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Created November 23, 2019 12:28
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Unity Visual Studio Code settings
"files.exclude": {
// Unity3D generated files
"Library/": true,
"library/": true,
"Temp/": true,
"temp/": true,
"Obj/": true,
"obj/": true,
"Build/": true,
"build/": true,
"Builds/": true,
"builds/": true,
// Unity3D generated meta files
"ProjectSettings/": true,
"**/*.meta": true,
"**/*.prefab": true,
"**/*.unity": true,
// Autogenerated VS/MD/Consulo solution and project files
".consulo/": true,
"**/*.unityproj": true,
"**/*.suo": true,
"**/*.tmp": true,
"**/*.user": true,
"**/*.userprefs": true,
"**/*.pidb": true,
"**/*.booproj": true,
"**/*.svd": true,
"**/*.pdb": true,
"**/*.opendb": true
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