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Last active June 3, 2024 08:13
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// in the app root
export const ROUTES = reatomRoutes({
auth: {
login: {},
registration: {},
goods: {
':id': {
edit: {},
// [1] a good page with async fetching
export const loadGood = reatomAsync((ctx, id: string) =>
ctx.schedule(() => api.get(`/api/goods/${id}`)),
ROUTES.goods[':id'].Route.onMatch((ctx, { id }) => {
loadGood(ctx, id);
// [2] a good page with resource fetching
export const goodResource = reatomResource((ctx) => {
const id = ctx.spy(ROUTES.goods[':id'].Route)?.id;
if (!id) throw toAbortError('id is missing.');
return ctx.schedule(() => api.get(`/api/goods/${id}`));
// [3] app root (with react-router)
element={<GoodPage />}
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/ban-types */
import {
type Rec,
type Action,
type Atom,
type Ctx,
type Unsubscribe,
type Plain,
} from '@reatom/framework';
import { urlAtom } from '@reatom/url';
type RoutePattern = `${'' | ':'}${string}${'' | '?'}`;
interface RouteConfig {
[key: RoutePattern]: RouteConfig;
// Route?: never;
type _PathParams<Path extends string = string> =
Path extends `:${infer Param}/${infer Rest}`
? { [key in Param]: string } & _PathParams<Rest>
: Path extends `:${infer Param}?`
? { [key in Param]?: string }
: Path extends `:${infer Param}`
? { [key in Param]: string }
: Path extends `${string}/${infer Rest}`
? _PathParams<Rest>
: {};
type PathParams<Path extends string = string> = Plain<_PathParams<Path>>;
interface Route<Path extends string = string>
extends Atom<null | PathParams<Path>> {
go: Action<
Path extends `${string}:${string}`
? [pathParams: PathParams<Path>, searchParams?: Rec]
: [pathParams?: void, searchParams?: Rec],
onMatch: (
cb: (ctx: Ctx, params: PathParams<Path>) => void | Unsubscribe,
) => Unsubscribe;
pattern: Path;
path: (
params: Path extends `${string}:${string}` ? PathParams<Path> : void,
) => string;
exact: Atom<boolean>;
type Routes<T extends RouteConfig = RouteConfig, Parent extends string = ''> = {
[K in keyof T]: K extends RoutePattern
? Routes<T[K], `${Parent}/${K}`> & { Route: Route<`${Parent}/${K}`> }
: never;
} & {};
const getPatternName = (part: string) => {
const start = part.startsWith(':') ? 1 : 0;
const end = part.endsWith('?') ? -1 : undefined;
return start || end ? part.slice(start, end) : part;
const urlPaths = atom((ctx, state: Array<string> = []) => {
const pathname = ctx.spy(urlAtom).pathname.slice(1);
return pathname === state.join('/') ? state : pathname.split('/');
}, '_urlPaths');
const reatomRoute = <Path extends string = string>(
pattern: Path,
config: RouteConfig,
): Route<Path> => {
const name = `_route#${pattern}`;
const patternPaths = pattern.split('/').slice(1);
const patternPathsLength = patternPaths[patternPaths.length - 1]?.endsWith(
? patternPaths.length - 1
: patternPaths.length;
const path = ((params: Rec = {}) => {
let path = '';
for (const part of patternPaths) {
if (part.startsWith(':')) {
const paramName = getPatternName(part);
const isOptional = part.endsWith('?');
if (paramName in params) {
path += `/${params[paramName]}`;
} else if (!isOptional) {
throw new TypeError(`Missing param "${paramName}"`);
} else {
path += `/${part}`;
return path;
}) as Route['path'];
const go = action((ctx, params = {} as any, searchParams = {} as any) => {
urlAtom(ctx, (url) => {
const newUrl = new URL(path(params), url);
Object.entries(searchParams).forEach(([key, value]) => {
newUrl.searchParams.set(key, value);
return newUrl;
}, `${name}.go`) as Route['go'];
const route = atom((ctx, state?: Rec) => {
const paths = ctx.spy(urlPaths);
if (paths.length < patternPathsLength) return null;
const params = {} as Rec;
for (let i = 0; i < patternPaths.length; i++) {
const part = patternPaths[i];
const name = getPatternName(part);
const path = paths[i];
if (part.startsWith(':')) {
if (path in config) {
return null;
params[name] = path;
} else if (name !== path) {
return null;
return isShallowEqual(state, params) ? state : params;
}, name);
// Make the atom hot to allow hooking it with `onChange` without subscription.
urlAtom.onChange((ctx) => ctx.get(route));
const exact = atom((ctx) => {
const params = ctx.spy(route);
if (!params) return false;
const paths = ctx.spy(urlPaths);
return (
paths.length === patternPathsLength ||
paths.length === patternPaths.length
}, `${name}.exact`);
// TODO @artalar handle multiple ctx
let lastCtx: Ctx;
route.pipe(withInit((ctx, init) => init((lastCtx = ctx))));
const onMatch = ((cb) => {
const handler = action(
(ctx, params) => {
if (params) {
const controller = new AbortController();
abortCauseContext.set(ctx.cause, controller);
const cleanup = cb(ctx, params);
if (typeof cleanup === 'function') {
const un = route.onChange((ctx, params) => {
if (!params) {
controller.abort(toAbortError('route change'));
if (lastCtx) handler(lastCtx, lastCtx.get(route));
return route.onChange(handler);
}) as Route['onMatch'];
return Object.assign(route, { go, onMatch, path, pattern, exact }) as any;
const mapRoutes = (config: RouteConfig, parent: string): Routes => {
const routes = {} as Routes;
for (const [pattern, value] of Object.entries(config)) {
throwReatomError(pattern === 'Route', `Pattern "Route" is reserved`);
// @ts-expect-error TODO
routes[pattern] = Object.assign(mapRoutes(value, `${parent}/${pattern}`), {
Route: reatomRoute(`${parent}/${pattern}`, config),
return routes as Rec as Routes;
export const reatomRoutes = <T extends RouteConfig>(
config: T,
// for eslint
name?: string,
): Routes<T> => mapRoutes(config, '') as Routes<T>;
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