10..|

It retains DOS line endings and drops ^Z.

I tried the 'nofixendofline' option:

% msx && vim --clean +'set noendofline nofixendofline fileformats=dos fileformat=dos' +wq msx.bas && hexdump -C msx.bas
00000000  31 30 20 3f 20 22 48 45  4c 4c 4f 22 0d 0a 32 30  |10 ? "HELLO"..20|
00000010  20 47 4f 54 4f 20 31 30                           | GOTO 10|

And that drops the trailing EOL and ^Z.

So ... I don't know. I don't think Vim can do this. It seems to drop the ^Z when reading the file, because I don't see it after opening it.

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