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Punctree interpreter [prototype; untested] <>
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Dict, List, Set, Tuple, NamedTuple, Callable, Optional, Union, Iterable, Iterator, Sequence, Mapping, Any, NoReturn, ClassVar, AbstractSet, NewType, Type, TypeVar
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from itertools import islice, repeat
from functools import reduce, lru_cache
from enum import Enum
import enum
import inspect
from sys import stdin, stdout
class OpCode(Enum):
HOLE = '_'
SWAP = '~'
FILL = '.'
PLUS = '+'
Z_UP = '^'
Z_DL = '/'
Z_DR = '\\'
TAU = '%'
PROJ = '#'
PTAU = '@'
EQ = '='
LEFT = '<'
IN = ':'
OUT = ';'
LOOP = '?'
POPBAR = '|'
QUOTE = '[{}]'
PUSHBAR = '{}|'
DUP = '{}+'
SET = '{}='
DBG_EXIT = '`q'
DBG_BREAK = '`b'
def greeks() -> AbstractSet[OpCode]:
return frozenset((OpCode.PUSHBAR, OpCode.DUP, OpCode.SET))
def inverse() -> Mapping[str, OpCode]:
return {i.value: i for i in list(OpCode)}
opcode_impls: Dict[OpCode, Tuple[Callable, int]]
opcode_impls = dict()
def opcode(opcode_: OpCode):
def decorator(f: Callable) -> Callable:
arity: int = len(inspect.signature(f).parameters)
opcode_impls[opcode_] = (f, arity)
return f
return decorator
class Branch(Enum):
L =
R =
def unbranch(self, left: Callable, right: Callable):
return left() if self is Branch.L else right()
def mirror(self) -> Branch:
return self.unbranch(lambda: Branch.R, lambda: Branch.L)
def digit(self) -> int:
return self.unbranch(lambda: 1, lambda: 0)
def from_digit(x: int) -> Branch:
return Branch.L if x == 1 else Branch.R
def cons(self, ex_t1: Tree0, t0: Tree0) -> Tree0:
return Tree0.cons(ex_t1, t0) if self is Branch.L else Tree0.cons(t0, ex_t1)
def parts(self, left, right) -> Tuple[Any, Any]:
return self.unbranch(lambda: (left, right), lambda: (right, left))
# commented until mypy supports recursive types :)
# InnerTree = Union[Tuple[()], Tuple['InnerTree', 'InnerTree']]
InnerTree = Any
class Tree0:
_val: InnerTree
def __str__(self) -> str:
maybe_cons = self.from_cons
if maybe_cons is None:
return "0"
t, u = maybe_cons
return f"({t}{u})"
def nil() -> Tree0:
return Tree0(())
def cons(cls, car: Tree0, cdr: Tree0) -> Tree0:
return cls((car._val, cdr._val))
def from_cons(self) -> Optional[Tuple[Tree0, Tree0]]:
if not self._val:
return None
return tuple(Tree0(x) for x in self._val) # type: ignore # I’m lazy
class StackValue:
class Tree1(StackValue):
_trail: Tuple[Tuple[Branch, Tree0], ...]
def __post_init__(self):
assert isinstance(self._trail, tuple), "_trail should be a tuple."
def __str__(self) -> str:
strs = ["_"]
for branch, t0 in reversed(self._trail):
t0_str = str(t0)
prefixes, suffixes = branch.unbranch(
lambda: (["("], [t0_str, ")"]),
lambda: (["(", t0_str], [")"]))
strs[0:0] = prefixes
strs += suffixes
return ''.join(strs)
def hole() -> Tree1:
return Tree1(())
def true() -> Tree1:
return Tree1(((Branch.L, Tree0.nil()),))
def zipper(t1: Tree1, t0: Tree0) -> Tree1:
return Tree1(((Branch.L, t0), *t1._trail))
def from_cons(self) -> Optional[Tuple[Branch, Tree1, Tree0]]:
trail = self._trail
if not trail:
return None
(branch, t0), *levels = trail
return (branch, Tree1(tuple(levels)), t0)
def swap(self) -> Tree1:
trail = self._trail
if not trail:
return Tree1.hole()
(branch, t0), *levels = trail
return Tree1(((branch.mirror, t0), *levels))
def fill(self, other: Tree1) -> Tree1:
trail = self._trail + other._trail
return Tree1(trail)
def close(self) -> Tree0:
maybe_cons = self.from_cons
if maybe_cons is None:
return Tree0.nil()
branch, t1, t0 = maybe_cons
return branch.cons(t1.close(), t0)
def plus(self, other: Tree1) -> Tree1:
return Tree1(((Branch.L, other.close()), *self._trail))
def from_zipper(self) -> Optional[Tuple[Tree1, Tree0]]:
maybe_cons = self.from_cons
