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Created December 29, 2021 16:26
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fun main() {
using val, to assign value only one time
val assignValueOnlyOneTime = "Erselan Khan"
assignValueOnlyOneTime = ""
using var, to assign value multiple times
var assignValueMultipleTimes = "Erselan Khan"
assignValueMultipleTimes = "Arsalan Khan"
Accessing method from class object
val keywordsKotlin = KeywordsKotlin()
Accessing method from class
calling method of singleton class
class KeywordsKotlin {
companion object {
fun classBoundMethod() {
println("This is class bound method")
fun objectBoundMethod() {
println("This is object bound method")
class ChildClassOne : ExtendableClass() {
using open, allows subclassing a class or overriding a member
open class ExtendableClass {
class ChildClassTwo : NonExtendableClass() {
by default all classes are non-extendable in Kotlin
class NonExtendableClass {
using object, to make class Singleton
object SingletonClass {
fun methodOfSingletonClass() {
println("This is a method of singleton class")
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