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Last active August 6, 2023 16:58
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Variance of log(xbar/ybar) by delta method
# Generate {(x1,y1), ..., (xn,yn)} where x1 is indep of (y2, .., yn) but (x1, y1) are correlated.
# Output var(log(xbar/ybar)) 1. sample variance by 'nsim' simulations, 2) delta method approximation
# Set the sample size and number of simulations
n <- 100
nsim <- 1000
# Set the population means, standard deviations, and correlation
mu_x <- 5
mu_y <- 3
sigma_x <- 2
sigma_y <- 1
rho <- 0.5
# Initialize a vector to store the simulated values of log(X̄/Ȳ)
log_ratio <- numeric(nsim)
# Run the simulations
for (i in 1:nsim) {
# Generate the simulated data for X and Y
xy <- mvrnorm(n, mu = c(mu_x, mu_y), Sigma = matrix(c(sigma_x^2, rho*sigma_x*sigma_y, rho*sigma_x*sigma_y, sigma_y^2), nrow = 2))
x <- xy[,1]
y <- xy[,2]
# Compute the sample means
xbar <- mean(x)
ybar <- mean(y)
# Compute log(X̄/Ȳ)
log_ratio[i] <- log(xbar/ybar)
# Compute the sample variance of log(X̄/Ȳ)
var_log_ratio <- var(log_ratio)
# Compute the approximate variance of log(X̄/Ȳ) using the formula
approx_var_log_ratio <- sigma_x^2/(n*mu_x^2) + sigma_y^2/(n*mu_y^2) - 2*rho*sigma_x*sigma_y/(n*mu_x*mu_y)
# Compare the sample variance and approximate variance
cat("Sample variance of log(X̄/Ȳ):", var_log_ratio, "\n")
# Sample variance of log(X̄/Ȳ): 0.001346076
cat("Approximate variance of log(X̄/Ȳ) using the formula:", approx_var_log_ratio, "\n")
# Approximate variance of log(X̄/Ȳ) using the formula: 0.001377778
# Use the last simulate data
# [1] 0.001416225
var(x/mean(x))/n + var(y/mean(y))/n # if we ignore cov, result will be incorrect
# [1] 0.002863794
# Generate {(x1,y1), ..., (xn,yn)} where xi is indep of yj, and (xi, yi) & (xj,yj) are independent.
# Output var(log(xbar/ybar)) 1. sample variance by 'nsim' simulations, 2) delta method approximation
# Set the sample size and number of simulations
n <- 100
nsim <- 1000
# Set the population means and standard deviations
mu_x <- 5
mu_y <- 3
sigma_x <- 2
sigma_y <- 1
# Initialize a vector to store the simulated values of log(X̄/Ȳ)
log_ratio <- numeric(nsim)
# Run the simulations
for (i in 1:nsim) {
# Generate the simulated data for X and Y
x <- rnorm(n, mean = mu_x, sd = sigma_x)
y <- rnorm(n, mean = mu_y, sd = sigma_y)
# Compute the sample means
xbar <- mean(x)
ybar <- mean(y)
# Compute log(X̄/Ȳ)
log_ratio[i] <- log(xbar/ybar)
# Compute the sample variance of log(X̄/Ȳ)
var_log_ratio <- var(log_ratio)
# Compute the approximate variance of log(X̄/Ȳ) using the formula
approx_var_log_ratio <- sigma_x^2/(n*mu_x^2) + sigma_y^2/(n*mu_y^2)
# Compare the sample variance and approximate variance
cat("Sample variance of log(X̄/Ȳ):", var_log_ratio, "\n")
# Sample variance of log(X̄/Ȳ): 0.002478037
cat("Approximate variance of log(X̄/Ȳ) using the formula:", approx_var_log_ratio, "\n")
# Approximate variance of log(X̄/Ȳ) using the formula: 0.002711111
# Use the last simulated data
sigma2_xhat <- var(x); sigma2_yhat <- var(y)
muhat_x <- mean(x); muhat_y <- mean(y)
sigma2_xhat/(n*muhat_x^2) + sigma2_yhat/(n*muhat_y^2)
# [1] 0.002194416
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