if maybe_cons is None or maybe_cons[0] is Branch.R:
return None
return maybe_cons[1::]
def zipper_up(self) -> Tree1:
maybe_zipper = self.from_zipper
if maybe_zipper is None:
return Tree1.hole()
t1, t0 = maybe_zipper
levels = list(t1._trail)
if not levels:
return Tree1.hole()
*levels, (branch, u0) = levels
new_t0 = branch.cons(t0, u0)
return Tree1.zipper(Tree1(tuple(levels)), new_t0)
def zipper_down(self, branch: Branch) -> Tree1:
maybe_zipper = self.from_zipper
if maybe_zipper is None:
return Tree1.hole()
t1, t0 = maybe_zipper
maybe_cons = t0.from_cons
if maybe_cons is None:
return Tree1.hole()
new_t0, u0 =*maybe_cons)
return Tree1.zipper(Tree1((*t1._trail, (branch, u0))), new_t0)
def zipper_downleft(self) -> Tree1:
return self.zipper_down(Branch.L)
def zipper_downright(self) -> Tree1:
return self.zipper_down(Branch.R)
def tau_copy(self, other: Tree1) -> Tree1:
trail = self._trail
otrail = other._trail
if not trail or not otrail:
return Tree1.hole()
*_, (_, t0) = trail
*olevels, (obranch, _) = otrail
return Tree1((*olevels, (obranch, t0)))
def proj_tree1(self) -> Tree1:
maybe_cons = self.from_cons
if maybe_cons is None:
return Tree1.hole()
return maybe_cons[1]
def proj_tree0_tau_copy(self, other: Tree1) -> Tree1:
maybe_cons = self.from_cons
otrail = other._trail
if maybe_cons is None or not otrail:
return Tree1.hole()
*olevels, (obranch, _) = otrail
return Tree1((*olevels, (obranch, maybe_cons[2])))
def equals(self, other: Tree1) -> Tree1:
return Tree1.true() if self == other else Tree1.hole()
def filter_left(self) -> Tree1:
maybe_cons = self.from_cons
if maybe_cons is None or maybe_cons[0] is Branch.R:
return Tree1.hole()
return self
def byte_from_tree(x: Tree1, *, little_endian: bool = True) -> Optional[int]:
# we’ll use UB in the specification to allow simpler impl
digits = [branch.digit for branch, _ in x._trail]
if little_endian:
value = reduce(lambda acc, digit: 2 * acc + digit, digits, 0)
if 0 <= value < 256:
return value
return None
def byte_to_tree(x: int, *, little_endian: bool = True) -> Tree1:
assert 0 <= x < 256, "The argument should fit into a single unsigned byte."
digits = [int(ch) for ch in format(x, '08b')]
if little_endian:
trail = tuple((Branch.from_digit(d), Tree0.nil()) for d in digits)
return Tree1(trail)
class Error(Exception):
message: str
def __init__(self, message):
self.message = message
class PRuntimeError(Error): pass
class PSyntaxError(Error): pass
io_little_endian = True
def input_tree() -> Tree1:
read =
if not read:
#hopefully it’s an EOF and not a shortage of data
return Tree1.hole()
return byte_to_tree(read[0], little_endian=io_little_endian)
def output_tree(x: Tree1) -> None:
maybe_byte = byte_from_tree(x, little_endian=io_little_endian)
if maybe_byte is None:
raise PRuntimeError("Can’t output this value.")
def convert_value(e: StackValue, to: Type[TStackValue]) -> TStackValue:
if isinstance(e, to): # treats to = object as well
return e
if isinstance(e, CodeChunk) and to is Tree1:
return e.to_tree() # type: ignore # I’m lazy
elif isinstance(e, Tree1) and to is CodeChunk:
new_e = CodeChunk.from_tree(e)
if new_e is None:
raise PRuntimeError("This value doesn’t represent a valid code.")
return new_e # type: ignore # I’m lazy
raise NotImplementedError("No conversion for these types.")
class Stack:
_frames: List[List[StackValue]]
def __init__(self):
self._frames = [[]]
def flat(self) -> Iterator[StackValueBar]:
needs_bar = False
for frame in self._frames:
if needs_bar:
yield None
needs_bar = True
yield from frame
def __str__(self) -> str:
def stringify(x: StackValueBar) -> str:
if x is None:
return '|'
elif isinstance(x, Tree1):
return str(x)
elif isinstance(x, CodeChunk):
return str(x.to_tree())
raise NotImplementedError("Unknown stack value type.")
