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Created May 31, 2020 00:21
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Tracing boundaries in raster images
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import NamedTuple, Iterable, Tuple, Sequence, Optional, Set, AbstractSet, List, Dict, Iterator, Mapping
from dataclasses import dataclass
from io import StringIO
from collections import defaultdict
from enum import Enum, auto as enum_auto
# (x, y) — → — (x, y, XINC) — → — (x+1, y)
# | |
# ↑ ↓
# | |
# (x, y+1, YDEC) (x, y) (x+1, y, YINC)
# | |
# ↑ ↓
# | |
# (x, y+1) — ← — (x+1, y+1, XDEC) — ← — (x+1, y+1)
class Z2:
__slots__ = ('x', 'y')
x: int
y: int
def __add__(self, other: Z2) -> Z2:
return Z2(self.x + other.x, self.y + other.y)
def __sub__(self, other: Z2) -> Z2:
return Z2(self.x - other.x, self.y - other.y)
def __mul__(self, other: int) -> Z2:
return Z2(self.x * other, self.y * other)
def __rmul__(self, other: int) -> Z2:
return Z2(self.x * other, self.y * other)
def seq(self) -> Sequence[int]:
return self.x, self.y
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return self.seq.__repr__()
Z2_00, Z2_10, Z2_11, Z2_01 = Z2(0, 0), Z2(1, 0), Z2(1, 1), Z2(0, 1)
Z2_N0, Z2_0N, Z2_NN = Z2(-1, 0), Z2(0, -1), Z2(-1, -1)
class Cell: # A pixel’s interior
__slots__ = ('c',)
c: Z2
def boundary(self, orientation: bool = True) -> List[Edge]:
raw_edges = [Edge(self.c, EdgeOr.XINC),
Edge(self.c + Z2_10, EdgeOr.YINC),
Edge(self.c + Z2_11, EdgeOr.XDEC),
Edge(self.c + Z2_01, EdgeOr.YDEC)]
if orientation:
return raw_edges
return [e.reverse for e in raw_edges]
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f'Cell{self.c.seq}'
class EdgeOrData(NamedTuple):
target_delta: Z2
outsider_delta: Z2
index_: int
class EdgeOr(Enum):
value: EdgeOrData
XINC = EdgeOrData(Z2_10, Z2_0N, 0)
YINC = EdgeOrData(Z2_01, Z2_00, 1)
XDEC = EdgeOrData(Z2_N0, Z2_N0, 2)
YDEC = EdgeOrData(Z2_0N, Z2_NN, 3)
def target_delta(self) -> Z2:
return self.value.target_delta
def outsider_delta(self) -> Z2:
return self.value.outsider_delta
def reverse(self) -> EdgeOr:
return _EDGE_ORS[self.value.index_ + 2] # pylint: disable=no-member
def rotate(self) -> EdgeOr:
return _EDGE_ORS[self.value.index_ + 1] # pylint: disable=no-member
def __repr__(self) -> str:
_EDGE_ORS: Sequence[EdgeOr] = tuple(EdgeOr) * 2
class Edge:
__slots__ = ('src', 'ori')
src: Z2
ori: EdgeOr
def reverse(self) -> Edge:
return Edge(self.src + self.ori.target_delta, self.ori.reverse)
def source(self) -> Z2:
return self.src
def target(self) -> Z2:
return self.src + self.ori.target_delta
def insider(self) -> Cell:
return self.reverse.outsider
def outsider(self) -> Cell:
return Cell(self.src + self.ori.outsider_delta)
def translate(self, amount: int) -> Edge:
return Edge(self.src + self.ori.target_delta * amount, self.ori)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f'{self.src.seq}→{}'
class Path:
edges: Tuple[Edge, ...]
def end_edges(self) -> Optional[Tuple[Edge, Edge]]:
edges = self.edges
return (edges[0], edges[-1]) if edges else None
class Cycle:
edges: Tuple[Edge, ...]
def dump_edges(self, target: Set[Edge]) -> AbstractSet[Edge]:
return target
def dump_svg(self, s: StringIO) -> None:
edges = self.edges
if edges:
edge = edges[0]
s.write(f'M {edge.source.x} {edge.source.y} ')
for edge in edges[1:]:
s.write(f'L {edge.source.x} {edge.source.y} ')
s.write('z ')
class CellAttrs:
black: bool = False
level: Optional[int] = None
def __init__(self) -> None: = False
self.level = None
class Picture(Mapping[Cell, CellAttrs]):
_orig_lines: List[str]
_size: Z2
_pixels: Dict[Z2, CellAttrs]
def __init__(self, picture_str: str) -> None:
lines = self._orig_lines = picture_str.splitlines()
line_count = len(lines)
if not line_count:
raise ValueError('Should have at least one row.')
col_count = len(lines[0])
if any(len(line) != col_count for line in lines[1:]):
raise ValueError('Should have equal column count in each row.')
