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Created January 23, 2023 03:03
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Output log from calling renv::restore() on a new computer. This is testing on Ubuntu 22.04, renv 0.16.0.
> renv::restore()
Welcome to renv!
It looks like this is your first time using renv. This is a one-time message,
briefly describing some of renv's functionality.
renv maintains a local cache of data on the filesystem, located at:
- "~/.cache/R/renv"
This path can be customized: please see the documentation in `?renv::paths`.
renv will also write to files within the active project folder, including:
- A folder 'renv' in the project directory, and
- A lockfile called 'renv.lock' in the project directory.
In particular, projects using renv will normally use a private, per-project
R library, in which new packages will be installed. This project library is
isolated from other R libraries on your system.
In addition, renv will update files within your project directory, including:
- .gitignore
- .Rbuildignore
- .Rprofile
Please read the introduction vignette with `vignette("renv")` for more information.
You can browse the package documentation online at
Do you want to proceed? [y/N]: y
* "~/.cache/R/renv" has been created.
This project has not yet been activated.
Activating this project will ensure the project library is used during restore.
Please see `?renv::activate` for more details.
Would you like to activate this project before restore? [Y/n]: y
* Project '~/GBM' loaded. [renv 0.16.0]
* The project library is out of sync with the lockfile.
* Use `renv::restore()` to install packages recorded in the lockfile.
The following package(s) will be updated:
# Bioconductor =======================
- BiocGenerics [* -> 0.42.0]
- ComplexHeatmap [* -> 2.12.1]
- IRanges [* -> 2.30.1]
- S4Vectors [* -> 0.34.0]
# CRAN ===============================
- BiocManager [* -> 1.30.19]
- DBI [* -> 1.1.3]
- GSA [* -> 1.03.2]
- GetoptLong [* -> 1.0.5]
- GlobalOptions [* -> 0.1.2]
- KMsurv [* -> 0.1-5]
- MASS [* -> 7.3-58.1]
- Matrix [* -> 1.5-3]
- MatrixModels [* -> 0.5-1]
- R6 [* -> 2.5.1]
- RColorBrewer [* -> 1.1-3]
- Rcpp [* -> 1.0.9]
- RcppEigen [* ->]
- Rttf2pt1 [* -> 1.3.11]
- SparseM [* -> 1.81]
- abind [* -> 1.4-5]
- askpass [* -> 1.1]
- assertthat [* -> 0.2.1]
- backports [* -> 1.4.1]
- base64enc [* -> 0.1-3]
- bit [* -> 4.0.5]
- bit64 [* -> 4.0.5]
- blob [* -> 1.2.3]
- boot [* -> 1.3-28.1]
- brio [* -> 1.1.3]
- broom [* -> 1.0.1]
- bslib [* -> 0.4.1]
- cachem [* -> 1.0.6]
- callr [* -> 3.7.3]
- car [* -> 3.1-1]
- carData [* -> 3.0-5]
- cellranger [* -> 1.1.0]
- circlize [* -> 0.4.15]
- class [* -> 7.3-20]
- cli [* -> 3.4.1]
- clipr [* -> 0.8.0]
- clue [* -> 0.3-63]
- cluster [* -> 2.1.4]
- codetools [* -> 0.2-18]
- colorspace [* -> 2.0-3]
- commonmark [* -> 1.8.1]
- corrplot [* -> 0.92]
- cowplot [* -> 1.1.1]
- cpp11 [* -> 0.4.3]
- crayon [* -> 1.5.2]
- curl [* -> 4.3.3]
- data.table [* -> 1.14.6]
- dbplyr [* -> 2.2.1]
- desc [* -> 1.4.2]
- diffobj [* -> 0.3.5]
