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Created January 3, 2012 01:07
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Why is the size smaller than it should be?
import std.stdio;
struct Vector(T)
T x, y, z;
struct Node(T)
Vector!(T) position;
T mass;
Node!(T)* next;
// if this is commented out the size is correct
Cell!(T)* cell()
return (cast(Cell!(T)*) &this);
/* On 64-bit system:
with cell() included: (Cell!(double).sizeof is only half of the sum of the element sizes)
Sizes body = 72 cell = 56 node = 40
Children Size = 64
Cell must be at least 120
Cell sum 120
without cell() included: (Cell!(double).sizeof = sum of the element sizes)
Sizes body = 72 cell = 120 node = 40
Children Size = 64
Cell must be at least 120
Cell sum 120
struct Body(T)
align Node!(T) node;
Vector!(T) velocity;
bool ignore;
struct Cell(T)
align Node!(T) node;
Node!(T)* more;
T critRadius2;
Node!(T)* children[8];
struct QuadMatrix
T xx, xy, xz;
T yy, yz;
T zz;
QuadMatrix quad;
void main(string[] args)
writefln("Sizes body = %d cell = %d node = %d", Body!(double).sizeof, Cell!(double).sizeof, Node!(double).sizeof);
writefln("Children Size = %d ", Cell!(double).children.sizeof);
writefln("Cell must be at least %d ",
Node!(double).sizeof + (Node!(double)*).sizeof + double.sizeof + (Node!(double)*[8]).sizeof
writefln("Cell sum %d",
+ Cell!(double).more.sizeof
+ Cell!(double).critRadius2.sizeof
+ Cell!(double).children.sizeof
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