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Last active January 7, 2024 10:55
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Default swift lint file for projects
disabled_rules: # rule identifiers to exclude from running
# Number of function parameters should be low.
- function_parameter_count
# Type bodies should not span too many lines.
- type_body_length
# Complexity of function bodies should be limited.
- cyclomatic_complexity
# Files should not span too many lines.
- file_length
# Closure end should have the same indentation as the line that started it.
- closure_end_indentation
# Identifier names should only contain alphanumeric characters and start with a lowercase character or should only contain capital letters. In an exception to the above, variable names may start with a capital letter when they are declared static and immutable. Variable names should not be too long or too short.
- identifier_name
# Fallthroughs can only be used if the case contains at least one other statement.
- no_fallthrough_only #
# String enum values can be omitted when they are equal to the enumcase name.
- redundant_string_enum_value
# SwiftLint 'disable' commands are superfluous when the disabled rule would not have triggered a violation in the disabled region.
- superfluous_disable_command
opt_in_rules: # some rules are only opt-in
# Lines should not span too many characters.
- line_length
# Functions and methods parameters should be either on the same line, or one per line.
- multiline_parameters
# Attributes should be on their own lines in functions and types, but on the same line as variables and imports.
- attributes
# Closure expressions should have a single space inside each brace.
- closure_spacing
# Prefer checking isEmpty over comparing count to zero.
- empty_count
# Explicitly calling .init() should be avoided.
- explicit_init
# A fatalError call should have a message.
- fatal_error_message
# Prefer using .first(where:) over .filter { }.first in collections.
- first_where
# Implicitly unwrapped optionals should be avoided when possible.
# - implicitly_unwrapped_optional
# Prefer not to use extension access modifiers
- no_extension_access_modifier
# Underscores should be used as thousand separator in large decimal numbers.
- number_separator
# Operators should be surrounded by a single whitespace when they are being used.
- operator_usage_whitespace
# nil coalescing operator is only evaluated if the lhs is nil, coalescing operator with nil as rhs is redundant
- redundant_nil_coalescing
# Cases inside a switch should always be on a newline
- unneeded_parentheses_in_closure_argument
included: # paths to include during linting. `--path` is ignored if present.
- AppName
- AppNameTests
excluded: # paths to ignore during linting. Takes precedence over `included`.
- Pods/
# configurable rules can be customized from this configuration file
# binary rules can set their severity level
# Closure expressions should have a single space inside each brace.
closure_spacing: warning
# Force casts should be avoided.
force_cast: warning # implicitly
# Force unwrapping should be avoided.
# force_unwrapping: warning
# Implicitly unwrapped optionals should be avoided when possible.
# implicitly_unwrapped_optional: warning
#Force tries should be avoided.
severity: warning # explicitly
warning: 160
ignores_comments: true
ignores_function_declarations: true
# file_length:
# ignore_comment_only_lines: true
# Functions bodies should not span too many lines.
warning: 100
mandatory_comma: true
warning: 3
warning: 3
reporter: "xcode" # reporter type (xcode, json, csv, checkstyle, junit, html, emoji)
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