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Created March 26, 2024 22:48
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Continued fractions, incl. handling quadratic surds
Reference implementation of continued fraction routines
by 0.5°.
from __future__ import annotations
from dataclasses import InitVar, dataclass
from itertools import pairwise
from math import floor, inf, isinf, isnan, isqrt, lcm, sqrt
from typing import Iterable, Iterator, Literal, Sequence, overload
from fractions import Fraction
from more_itertools import last
__all__ = ('Infinity', 'Num', 'FracLin', 'Quadratic',
'from_cf', 'cf', 'convergents', 'from_periodic_cf',)
@dataclass(frozen=True, slots=True)
class Infinity:
"""Projective infinity ∞. Useful for dealing with continued fractions."""
def __mul__(self, other: Num) -> Infinity:
if isinstance(other, int | Fraction | float):
if other == 0 or isnan(other):
raise ZeroDivisionError(f'can’t multiply ∞ and {other}')
return self
if isinstance(other, Infinity):
return self
return NotImplemented
def __rmul__(self, other: int | Fraction | float) -> Infinity:
if isinstance(other, int | Fraction | float):
if other == 0 or isnan(other):
raise ZeroDivisionError(f'can’t multiply {other} and ∞')
return self
return NotImplemented
def __truediv__(self, other: Num) -> Infinity:
if isinstance(other, int | Fraction | float):
if isinf(other) or isnan(other):
raise ZeroDivisionError(f'can’t divide ∞ by {other}')
return self
if isinstance(other, Infinity):
raise ZeroDivisionError('can’t divide ∞ by ∞')
return NotImplemented
def __rtruediv__(self, other: int | Fraction | float) -> int:
if isinstance(other, int | Fraction | float):
if isinf(other) or isnan(other):
raise ZeroDivisionError(f'can’t divide {other} by ∞')
return 0
return NotImplemented
def __float__(self) -> float:
return inf
type Num = int | float | Fraction | Infinity
def from_cf(f: Iterable[int]) -> Fraction | Infinity:
return last(convergents(f), Infinity())
def cf(x: Num | Quadratic) -> Iterator[int]:
if isinstance(x, Infinity) or isinf(x):
if isinstance(x, int | float):
x = Fraction(x)
if isinstance(x, Quadratic):
head, period = x.periodic_cf()
yield from head
while True:
yield from period
while True:
a, frac = divmod(x, 1)
yield a
if not frac:
x = 1 / frac
def convergents(f: Iterable[int], semi: bool = False) -> Iterator[Fraction]:
m_prev, m, n_prev, n = 0, 1, 1, 0
for a in f:
if semi:
for ai in range(1, a): # 1 to a-1
yield Fraction(ai * m + m_prev, ai * n + n_prev)
m_prev, m = m, (a * m + m_prev)
n_prev, n = n, (a * n + n_prev)
yield Fraction(m, n)
@dataclass(frozen=True, slots=True)
class FracLin:
"""Integer fractional linear transformation x ↦ (a x + b) / (c x + d)."""
a: int
b: int
c: int
d: int
def __post_init__(self) -> None:
if abs(self.determinant) != 1:
raise ValueError('a * d - b * c should be ±1')
def determinant(self) -> Literal[1, -1]:
# asserted in __post_init__
return self.a * self.d - self.b * self.c # type: ignore
def from_cf(f: Iterable[int]) -> FracLin:
a, b, c, d = 1, 0, 0, 1
for n in f:
# for a single cf term: n + 1/x = (n * x + 1) / (1 * x + 0)
# so (a, b, c, d) = (n, 1, 1, 0); composing with this gives:
a, b, c, d = (a * n + b), a, (c * n + d), c
return FracLin(a, b, c, d)
def id() -> FracLin:
return FracLin(1, 0, 0, 1)
def __mul__(self, other: FracLin) -> FracLin:
if isinstance(other, FracLin):
a, b, c, d = self.a, self.b, self.c, self.d
a2, b2, c2, d2 = other.a, other.b, other.c, other.d
return FracLin(a * a2 + b * c2,
a * b2 + b * d2,
c * a2 + d * c2,
c * b2 + d * d2)
return NotImplemented
def inverse(self) -> FracLin:
if self.determinant == 1:
return FracLin(self.d, -self.b, -self.c, self.a)
return FracLin(-self.d, self.b, self.c, -self.a)
def final(self) -> Fraction | Infinity:
"""This transformation as a value of cf; equivalently = f(inf)."""
