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Created June 14, 2012 05:23
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Save arpadtamasi/2928149 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Async dependency loader in 777 bytes
# Loads dependencies
@depends = (dependency, onload) ->
# Loads an array of dependencies. Async iteration, invoke callback after the last one.
loadarray = (array, i, callback) -> if i >= array.length - 1 then loadtree(array[i], callback) else loadtree(array[i], -> loadarray(array, i+1, callback))
# Loads a dependency tree
loadtree = (tree, callback) ->
# Loads the url if it is a leaf
if typeof tree == 'string'
id = tree.replace(/.+\/|\.min\.js|\.js|\?.+|\W/gi, '')
if !scripts[id]?
scripts[id] = script = document.createElement('script')
script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = () -> if !@readyState? || /^complete$|^loaded$/.test @readyState
@onload = @onreadystatechange = null
callback && callback()
script.src = tree
# By loadarray if it is an array
else if tree instanceof Array
loadarray(tree, 0, callback)
# Otherwise it must be a dependency object
else if tree.url?
# Loads the url as a leaf
loadurl = () -> loadtree(tree.url, () -> callback && callback())
# Test unless if given
if !tree.unless? || (typeof tree.unless == 'function' && !tree.unless())
if !tree.depends? then loadurl() else loadtree(tree.depends, loadurl)
# If true then just invoke callback
else callback && callback()
scripts = {}
# Start tree loading
loadtree(dependency, onload if typeof onload == 'function')
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