return ' '.join(map(stringify, self.flat()))
def pop(self, types: Sequence[Type[TStackValue]]) -> List[TStackValue]:
#def pop(self, types: Sequence[type]) -> List[StackValue]:
last_frame = self._frames[-1]
usable = len(last_frame)
expected = len(types)
if usable < expected:
raise PRuntimeError(f"Not enough values: {expected} expected, {usable} usable.")
from_ = usable - expected
popped = last_frame[from_:]
del last_frame[from_:]
return [convert_value(e, to) for e, to in zip(popped, types)]
def push(self, *values: StackValue) -> None:
self._frames[-1] += values
def clear(self) -> None:
def push_bar(self, index: int) -> None:
last_frame = self._frames[-1]
index = len(last_frame) - index
if index < 0:
raise PRuntimeError("Can’t push bar behind another one: {-index} too deep.")
del last_frame[index:]
def pop_penultimate_section(self) -> None:
del self._frames[-2:-1]
def checked_section_index(self, index: int) -> int:
if 0 <= index < len(self._frames[-1]):
return index
raise PRuntimeError("The index is out of bounds.")
def dup(self, index: int) -> None:
index = self.checked_section_index(index)
def set_(self, index: int) -> None:
new_value = self.pop([StackValue])[0]
index = self.checked_section_index(index)
self._frames[-1][index] = new_value
_inv_greeks: str
_inv_greeks = "αβγδεζηθικλμνοπρστυφχψω"
_greeks: Mapping[str, int]
_greeks = {s: i for i, s in enumerate(_inv_greeks)}
class CodeChunk(StackValue):
_code: Tuple[Op]
_index: int = field(init=False)
_len: int = field(init=False)
def __post_init__(self):
self._len = len(self._code)
def compile(source: str) -> CodeChunk:
it: Iterator[Tuple[int, str]] = enumerate(source)
eof: Tuple[int, str] = (len(source), '\0')
ops: List[Op] = []
quote_starts: List[int] = []
def it_next() -> Tuple[int, str]:
return next(it, eof)
def skip_comments():
nesting = 1
while True:
i, ch = it_next()
if ch == '{':
nesting += 1
if ch == '}':
nesting -= 1
elif ch == '\0':
if not nesting:
raise PSyntaxError(f"Unclosed comment at {i}.")
if not nesting:
if nesting < 0:
raise PSyntaxError(f"Extraneous comment end at {i}.")
def greek(prev: str) -> Op:
value = _greeks[prev]
i, ch = it_next()
if ch == '|':
return OpCode.PUSHBAR, value
elif ch == '+':
return OpCode.DUP, value
elif ch == '=':
return OpCode.SET, value
raise PSyntaxError(f"Unfinished ‘{prev}’, expecting one of ‘|+=’ at {i}.")
def debug(prev: str) -> Op:
i, ch = it_next()
maybe_opcode = OpCode.inverse().get(prev + ch, None)
if maybe_opcode is None:
raise PSyntaxError(f"Unfinished ‘{prev}’, expecting one of ‘cqbsr’ at {i}.")
return (maybe_opcode,)
while True:
i, ch = it_next()
maybe_opcode = OpCode.inverse().get(ch, None)
if maybe_opcode is not None:
elif ch == '{':
elif ch == '[':
elif ch == ']':
if not quote_starts:
raise PSyntaxError(f"Extraneous quote end at {i}.")
start = quote_starts.pop()
quoted_ops = ops[start:]
ops[start:] = [(OpCode.QUOTE, CodeChunk(tuple(quoted_ops)))] # type: ignore # I’m lazy
elif 'α' <= ch <= 'ω':
elif ch == '`':
elif ch.isspace():
elif ch == '\0':
if quote_starts:
raise PSyntaxError(f"Unclosed quotes ({len(quote_starts)}) at {i}.")
raise PSyntaxError(f"Unknown character ‘{ch}’ at {i}.")
