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import bisect
import random
import time
from datetime import datetime
def get_locations_1(x, arr):
return [bisect.bisect_left(l, x) for l in arr]
def get_pos_arr(arr):
# For each of the element in `arr` positions will hold
# the location where the element `arr[i][j]` will be inserted.
positions = []
for i in range(len(arr)):
for j in range(len(arr[i])):
positions[i].append([[]] * len(arr[i]))
positions[i][j] = [-1] * len(arr)
for i, l in enumerate(arr):
for j, e in enumerate(l):
for k, m in enumerate(arr):
positions[i][j][k] = int(bisect.bisect_left(m, e))
pos_arr = sorted([
(y, positions[i][j],)
for i, x in enumerate(arr)
for j, y in enumerate(x)
], key=lambda x: x[0])
return pos_arr, list(zip(*pos_arr))[0]
def get_locations_2(x, arr, pos_arr, U):
index = bisect.bisect_left(U, x)
if index == len(pos_arr):
return [len(l) for l in arr]
return pos_arr[index][1]
def populate_arr(n, k, min_val, max_val):
arr = []
for i in range(k):
arr[i] = sorted(random.sample(range(min_val, max_val), n))
return arr
def get_locations_3(x, arr, m_arr, pointers):
locations = []
loc, next_loc = pointers[0][bisect.bisect_left(m_arr[0], x)]
for i in range(1, len(m_arr)):
if x <= m_arr[i][next_loc-1]:
loc, next_loc = pointers[i][next_loc-1]
loc, next_loc = pointers[i][next_loc]
return locations
def get_m_arr(arr):
MIN_VAL, MAX_VAL = -1000000000, 1000000000
m_arr = []
m_arr.insert(0, [x for x in arr[-1]])
for i in range(len(arr) - 2, -1, -1):
m_arr.insert(0, sorted([x for k, x in enumerate(m_arr[0]) if k % 2] + arr[i]))
for l in m_arr:
l.insert(0, MIN_VAL)
# For each of the element in `arr` positions will hold
# the location where the element `arr[i][j]` will be inserted.
pointers = []
for i in range(len(m_arr)):
for j in range(len(m_arr[i])):
pointers[i].append([[]] * len(arr[i]))
pointers[i][j] = [-1] * 2
for i, l in enumerate(m_arr):
for j, m in enumerate(m_arr[i]):
pointers[i][j] = [
bisect.bisect_left(arr[i], m_arr[i][j]),
0 if i == len(m_arr) - 1 else bisect.bisect_left(m_arr[i+1], m_arr[i][j]),
return m_arr, pointers
def call():
times = []
for n in range(1000, 1000000, 500):
for k in range(10, 11):
min_v, max_v = 1, 2*n
arr = populate_arr(n, k, min_v, max_v)
pos_arr, U = get_pos_arr(arr)
m_arr, pointers = get_m_arr(arr)
s0 = time.time()
l1 = get_locations_1(4, arr)
t1 = (time.time() - s0) * 1000
s0 = time.time()
m1 = get_locations_2(4, arr, pos_arr, U)
t2 = (time.time() - s0) * 1000
s0 = time.time()
n1 = get_locations_3(4, arr, m_arr, pointers)
t3 = (time.time() - s0) * 1000
yield (str(n), str(k), str(t1), str(t2), str(t3),)
with open("bench.csv", "w") as f:
t = call()
for x in t:
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