if not self.c:
return Infinity()
return Fraction(self.a, self.c)
def __call__(self, arg: float) -> float | Infinity: ...
def __call__(self, arg: int | Fraction | Infinity) -> Fraction | Infinity: ...
def __call__(self, arg: Quadratic) -> Quadratic | Infinity: ...
def __call__(self, arg):
if isinstance(arg, Quadratic):
return arg.apply_fraclin(self)
if isinstance(arg, Fraction | int):
arg_n, arg_d = arg.numerator, arg.denominator
elif isinstance(arg, Infinity) or isinf(arg):
arg_n, arg_d = 1, 0
else: # isinstance(arg, float)
arg_n, arg_d = arg, 1
numer = self.a * arg_n + self.b * arg_d
denom = self.c * arg_n + self.d * arg_d
if isinstance(numer, int):
numer = Fraction(numer)
return numer / denom
except ZeroDivisionError:
return Infinity()
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f'(({self.a} {self.b}) ({self.c} {self.d}))'
def _rational_sqrt(x: Fraction) -> Fraction | None:
n, d = x.as_integer_ratio()
if n == isqrt(n) ** 2 and d == isqrt(d) ** 2:
return Fraction(n, d)
return None
def _compare_sqrt_with_rat(s: Fraction, x: Fraction) -> Literal[-1, 0, 1]:
# sqrt(s) > x
# [when x ≥ 0] s > x**2
# [when x < 0] True
# sqrt(s) < x
# [when x ≥ 0] s < x**2
# [when x < 0] False
if s < 0:
raise ValueError('s should be nonnegative')
if x < 0 or s > x ** 2:
return 1
if s < x ** 2:
return -1
return 0
@dataclass(frozen=True, slots=True)
class Quadratic:
"""Quadratic irrationality q + (1 if plus else -1) * sqrt(s)."""
q: Fraction
plus: bool
s: Fraction
_nocheck: InitVar[bool] = False
def make(q: Fraction, plus: bool, s: Fraction) -> Fraction | Quadratic:
if s < 0:
raise ValueError('sqrt-part should be nonnegative')
sqrt_s = _rational_sqrt(s)
if sqrt_s is not None:
return q + sqrt_s
return Quadratic(q, plus, s, _nocheck=True)
def __str__(self) -> str:
addition = '+' if else '-'
if self.s.is_integer():
radicand = str(self.s)
radicand = f'({self.s})'
if not self.q:
return f'{addition}√{radicand}'
return f'{self.q} {addition} √{radicand}'
def __post_init__(self, _nocheck: bool) -> None:
if _nocheck:
if self.s <= 0:
raise ValueError('sqrt-part should be positive')
if _rational_sqrt(self.s) is not None:
raise ValueError('sqrt-part should not be a square')
def __float__(self) -> float:
return self.q + (1 if else -1) * sqrt(self.s)
def __gt__(self, other: int | Fraction) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, int | Fraction):
return NotImplemented
# q + sqrt(s) > x <=> sqrt(s) > x - q
# q - sqrt(s) > x <=> sqrt(s) < q - x
sign = 1 if else -1
return _compare_sqrt_with_rat(self.s, (other - self.q) * sign) == sign
