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Last active January 3, 2023 15:46
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import math
FPS = 59.97
r = 0.145 # crank radius in meters
baseForce = 0 # basic force
currentSet = None
def parseTime(d):
parts = d.split(":")
frames = int(parts[-1])
sec = float(parts[-2])
mins = 0
hrs = 0
if len(parts) >= 3:
mins = float(parts[-3])
if len(parts) >= 4:
hrs = float(parts[-4])
return frames/FPS + sec + mins * 60 + hrs * 3600
def average(data):
n = len(data)
def findAvailable(index, direction):
while index != -1 and index != n:
if data[index] is not None:
return data[index]
index += direction
raise BaseException("too much missing")
firstAvailable = findAvailable(0,1)
lastAvailable = findAvailable(n-1,-1)
for i in range(0,n):
if data[i] is None:
data[i] = firstAvailable
for i in range(n-1,-1,-1):
if data[i] is None:
data[i] = lastAvailable
i = 0
while i < n:
if data[i] == None:
v = (findAvailable(i,-1)+findAvailable(i,1))/2.
data[i] = v
i = i + 1
while data[i] == None and i < n:
data[i] = v
i += 1
i += 1
return sum(data) / n
def watts(rpm,k):
distancePerSecond = 2 * math.pi * radius * (rpm / 60)
force = k * (rpm / 60) + baseForce * 9.8
return distancePerSecond * force
with open("data.txt") as f:
for line in f:
data = line.strip().split()
if len(data):
if data[0] == "FPS":
FPS = float(data[1])
elif data[0] == "radius":
radius = float(data[1])
elif data[0] == "baseforce":
baseForce = float(data[1])
elif data[0] == "level":
elif data[0] == "start":
startTime = parseTime(data[1])
currentSet = []
elif data[0] == "end":
stopTime = parseTime(data[2])
count = float(data[1])
averageSpeed = count / (stopTime - startTime)
averageForce = average(currentSet) - baseForce
k = (averageForce*9.8)/(averageSpeed)
print("rot/sec =",averageSpeed,"force =",averageForce*9.8,"k =",k)
print("watts at 60RPM:",watts(60,k),"65RPM:",watts(65,k),"70RPM:",watts(70,k))
#pr80 = (136+watts(80,k))/6.35
#pr100 = (181+watts(100,k))/8.8
pr60 = (86.6+watts(60,k))/3.98
pr80 = (183.1+watts(80,k))/7.78
pr100 = (279.1+watts(100,k))/11.73
print("Peloton equivalent",(pr60+pr80+pr100)/3)
currentSet = None
if currentSet is not None:
if data[0] == "x":
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