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Created September 14, 2019 15:26
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A thunk based implementation of natural numbers in Java
package me.arrdem.ox;
import io.lacuna.bifurcan.IList;
import io.lacuna.bifurcan.Lists;
import kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import java.math.BigInteger;
public final class Nat implements Comparable<Nat> {
private static IList<Function0<Nat>> FEL = (IList<Function0<Nat>>) Lists.EMPTY;
private BigInteger value;
private IList<Function0<Nat>> thunks;
public static Nat ZERO = new Nat(BigInteger.ZERO, FEL);
public static Nat ONE = new Nat(BigInteger.ONE, FEL);
public static Nat TWO = new Nat(BigInteger.TWO, FEL);
public static Nat TEN = new Nat(BigInteger.TEN, FEL);
* FIXME (arrdem 2019-09-13)
* Is stepping by Long.MAX_VALUE reasonable here?
public static Nat INFINITY = new Nat(BigInteger.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE), FEL.addLast(() -> Nat.INFINITY));
private Nat(BigInteger value, IList<Function0<Nat>> thunks) {
assert value.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) >= 0;
this.value = value;
assert this.thunks != null;
this.thunks = thunks;
public static Nat of(long value) {
return new Nat(BigInteger.valueOf(value), Lists.EMPTY);
public static Nat of(BigInteger value) {
return new Nat(value, Lists.EMPTY);
public static Nat of(long value, Function0<Nat> thunk) {
return new Nat(BigInteger.valueOf(value), FEL.addLast(() -> {
Object v = thunk.invoke();
assert v instanceof Nat : "Contract violation! Thunk did not return nat!";
return (Nat) v;
public static Nat of(BigInteger value, Function0<Nat> thunk) {
return new Nat(value, FEL.addLast(() -> {
Object v = thunk.invoke();
assert v instanceof Nat : "Contract violation! Thunk did not return nat!";
return (Nat) v;
public Nat succ() {
return new Nat(BigInteger.ONE, FEL.addLast(() -> this));
public Nat add(int other) {
if (other == 0) return this;
else return new Nat(BigInteger.valueOf(other), FEL.addLast(() -> this));
public Nat add(long other) {
return new Nat(BigInteger.valueOf(other), FEL.addLast(() -> this));
public Nat add(BigInteger other) {
return new Nat(other, FEL.addLast(() -> this));
public Nat add(Nat other) {
return new Nat(this.value.add(other.value), Lists.concat(this.thunks, other.thunks));
private boolean maybeStep() {
if(this.thunks.size() > 0) {
Function0<Nat> thunk = this.thunks.first();
this.thunks = this.thunks.removeFirst();
Nat next = thunk.invoke();
if (next != null) {
this.value = this.value.add(next.value);
return true;
return false;
public Nat decs() {
return this.subtract(ONE);
public Nat subtract(int other) {
return this.subtract(Nat.of(other));
public Nat subtract(long other) {
return this.subtract(Nat.of(other));
public Nat subtract(BigInteger other) {
return this.subtract(Nat.of(other));
* Subtraction is implemented by LAZILY evaluating both ths and other until either other has been
* fully evaluated, or the subtrand has been reduced to zero.
* Note that this is LAZY subtraction, so it WILL loop given infinite structures.
public Nat subtract(Nat other) {
while(true) {
// If the other side is smaller and it can be stepped, step it.
if(!other.thunks.equals(Lists.EMPTY) && other.value.compareTo(this.value) <= 0)
// If our side is smaller and it can be stepped, step it
else if (!this.thunks.equals(Lists.EMPTY) && this.value.compareTo(other.value) <= 0)
// If we've grounded out and one side is fully evaluated, do the math.
else if (this.thunks.equals(Lists.EMPTY) || other.thunks.equals(Lists.EMPTY)) {
if (this.value.compareTo(other.value) > 0)
return new Nat(this.value.subtract(other.value), this.thunks);
else return ZERO;
public BigInteger get() {
while(this.maybeStep()) {}
return this.value;
* @param other
* @return -1 if this is less than other, 0 if equal, 1 if this is greater
public int compareTo(@NotNull Nat other) {
if(this == other || this.equals(other)) {
return 0;
while(true) {
// If the other side is smaller and it can be stepped, step it.
if(!other.thunks.equals(Lists.EMPTY) && other.value.compareTo(this.value) <= 0)
// If our side is smaller and it can be stepped, step it
else if (!this.thunks.equals(Lists.EMPTY) && this.value.compareTo(other.value) <= 0)
// We've exhausted this value, other has more AND is gt -> lt
else if (this.thunks.equals(Lists.EMPTY) && !other.thunks.equals(Lists.EMPTY) && this.value.compareTo(other.value) < 0)
return -1;
// We've exhausted the other, and other's lt -> we're gt
else if (!this.thunks.equals(Lists.EMPTY) && other.thunks.equals(Lists.EMPTY) && other.value.compareTo(this.value) < 0)
return 1;
// We've exhausted both
return this.value.compareTo(other.value);
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (this == other)
return true;
if (!(other instanceof Nat))
return false;
Nat o = (Nat) other;
return this.compareTo(o) == 0;
public String toString() {
return String.format("Nat<%s, more?=%s>", this.value.toString(10), !this.thunks.equals(Lists.EMPTY));
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