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Created May 4, 2023 20:48
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ViewCompositionStrategy Table
ViewCompositionStrategy Description
DisposeOnDetachedFromWindow The Composition will be disposed when the underlying ComposeView is detached from the window. Has since been superseded by DisposeOnDetachedFromWindowOrReleasedFromPool.

Interop scenario:

* ComposeView whether it’s the sole element in the View hierarchy, or in the context of a mixed View/Compose screen (not in Fragment).
DisposeOnDetachedFromWindowOrReleasedFromPool (Default) Similar to DisposeOnDetachedFromWindow, when the Composition is not in a pooling container, such as a RecyclerView. If it is in a pooling container, it will dispose when either the pooling container itself detaches from the window, or when the item is being discarded (i.e. when the pool is full).

Interop scenario:

* ComposeView whether it's the sole element in the View hierarchy, or in the context of a mixed View/Compose screen (not in Fragment).
* ComposeView as an item in a pooling container such as RecyclerView.
DisposeOnLifecycleDestroyed The Composition will be disposed when the provided Lifecycle is destroyed.

Interop scenario

* ComposeView in a Fragment's View.
DisposeOnViewTreeLifecycleDestroyed The Composition will be disposed when the Lifecycle owned by the LifecycleOwner returned by ViewTreeLifecycleOwner.get of the next window the View is attached to is destroyed.

Interop scenario:

* ComposeView in a Fragment's View.
* ComposeView in a View wherein the Lifecycle is not known yet.
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