- digest [* -> 0.6.30]
- doParallel [* -> 1.0.17]
- dplyr [* -> 1.0.10]
- dtplyr [* -> 1.2.2]
- e1071 [* -> 1.7-12]
- ellipsis [* -> 0.3.2]
- evaluate [* -> 0.18]
- exactRankTests [* -> 0.8-35]
- extrafont [* -> 0.18]
- extrafontdb [* -> 1.0]
- fansi [* -> 1.0.3]
- farver [* -> 2.1.1]
- fastmap [* -> 1.1.0]
- forcats [* -> 0.5.2]
- foreach [* -> 1.5.2]
- fs [* -> 1.5.2]
- gargle [* -> 1.2.1]
- gdata [* ->]
- generics [* -> 0.1.3]
- ggplot2 [* -> 3.4.0]
- ggpubr [* -> 0.5.0]
- ggrepel [* -> 0.9.2]
- ggsci [* -> 2.9]
- ggsignif [* -> 0.6.4]
- ggtext [* -> 0.1.2]
- glue [* -> 1.6.2]
- gmodels [* ->]
- googledrive [* -> 2.0.0]
- googlesheets4 [* -> 1.0.1]
- gridExtra [* -> 2.3]
- gridtext [* -> 0.1.5]
- gtable [* -> 0.3.1]
- gtools [* -> 3.9.4]
- haven [* -> 2.5.1]
- highr [* -> 0.9]
- hms [* -> 1.1.2]
- htmltools [* -> 0.5.3]
- httr [* -> 1.4.4]
- ids [* -> 1.0.1]
- isoband [* -> 0.2.6]
- iterators [* -> 1.0.14]
- jpeg [* -> 0.1-10]
- jquerylib [* -> 0.1.4]
- jsonlite [* -> 1.8.3]
- [* -> 0.5-6]
- knitr [* -> 1.41]
- labeling [* -> 0.4.2]
- labelled [* -> 2.10.0]
- lifecycle [* -> 1.0.3]
- lme4 [* -> 1.1-31]
- lubridate [* -> 1.9.0]
- magrittr [* -> 2.0.3]
- markdown [* -> 1.4]
- matrixStats [* -> 0.63.0]
- maxstat [* -> 0.7-25]
- memoise [* -> 2.0.1]
- mgcv [* -> 1.8-41]
- mime [* -> 0.12]
- minqa [* -> 1.2.5]
- mitools [* -> 2.4]
- modelr [* -> 0.1.10]
- munsell [* -> 0.5.0]
- mvtnorm [* -> 1.1-3]
- nlme [* -> 3.1-160]
- nloptr [* -> 2.0.3]
- nnet [* -> 7.3-18]
- numDeriv [* -> 2016.8-1.1]
- openssl [* -> 2.0.5]
- patchwork [* -> 1.1.2]
- pbkrtest [* -> 0.5.1]
- pillar [* -> 1.8.1]
- pkgconfig [* -> 2.0.3]
- pkgload [* -> 1.3.2]
- png [* -> 0.1-8]
- polynom [* -> 1.4-1]
- praise [* -> 1.0.0]
- prettyunits [* -> 1.1.1]
- processx [* -> 3.8.0]
- progress [* -> 1.2.2]
- proxy [* -> 0.4-27]
- ps [* -> 1.7.2]
- purrr [* -> 0.3.5]
- quantreg [* -> 5.94]
- rappdirs [* -> 0.3.3]
- readr [* -> 2.1.3]
- readxl [* -> 1.4.1]
- rematch [* -> 1.0.1]
- rematch2 [* -> 2.1.2]
- reprex [* -> 2.0.2]
- rjson [* -> 0.2.21]
- rlang [* -> 1.0.6]
- rmarkdown [* -> 2.18]
- rprojroot [* -> 2.0.3]
- rstatix [* -> 0.7.1]
- rstudioapi [* -> 0.14]
- rvest [* -> 1.0.3]
- sass [* -> 0.4.4]
- scales [* -> 1.2.1]
- selectr [* -> 0.4-2]
- shape [* -> 1.4.6]
- stringi [* -> 1.7.8]
- stringr [* -> 1.5.0]
- survMisc [* -> 0.5.6]
- survey [* -> 4.1-1]
- survival [* -> 3.4-0]
- survivalAnalysis [* -> 0.3.0]
- survminer [* -> 0.4.9]
- sys [* -> 3.4.1]
- tableone [* -> 0.13.2]
- testthat [* -> 3.1.5]
- tibble [* -> 3.1.8]
- tidyr [* -> 1.2.1]
- tidyselect [* -> 1.2.0]
- tidytidbits [* -> 0.3.2]
- tidyverse [* -> 1.3.2]
- timechange [* -> 0.1.1]
- tinytex [* -> 0.42]
- tzdb [* -> 0.3.0]
- utf8 [* -> 1.2.2]
- uuid [* -> 1.1-0]
- vctrs [* -> 0.5.1]
- viridisLite [* -> 0.4.1]
- vroom [* -> 1.6.0]
- waldo [* -> 0.4.0]
- withr [* -> 2.5.0]
- xfun [* -> 0.35]
- xml2 [* -> 1.3.3]
- xtable [* -> 1.8-4]
- yaml [* -> 2.3.6]
- zoo [* -> 1.8-11]
Do you want to proceed? [y/N]: y
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