pixels = self._pixels = defaultdict(CellAttrs)
for y, line in enumerate(lines):
for x, ch in enumerate(line):
pixels[Z2(x, y)].black = not ch.isspace()
self._size = Z2(col_count, line_count)
def str_with_edges(self, edges: AbstractSet[Edge],
print_levels: bool = False) -> str:
arrs_y = {(False, False): ' ', (True, False): ' ↓',
(False, True): ' ↑', (True, True): ' ↕'}
arrs_x = {(False, False): ' ', (True, False): ' →',
(False, True): ' ←', (True, True): ' ↔'}
def write_y_arrow(s: StringIO, x: int, y: int) -> None:
edge = Edge(Z2(x, y), EdgeOr.YINC)
s.write(arrs_y[(edge in edges, edge.reverse in edges)])
def write_x_arrow(s: StringIO, x: int, y: int) -> None:
edge = Edge(Z2(x, y), EdgeOr.XINC)
s.write(arrs_x[(edge in edges, edge.reverse in edges)])
col_count, line_count = self._size.seq
with StringIO() as s:
for y, line in enumerate(self._orig_lines):
for x in range(col_count):
write_x_arrow(s, x, y)
for x, ch in enumerate(line):
write_y_arrow(s, x, y)
if print_levels:
s.write(format(self._pixels[Z2(x, y)].level, '2'))
s.write(' ')
write_y_arrow(s, col_count, y)
for x in range(col_count):
write_x_arrow(s, x, line_count)
return s.getvalue()
def size(self) -> Z2:
return self._size
def __getitem__(self, cell: Cell) -> CellAttrs:
return self._pixels[cell.c]
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Cell]:
x_count, y_count = self._size.seq
for y in range(y_count):
for x in range(x_count):
yield Cell(Z2(x, y))
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self._pixels)
# Stricter than `getitem(cell) is not None`
def __contains__(self, cell: object) -> bool:
if not isinstance(cell, Cell):
return False
x_count, y_count = self._size.seq
return 0 <= cell.c.x < x_count and 0 <= cell.c.y < y_count
def outer_cells(self) -> Iterator[Cell]:
def iter_line(start: Z2, stop: Z2, delta: Z2) -> Iterator[Cell]:
c = start
while c != stop:
yield Cell(c)
c += delta
x_last, y_last = (self._size - Z2_11).seq
yield from iter_line(Z2(0, 0), Z2(x_last, 0), Z2_10)
yield from iter_line(Z2(x_last, 0), Z2(x_last, y_last), Z2_01)
yield from iter_line(Z2(x_last, y_last), Z2(0, y_last), Z2_N0)
yield from iter_line(Z2(0, y_last), Z2(0, 0), Z2_0N)
class PathVertex(Enum):
SOURCE = enum_auto()
TARGET = enum_auto()
# TRANSIT = enum_auto()
def find_cycles(pic: Picture) -> Iterable[Cycle]:
vertex_paths: Dict[Z2, Set[Tuple[PathVertex, Path]]]
vertex_paths = defaultdict(set)
paths: Set[Path] = set()
cycles: Set[Cycle] = set()
def may_connect(first: Edge, second: Edge) -> bool:
if first.insider != second.insider:
return True
cell = first.translate(1).outsider
cell_ = second.translate(-1).outsider
assert cell == cell_, 'This should be a square grid.'
return not pic[cell].black
def _remove(path: Optional[Path]) -> None:
if path is None:
assert (end_edges := path.end_edges) is not None
first, last = end_edges
vertex_paths[first.source].remove((PathVertex.SOURCE, path))
vertex_paths[].remove((PathVertex.TARGET, path))
def _add(path: Path) -> None:
# May be “closed” with `may_connect(path, path) == False`
assert (end_edges := path.end_edges) is not None
first, last = end_edges
vertex_paths[first.source].add((PathVertex.SOURCE, path))
vertex_paths[].add((PathVertex.TARGET, path))
def incorporate(new_edge: Edge) -> None:
source = new_edge.source
before_source: Optional[Path] = None
for kind, other_path in vertex_paths[source]:
if kind is not PathVertex.TARGET:
if not may_connect(other_path.edges[-1], new_edge):
before_source = other_path
target =
after_target: Optional[Path] = None
for kind, other_path in vertex_paths[target]:
if kind is not PathVertex.SOURCE:
if not may_connect(new_edge, other_path.edges[0]):
after_target = other_path
new_edges = (new_edge,)
if before_source is None and after_target is None:
elif before_source is after_target:
assert before_source is not None
add_cycle(Cycle(before_source.edges + new_edges))
before = before_source.edges if before_source else ()
after = after_target.edges if after_target else ()
_add(Path(before + new_edges + after))
def add_cycle(cycle: Cycle) -> None:
boundary: Set[Cell] = set(pic.outer_cells())
white_boundary = set(cell for cell in boundary if not pic[cell].black)
activated_cells: Set[Cell]
level: int
if white_boundary:
activated_cells = white_boundary
level = 0
else: # Totally black
activated_cells = boundary
level = 1
activate_later: Set[Cell] = set()
while activated_cells or activate_later:
if not activated_cells:
# The previous level is complete
level += 1
activated_cells, activate_later = activate_later, set()
cell = activated_cells.pop()
attrs = pic[cell]
attrs.level = level
for edge in cell.boundary():
neighbor = edge.outsider
neighbor_black = pic[neighbor].black
if neighbor in pic and pic[neighbor].level is None:
if is neighbor_black:
elif neighbor not in activated_cells:
if not
if neighbor_black:
# Now, this cell is black and the neighbor is white:
return cycles
def main() -> None:
p = (" D\n"
" AAAAAA \n"
" AA AA \n"
" AA B AA \n"
" A CC A \n"
" A AA \n"
" AAAAAAA \n")
pic = Picture(p)
cycles = find_cycles(pic)
def cell_outside(cell: Cell) -> bool:
return pic[cell].level in (0, None)
edges: Set[Edge] = set()
s = StringIO()
for cycle in cycles:
any_edge = cycle.edges[0]
if (cell_outside(any_edge.insider) or
# Outermost cycles go to hell in this easy manner
cycles_svg = s.getvalue()
print('=' * 60)
print('=' * 60)
print(pic.str_with_edges(edges, print_levels=True))
print('=' * 60)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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