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Created July 20, 2014 05:22
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Save arpanpal010/60baf859e995425c75e5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Backup files from remote pc to a single location in storage (preserves relative paths).
#this script backs up files from various locations in a remote computer.
#using scp to SFTP the files from remote.
#files are stored as they are to / in $backupdir (hierarchy preserved), either specify absolute path for backupdir, or use $rootdir as a container
#in future this script will be run as a cronjob
#have to provide password everytime, TODO setup keys (although this has nothing to do with the script)
#usage: files that are to be backed up from pi (mainly configs and server settings)
#get rootdir
function get_rootdir() { #the dir the script is in, every files is stored relative to this dir, else in /tmp/
#get rootdir
filepath=`readlink -f $0`;
echo $rootdir;
#echo $rootdir;
backupdir="$rootdir/backup"; #path relative to $rootdir
dev_user="pi"; #username in remote machine
dev_host="" #ip of remote machine
dev_port="xx" #default 22 for sftp
scplist=( #absolute paths of files to be that are to be backed up
"/home/pi/.bashrc" #file
"/home/pi/.config" #dir
#clean before copy, if uncommented, the backupdir will be deleted everytime before backing up, and created during.
#rm -rf "$backupdir";
#copying the files to $backupdir
for index in ${!scplist[*]};
#echo $dotpath;
if [ ! -d "$backupdir/$dotlocation/" ]; #preserve folder hierarchy, create folders as they exist in remote machine
echo "Creating $backupdir$dotlocation/";
mkdir -p "$backupdir$dotlocation/";
echo "Copying"
echo "src=$src:$dotlocation/$dotfilename";
echo "dst=$backupdir$dotlocation/";
scp -r -4 -c blowfish -P "$dev_port" "$dev_user@$dev_host:$dotlocation/$dotfilename" "$backupdir$dotlocation/"; # -6 for ipv6
echo;echo; #gap between entries
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