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Save arpit-omprakash/486eff6fa0e5909c60223314ec598797 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. (pygame implementation)
import pygame as pg
import random
from time import sleep
# For FPS
clock = pg.time.Clock()
# Colors
red = pg.Color(255, 0, 0)
green = pg.Color(0, 255, 0)
black = pg.Color(0, 0, 0)
white = pg.Color(255, 255, 255)
brown = pg.Color(165, 42, 42)
# Initialize pygame
# Variables
screen_width = 400
screen_height = 400
head_x = screen_width/2
head_y = screen_height/2
food_x = screen_width/2
food_y = 50
head_width = 10
head_height = 10
head_direction = 'stop'
vel = 10
body = []
score = 0
high_score = 0
font_name = pg.font.match_font('arial')
# Window
wn = pg.display.set_mode((screen_width, screen_height))
pg.display.set_caption('Snake by Arpit')
# Resets the game variables
def game_reset():
global head_x, head_y, head_direction, body
head_x = screen_width/2
head_y = screen_height/2
head_direction = 'stop'
body = []
# Draws score
def draw_score():
global high_score
if score > high_score:
high_score = score
font = pg.font.Font(font_name, 18)
text_surface = font.render('Score: {} High Score: {}'.format(score, high_score), True, white)
text_rect = text_surface.get_rect()
text_rect.midtop = (200 , 10)
wn.blit(text_surface, text_rect)
# Draws the game objects - snake and food
def draw_obj():
segments = []
head = pg.Rect(head_x, head_y, head_width, head_height)
pg.draw.rect(wn, green, head)
food = pg.Rect(food_x, food_y, head_width, head_height)
pg.draw.rect(wn, red, food)
if len(body) > 0:
for segment in body:
part = pg.Rect(segment[0], segment[1], head_width, head_height)
pg.draw.rect(wn, brown, part)
return head, food, segments
# Adds a segment to snake
def add_segment():
global body
if len(body) != 0:
index = len(body)-1
x = body[index][0]
y = body[index][1]
# When snake eats the food
def if_eaten(head, food):
global food_x, food_y, score
if food.colliderect(head):
food_x = random.randint(0,screen_width-head_width)
food_y = random.randint(0,screen_height-head_height)
score += 10
# Game over
def game_over(head, segments):
global score
for segment in segments:
if head.colliderect(segment):
gameOverFont = pg.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 24)
gameOverSurf = gameOverFont.render('Game Over', True, white)
gameOverRect = gameOverSurf.get_rect()
gameOverRect.midtop = (200, 50)
wn.blit(gameOverSurf, gameOverRect)
score = 0
# Game loop
def play_game():
global head_x, head_y, body
for index in range(len(body)-1,0,-1):
x = body[index-1][0]
y = body[index-1][1]
body[index] = [x,y]
if len(body) > 0:
body[0] = [head_x, head_y]
if head_direction == 'up' and head_y > 0:
head_y -= vel
if head_direction == 'down' and head_y < screen_height - head_height:
head_y += vel
if head_direction == 'left' and head_x > 0:
head_x -= vel
if head_direction == 'right' and head_x < screen_width - head_width:
head_x += vel
h,f,s = draw_obj()
# Mainloop
run = True
while run:
# Event loop
for event in pg.event.get():
if event.type == pg.QUIT:
run = False
# Checks for keys pressed
pressed = pg.key.get_pressed()
if pressed[pg.K_LEFT] and head_direction!='right':
head_direction = 'left'
if pressed[pg.K_RIGHT] and head_direction!='left':
head_direction = 'right'
if pressed[pg.K_UP] and head_direction!='down':
head_direction = 'up'
if pressed[pg.K_DOWN] and head_direction!='up':
head_direction = 'down'
# Fills screen with black colour
# Game loop
# Scores
# Quit pygame
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