def __lt__(self, other: int | Fraction) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, int | Fraction):
return NotImplemented
# q + sqrt(s) < x <=> sqrt(s) < x - q
# q - sqrt(s) < x <=> sqrt(s) > q - x
sign = 1 if else -1
return _compare_sqrt_with_rat(self.s, (other - self.q) * sign) == -sign
def divmod1(self) -> tuple[int, Quadratic]:
m = lcm(self.q.denominator, self.s.denominator)
q_ = m * self.q
s_ = m**2 * self.s
assert q_.denominator == 1 == s_.denominator
floor_sqrt = isqrt(s_.numerator)
if not
# note that floor(-x) = -ceiling(x) and isqrt(n) = floor(sqrt(n))
if floor_sqrt ** 2 < s_.numerator:
floor_sqrt += 1 # make it a ceiling
floor_sqrt = -floor_sqrt
floor_ = floor((q_ + floor_sqrt) / m)
frac_ = Quadratic(self.q - floor_,, self.s, _nocheck=True)
assert 0 < frac_ < 1
return floor_, frac_
def inverse(self) -> Quadratic:
# (q ± sqrt(s)) (q ∓ sqrt(s)) = q**2 - s
# (q ± sqrt(s))⁻¹ = (q ∓ sqrt(s)) / (q**2 - s) =
# = (q / d) ∓ (sgn d) sqrt(s / d**2)
d = self.q ** 2 - self.s
new_plus = ^ (d > 0)
assert d != 0, 'you shouldn’t have used unchecked construction'
return Quadratic(self.q / d, new_plus, self.s / (d ** 2),
def periodic_cf(self) -> tuple[tuple[int, ...], tuple[int, ...]]:
x = self
terms: list[int] = []
visited: list[Quadratic] = []
while x not in visited:
a, frac = x.divmod1()
x = frac.inverse
# | -- cycle -- |
# terms: [ t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7] (t3)
# visited: [a, b, c, d, e, f, g] (c)
i = visited.index(x)
return tuple(terms[:i]), tuple(terms[i:])
def apply_fraclin(self, f: FracLin) -> Quadratic | Infinity:
# (a q + a sqrt(s) + b) / (c q + c sqrt(s) + d)
if f.c == 0 == f.d:
# s isn’t a square => denominator == 0 only in this case
return Infinity()
# num = (aq+b + a sqrt(s)) (cq+d - c sqrt(s)) =
# = (aq+b cq+d - a c s) + (a cq+d - c aq+b) sqrt(s)
# NB (a cq+d - c aq+b) = a c q + a d - a c q - b c = a d - b c ≠ 0
# den = (cq+d + c sqrt(s)) (cq+d - c sqrt(s)) =
# = (cq+d)**2 - c**2 s
aq_b = f.a * self.q + f.b
cq_d = f.c * self.q + f.d
denominator = cq_d ** 2 - self.s * f.c ** 2
new_q = (aq_b * cq_d - f.a * f.c * self.s) / denominator
s_multiplier = f.determinant / denominator
new_plus = if s_multiplier > 0 else not
new_s = self.s * abs(s_multiplier) ** 2
return Quadratic(new_q, new_plus, new_s, _nocheck=True)
def from_periodic_cf(head: Sequence[int], period: Sequence[int]) -> Fraction | Quadratic | Infinity:
if not period:
return from_cf(head)
if not any(period): # only zeros
raise ValueError('period should not have only zeros')
if head:
# CF[head, y...] = FracLin.from_cf(head)( CF[y...] )
return FracLin.from_cf(head)(from_periodic_cf((), period))
