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Created February 12, 2019 07:30
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from time import sleep
import requests, os
import sys
url = ""
response = requests.request("GET", url)
response = response.json()
for _ in range(200):
print("\033[A \033[A")
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print("Current Cuckatoo31 hashrate " + str(response["statistics"]["current_primary_hashrate"]))
print("Average Cuckatoo31 hashrate " + str(response["statistics"]["average_primary_hashrate"]))
print("Current Cuckaroo29 hashrate " + str(response["statistics"]["current_secondary_hashrate"]))
print("Average Cuckaroo29 hashrate " + str(response["statistics"]["average_secondary_hashrate"]))
print("Unpaid Balance " + str(response["statistics"]["unpaid_balance"] * 10 ** -9))
print("Immature Balance " + str(response["statistics"]["immature_balance"] * 10 ** -9))
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