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Last active March 14, 2018 03:52
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  • Save arsewizz/c59ca68267df4b103e56082f06f9a288 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Ionic payment with Stripe .
  1. create a ionic project
  • ionic start ionicStripe blank
  1. install the stripe plugin
  • ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-stripe
  • npm install --save @ionic-native/stripe
  1. add stripe to module.ts import { Stripe } from '@ionic-native/stripe';

  2. in payment page :

  • import stripe again import { Stripe } from "@ionic-native/stripe"; and add it to constructor
  1. get credit card information

cardinfo: any = { number: 4242424242424242, expMonth: 8, expYear: 2020, cvc: 213 } 6. I need togenerate token with stripe ans to make payment, in my case, I record all the orders in my database before starting the payment process with stripe

  • this.stripe.setPublishableKey('pk_test**************');
  • this.stripe.createCardToken(this.cardinfo).then((response)=>{ // I get my token here });
  1. i need to save the orders in my database this.stripe.createCardToken(this.cardinfo).then((response)=>{ // I get my token here const Payment = skygear.Record.extend('payment'); Payer({ 'token': response, 'description':"decri[tion payment", 'prix':100, })).then((record) => { console.log(record); }, (error) => { console.error(error); }); });
  2. i create a cloud function

const skygear =require ('skygear'); const skygearCloud = require('skygear/cloud'); var stripe = require("stripe")("sk_test********************"); skygearCloud.afterSave('payment', function(record, original, pool, options) { // write your code stripe.charges.create({ amount: record.prix, currency: "usd", source:, description: record.description }, function(err, charge) { if (err) { console.log("Erreur" + JSON.stringify(err)) } // asynchronously called }); }, { async: false });

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