assert not head
# y = [period, y] = FracLin.from_cf(period)(y) =: A(y)
# [y 1] is a eigenvector of A =: [(a b) (c d)]
# ------------------
# [(a b) (c d)] [z w] = λ [z w]
# { a z + b w = λ z
# { c z + d w = λ w
# ...let's use wolframalpha and add careful checks about infinity and det±1
# λ_1 = 1/2 (-sqrt(a^2 - 2 a d + 4 b c + d^2) + a + d)
# v_1 = (-(-a + d + sqrt(a^2 + 4 b c - 2 a d + d^2)) / (2 c), 1)
# λ_2 = 1/2 (sqrt(a^2 - 2 a d + 4 b c + d^2) + a + d)
# v_2 = (-(-a + d - sqrt(a^2 + 4 b c - 2 a d + d^2)) / (2 c), 1)
# -------------
# let's simplify it
# D = sqrt(D'); D' = (a - d)^2 + 4 b c
# λ1 = (a + d - D) / 2
# v1 = ((a - d) - D) / 2 c
# λ2 = (a + d + D) / 2
# v2 = ((a - d) + D) / 2 c
# ------------
# :::none of λ may end up being zero:
# λ1 = 0 <=> (a + d) ≥ 0 and det = 0 (shouldn't happen)
# λ2 = 0 <=> (a + d) ≤ 0 and det = 0 (shouldn't happen)
# -------------
# > Galois proved that the regular continued fraction which represents a
# > quadratic surd ζ is purely periodic if and only if ζ is a reduced surd.
# > Surd v1 is reduced := v1 > 1 and -1 < v2 < 0
# so we can choose them this way... again if we can compare them!!
# -----------------
# :::what if D' = 0, is the c=0 case included here?
# then λ ~ (a + d) and v = F(a - d, 2 c) if c ≠ 0
# :::but what if a + d = 0 ? can that happen?
# then a d - b c = - a a - b c
# but we already have D' = 0 so a a + b c = 0 so our det is zero!!
# :::show by manual solution c = 0 ==> v = ∞ [surprise: not always!]
# if c = 0: (d - λ) w = 0 so either w = 0 or λ = d
# then (a - d) z = -b w and w is arbitrary, well but
# z/w = -b / (a - d)
# so we can return just a normal fraction and not Infinity if a ≠ d !!!!!
f = FracLin.from_cf(period)
if not f.c:
if f.a == f.d:
return Infinity()
return Fraction(-f.b, f.a - f.d)
disc = (f.a - f.d) ** 2 + 4 * f.b * f.c
q = Fraction(f.a - f.d, 2 * f.c)
if not disc:
return q
s = Fraction(disc, 4 * f.c ** 2)
y1 = Quadratic(q, True, s)
y2 = Quadratic(q, False, s)
if y1 > 1:
assert -1 < y2 < 0
return y1
if y2 > 1:
assert -1 < y1 < 0
return y2
assert False, 'shouldn’t happen'
def _main() -> None:
if False:
x1 = Fraction('46_748/51_745')
semis = list(convergents(cf(x1), semi=True))
for c1, c2 in pairwise(semis):
print(f'{c1} and {c2}:')
n1, d1 = c1.numerator, c1.denominator
n2, d2 = c2.numerator, c2.denominator
print(f'{n1 * d2} - {n2 * d1} = {n1 * d2 - n2 * d1}')
if False:
A, B = [3, 1], [1, 2, 5, 2]
trans_ab = FracLin.from_cf(A + B)
assert trans_ab == FracLin.from_cf(A) * FracLin.from_cf(B)
assert == from_cf(A + B)
assert FracLin.from_cf([]).final == from_cf([]) == Infinity()
assert trans_ab.inverse * trans_ab ==
assert (( * trans_ab.inverse(0)) /
(trans_ab(0) * == 1)
# the last is not always true though because we calculate
# (a/c) (−b/a) / (b/d) (−d/c), so if any of a b c d is zero then boom
# BUT it’s true we can determine each of a b c d having all the others
if True:
from math import isclose
from itertools import islice
phi_float = (sqrt(5) + 1) / 2
phi = Quadratic(Fraction(1, 2), True, Fraction(5, 4))
assert isclose(phi, phi_float)
assert 1 < phi < 2
inv_phi = Quadratic(Fraction(-1, 2), True, Fraction(5, 4))
assert 0 < inv_phi < 1
assert str(inv_phi) == '-1/2 + √(5/4)'
assert phi.inverse == inv_phi
assert inv_phi.inverse == phi
assert phi.periodic_cf() == ((), (1,))
assert inv_phi.periodic_cf() == ((0,), (1,))
x = Quadratic(Fraction(11, 5), False, Fraction(13, 7))
x_cf = ((0, 1, 5),
(6, 1, 25, 1, 1, 1, 3, 4, 1, 1, 1, 4, 3, 1, 1, 1, 25,
1, 6, 6, 2, 1, 1, 3, 2, 14, 68, 14, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 6))
assert isclose(x, (11/5 - sqrt(13/7)))
assert x.apply_fraclin(FracLin(0, 1, 1, 0)) == x.inverse
assert x.apply_fraclin( == x
assert x.inverse.inverse == x
assert x.periodic_cf() == x_cf
assert from_periodic_cf(*x_cf) == x
assert isclose(x, from_cf(islice(cf(x), 15)))
assert from_periodic_cf(*x.periodic_cf()) == x
y_cf = ((1, 5, 1), (3, 2, 1, 1))
y_cf_normal = ((1, 5), (1, 3, 2, 1))
y = from_periodic_cf(*y_cf)
assert isinstance(y, Quadratic)
assert y.periodic_cf() == y_cf_normal
assert from_periodic_cf(*y_cf_normal) == y
assert from_periodic_cf((), ()) == from_cf([])
assert from_periodic_cf((1, 1, 1), ()) == from_cf([1, 1, 1])
silver = from_periodic_cf((), (2,))
assert isclose(silver, from_cf(islice(cf(silver), 15)))
assert str(silver) == '1 + √2'
assert from_periodic_cf((), (2, 2, 2)) == silver
assert from_periodic_cf((2, 2), (2, 2)) == silver
if __name__ == '__main__':
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NB: install more_itertools first.

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