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Created October 30, 2011 17:06
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Protoype for detecting overlaps (partial and complete) among N BED/GFF/VCF files
#!/usr/bin/env python
from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict
from pybedtools import BedTool
import argparse
Point = namedtuple('Point', ['id', 'pos', 'type'])
Interval = namedtuple('Interval', ['chrom', 'start', 'end'])
def report_interval(chrom, start, end, num_files, files_with_interval):
print "\t".join([chrom, str(start), str(end), str(len(files_with_interval.keys()))]),
for i in range(0,num_files):
if i in files_with_interval:
print "\t1",
print "\t0",
def merge(file):
Merge features in a BED/GFF/VCF into non-overlapping intervals
start = -1
end = -1
chrom = None
for feature in BedTool(file):
if feature.start - end > 0 or end < 0 or feature.chrom != chrom:
if start >= 0:
yield Interval(chrom, start, end)
start = feature.start
end = feature.end
chrom = feature.chrom
elif feature.end > end:
end = feature.end
yield Interval(chrom, start, end)
def load_and_sort_points(files):
file_id = 0
chrom_points = defaultdict(list)
# for each input file, first merge the features into non-overlapping
# intervals using merge(). Each non-overlapping feature is then
# broken up into discrete "Points": one for the start and one for the end.
for file in files:
# merge the file and split features into points
for feature in merge(file):
s = Point(file_id, feature.start, "start")
e = Point(file_id, feature.end, "end")
file_id += 1
# sort the points in for each chrom
for chrom in chrom_points:
chrom_points[chrom].sort(key=lambda i: i.pos)
return chrom_points
def load_genome(genome):
chrom_sizes = {}
for line in open(genome, 'r'):
fields = line.strip().split("\t")
if len(fields) > 1:
chrom_sizes[fields[0]] = fields[1]
return chrom_sizes
def nway(files, genome):
Assumptions: input files must contain non-overlapping intervals
1. Example using already-merged files:
$ cat a.merged
chr1 6 20
chr1 22 30
$ cat b.merged
chr1 12 32
$ cat c.merged
chr1 8 15
chr1 32 34
$ ./ a.merged b.merged c.merged
#chr st ed num a b c
chr1 0 6 0 0 0 0
chr1 6 8 1 1 0 0
chr1 8 12 2 1 0 1
chr1 12 15 3 1 1 1
chr1 15 20 2 1 1 0
chr1 20 22 1 0 1 0
chr1 22 30 2 1 1 0
chr1 30 32 1 0 1 0
chr1 32 34 1 0 0 1
2. Example using un-merged, yet sorted files:
$ cat a.bed
chr1 6 12
chr1 10 20
chr1 22 27
chr1 24 30
$ cat b.bed
chr1 12 32
chr1 14 30
$ cat c.bed
chr1 8 15
chr1 10 14
chr1 32 34
$ ./ a.bed b.bed c.bed
#chr st ed num a b c
chr1 0 6 0 0 0 0
chr1 6 8 1 1 0 0
chr1 8 12 2 1 0 1
chr1 12 15 3 1 1 1
chr1 15 20 2 1 1 0
chr1 20 22 1 0 1 0
chr1 22 30 2 1 1 0
chr1 30 32 1 0 1 0
chr1 32 34 1 0 0 1
3. Thanks to pybedtools, it works with BAM files as well.
But I hope you have a machine with lots of RAM.
./ 1.bam 2.bam 3.bam
num_files = len(files)
# 1. load each point from each interval in each file into
# a hash keyed by chrom.
# 2. sort the points in asecnding order for each chrom
chrom_points = load_and_sort_points(files)
if genome is not None:
chrom_sizes = load_genome(genome)
# 3. Rip through the points and find shared intervals
for chrom in chrom_points:
files_with_interval = {}
prev_point = 0
for point in chrom_points[chrom]:
# report the current interval if we've moved at all along the chrom.
if point.pos > prev_point:
report_interval(chrom, prev_point, point.pos, num_files, files_with_interval)
# if we're at a start, we add the current file to the active list of files.
# otherwise, an end point means we can drop the current file.
if point.type == "start":
files_with_interval[] = 1
del files_with_interval[]
prev_point = point.pos
# if requested, handle the interval from the last observed point to the end of the chrom
if genome is not None and point.pos < chrom_sizes[chrom]:
report_interval(chrom, point.pos, chrom_sizes[chrom], num_files, files_with_interval)
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='nway-cluster')
parser.add_argument('files', metavar='FILE', nargs='+',
help='***merged*** (non-overlapping intervals) BED files to intersect')
parser.add_argument('-g', metavar='GENOME', dest='genome', default=None,
help='The \"genome\" file: i.e., a list of chroms and their sizes.')
args = parser.parse_args()
nway(args.files, args.genome)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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brentp commented Oct 30, 2011

this is a very cool implementation! I guess since it's it could it handle overlaps within a file by doing a self-merge first?

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arq5x commented Oct 30, 2011

exactly. this implementation "cheats" in the sense that if you have sorted files, one should be able to:
a) merge each file "on the fly" and,
b) not have to load all of the points into memory ahead of time. just use a priority_queue.
before it moves to bedtools, both will exist. i also want to template it so that BAMs can play too.

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arq5x commented Oct 31, 2011

commit dd1cff does the merging on the fly so raw, sorted BEDs are now kosher.

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arq5x commented Oct 31, 2011

commit ed755b realizes that N-way BAMs are now possible thanks to the merge() pre-processing.

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