return CodeChunk(tuple(ops)) # type: ignore # I’m lazy
def code_str(self) -> str:
def op_str(opcode: OpCode, *args: OpArg) -> str:
value: str = opcode.value
if opcode in OpCode.greeks():
assert isinstance(arg := args[0], int)
return value.format(_inv_greeks[arg])
elif opcode is OpCode.QUOTE:
assert isinstance(arg := args[0], CodeChunk)
return value.format(arg.code_str())
return value
return ''.join((op_str(*op) for op in self._code))
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"[{self.code_str()}]::{self._index}"
def from_tree(x: Tree1) -> Optional[CodeChunk]:
trail = x._trail
subtrails = (trail[index:index + 8] for index in range(0, len(trail) - 7, 8))
maybe_bytes = tuple(byte_from_tree(Tree1(tr)) for tr in subtrails)
if None in maybe_bytes:
return None
decoded = bytes(maybe_bytes).decode() # type: ignore # I’m lazy
return CodeChunk.compile(decoded)
def to_tree(self) -> Tree1:
encoded = self.code_str().encode()
trail: List[Tuple[Branch, Tree0]] = []
for b in encoded:
trail += byte_to_tree(b)._trail
return Tree1(tuple(trail))
def reset_iter(self) -> None:
self._index = 0
def next_op(self) -> Optional[Op]:
if self._index < self._len:
op = self._code[self._index]
self._index += 1
return op
return None
OpArg = Union[int, CodeChunk]
Op = Union[Tuple[OpCode], Tuple[OpCode, OpArg]]
TStackValue = TypeVar('TStackValue', bound=StackValue)
StackValueBar = Union[StackValue, None]
class WhileState(Enum):
class While:
_state: WhileState
_cond: CodeChunk
_body: CodeChunk
_else: CodeChunk
def __str__(self) -> str:
return (f"[{self._cond.code_str()}][{self._body.code_str()}]"
class Breakpoint:
def __str__(self) -> str:
return type(self).__name__
RunState = Union[While, CodeChunk, Breakpoint]
class Runtime:
stack: Stack
_continue: List[RunState]
def __init__(self):
self.stack = Stack()
self._continue = []
def add_code(self, source: str) -> None:
def schedule(self, state: RunState) -> None:
if isinstance(state, CodeChunk):
def run(self, limiter: Iterable = repeat(None)) -> bool:
for _ in limiter:
if self.run_step():
return True
return False
def run_step(self) -> bool:
if not self._continue:
return True
running = self._continue[-1]
if isinstance(running, CodeChunk):
return False
elif isinstance(running, While):
return False
elif isinstance(running, Breakpoint):
return True
raise NotImplementedError("Unknown run state element.")
def run_step_while(self, running: While) -> None:
state = running._state
if state is WhileState.CONTINUE:
running._state = WhileState.TESTED
elif (state is WhileState.TESTED or
state is WhileState.FIRST_TESTED):
val, = self.stack.pop([Tree1])
if val != Tree1.hole():
running._state = WhileState.CONTINUE
if state is WhileState.FIRST_TESTED:
elif state is WhileState.BEFORE:
running._state = WhileState.FIRST_TESTED
raise NotImplementedError("Unknown while-loop state.")
def run_step_chunk(self, running: CodeChunk) -> None:
maybe_next = running.next_op()
if maybe_next is None:
opcode, *args = maybe_next
maybe_func = opcode_impls.get(opcode, None)
if maybe_func is not None:
elif opcode is OpCode.LOOP:
elif opcode is OpCode.POPBAR:
elif opcode is OpCode.QUOTE:
assert isinstance(arg := args[0], CodeChunk)
elif opcode is OpCode.PUSHBAR:
assert isinstance(arg := args[0], int)
elif opcode is OpCode.DUP:
assert isinstance(arg := args[0], int)
elif opcode is OpCode.SET:
assert isinstance(arg := args[0], int)
elif opcode is OpCode.DBG_CLRSTACK:
elif opcode is OpCode.DBG_EXIT:
elif opcode is OpCode.DBG_BREAK:
elif opcode is OpCode.DBG_SHOWSTACK:
elif opcode is OpCode.DBG_SHOWCONT:
print(*self._continue, sep='\n')
raise PRuntimeError(f"Unknown opcode ‘{opcode}’.")
def eval_simple_function(self, f: Callable, arity: int) -> None:
popped = self.stack.pop([Tree1] * arity)
res = f(*popped)
if isinstance(res, (Tree1, CodeChunk)):
elif isinstance(res, tuple):
elif res is not None:
raise NotImplementedError("Unknown return type.")
def eval_while(self) -> None:
chunks: List[CodeChunk]
chunks = self.stack.pop([CodeChunk] * 3) # type: ignore # I’m lazy
cond, body, else_ = chunks
self.schedule(While(WhileState.BEFORE, cond, body, else_))
def test() -> None:
import pytest
assert False, "AAAAH!"
def main() -> None:
print("Punctree REPL. Enter an empty line to exit.")
print("Debug: `b brkpnt `c clrstack `s prnstack `q clrcont `r prncont")
runtime = Runtime()
while True:
response: str = input("°> ")
if not response:
except PSyntaxError as err:
print(f"[Syntax error] {err}")
except PRuntimeError as err:
print(f"[Runtime error] {err}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
from sys import argv
if len(argv) == 1:
elif len(argv) == 2 and argv[1] == 'test':
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