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Created March 2, 2019 10:36
Benchmark suite executing with the following configuration:
warmup: 2 s
time: 5 s
memory time: 0 ns
parallel: 1
inputs: Big (10 Million), Middle (100 Thousand), Small (1 Thousand)
Estimated total run time: 1.75 min
Benchmarking case with input Big (10 Million)...
Benchmarking case with input Middle (100 Thousand)...
Benchmarking case with input Small (1 Thousand)...
Benchmarking raise with input Big (10 Million)...
Benchmarking raise with input Middle (100 Thousand)...
Benchmarking raise with input Small (1 Thousand)...
Benchmarking throw with input Big (10 Million)...
Benchmarking throw with input Middle (100 Thousand)...
Benchmarking throw with input Small (1 Thousand)...
Benchmarking try with input Big (10 Million)...
Benchmarking try with input Middle (100 Thousand)...
Benchmarking try with input Small (1 Thousand)...
Benchmarking with with input Big (10 Million)...
Benchmarking with with input Middle (100 Thousand)...
Benchmarking with with input Small (1 Thousand)...
##### With input Small (1 Thousand) #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
case 13.73 K 72.83 μs ±17.72% 71 μs 126 μs
with 11.64 K 85.92 μs ±48.97% 74 μs 253 μs
try 9.17 K 109.11 μs ±52.12% 83 μs 318 μs
throw 5.85 K 170.89 μs ±54.44% 149 μs 477.79 μs
raise 0.67 K 1499.80 μs ±49.80% 1297.50 μs 4124 μs
case 13.73 K
with 11.64 K - 1.18x slower
try 9.17 K - 1.50x slower
throw 5.85 K - 2.35x slower
raise 0.67 K - 20.59x slower
##### With input Middle (100 Thousand) #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
with 122.29 8.18 ms ±27.35% 7.09 ms 16.43 ms
case 117.19 8.53 ms ±30.17% 7.40 ms 19.97 ms
try 95.95 10.42 ms ±37.23% 8.88 ms 23.94 ms
throw 55.58 17.99 ms ±30.40% 15.63 ms 43.74 ms
raise 9.95 100.48 ms ±23.90% 89.79 ms 209.86 ms
with 122.29
case 117.19 - 1.04x slower
try 95.95 - 1.27x slower
throw 55.58 - 2.20x slower
raise 9.95 - 12.29x slower
##### With input Big (10 Million) #####
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
case 1.34 744.17 ms ±14.24% 706.53 ms 1004.77 ms
try 1.20 832.84 ms ±12.29% 797.93 ms 1047.94 ms
with 1.12 891.15 ms ±13.01% 857.97 ms 1059.14 ms
throw 0.50 2017.07 ms ±12.64% 2090.23 ms 2227.42 ms
raise 0.0869 11501.97 ms ±0.00% 11501.97 ms 11501.97 ms
case 1.34
try 1.20 - 1.12x slower
with 1.12 - 1.20x slower
throw 0.50 - 2.71x slower
raise 0.0869 - 15.46x slower
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