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Last active January 26, 2018 22:40
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Ceylon Web Runner: test27012018
import ceylon.numeric.integer { smallest }
shared void run() {
value summands = map<Data, Count> {
1->2, 2->1, 3->3, 5->1, 7->2, 9->1, 11->4, 17->2, 19->1
value intendedSum = 44;
value partitions = partitionsWithSum(intendedSum, summands).sequence();
print("\n``intendedSum`` has ``partitions.size`` partitions:");
shared alias Data => Integer;
shared alias Index => Integer;
shared alias Count => Integer;
shared alias Partition => [Data*];
shared alias Characteristic => [Count*];
shared alias Multiplicity => Data->Count;
shared alias Multiset => Map<Data, Count>;
shared class Status of equal | tooSmall | unknown {
shared actual String string;
shared new equal { string = "="; }
shared new tooSmall { string = "<"; }
shared new unknown { string = "?"; }
shared class SubsetTraversal(elemCount, maxAllowedCount, delta) {
Integer elemCount;
Count maxAllowedCount(Index elemIndex);
Status delta(Index elemIndex, Count count, Characteristic got());
value current = Array.ofSize(elemCount, 0);
variable Status|Finished status = Status.unknown;
variable value index = -1;
Characteristic() got = current.sequence;
shared Boolean advance() {
// trace
print("``current.mapElements((i, x) => if (i > index) then "*" else x)``\t``status``");
// trace end
switch (status)
case (finished) { return false; }
case (Status.unknown) {
index += 1;
value startCount = maxAllowedCount(index);
current[index] = startCount;
status = delta(index, startCount, got);
case (Status.equal) {
assert (exists count = current[index], count > 0);
current[index] = count - 1;
status = delta(index, -1, got);
case (Status.tooSmall) {
assert (exists lastCount = current[index]);
current[index] = 0;
if (lastCount != 0) {
delta(index, -lastCount, got);
index -= 1;
while (exists count = current[index]) {
if (count == 0) {
index -= 1;
current[index] = count - 1;
status = delta(index, -1, got);
if (index == -1) {
status = finished;
return false;
return true;
shared {Partition*} partitionsWithSum(Data intendedSum, Multiset summands) {
"Summands should be positive."
assert (summands.keys.every((x) => x > 0));
if (intendedSum < 0) { return {}; }
else if (intendedSum == 0) { return {[]}; }
value summands2 = summands.sort(byDecreasing(Multiplicity.key)).sequence();
value partialSums = summands2.collect((x->m) => x * m).
function partitionFromCharacteristic(Characteristic c) =>
zipPairs(summands2, c).flatMap(([x->_, m]) => {x}.repeat(m)).sequence();
return object satisfies {Partition*} {
iterator() => object satisfies Iterator<Partition> {
variable Data sumLeft = intendedSum;
variable Characteristic? newCharacteristic = null;
value t = SubsetTraversal {
elemCount = summands2.size;
function maxAllowedCount(Index elemIndex) {
assert (exists x->m = summands2[elemIndex]);
return smallest(m, sumLeft / x);
function delta(Index elemIndex, Count count, Characteristic got()) {
assert (exists x = summands2[elemIndex]?.key);
assert (exists summandsLeft = partialSums[elemIndex + 1]);
sumLeft -= x * count;
if (summandsLeft < sumLeft) { return Status.tooSmall; }
if (sumLeft == 0) {
newCharacteristic = got();
return Status.equal;
return Status.unknown;
shared actual Partition|Finished next() {
while (t.advance()) {
if (exists ch = newCharacteristic) {
newCharacteristic = null;
return partitionFromCharacteristic(ch);
return finished;
module web_ide_script "1.0.0" {
import ceylon.numeric "1.3.3";
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