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Created November 24, 2019 01:09
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import Control.Monad (foldM_)
import Data.List (foldl')
import System.IO
import qualified System.Random as R
data Treap =
Node (Int, Int) Treap Treap |
instance Show Treap where
show (Node (x, _) l r) = show l ++ " " ++ show x ++ " " ++ show r
show Null = ""
merge :: Treap -> Treap -> Treap
merge Null b = b
merge b Null = b
merge left@(Node (x1, y1) l1 r1) right@(Node (x2, y2) l2 r2)
| y1 < y2 = Node (x1, y1) l1 (merge r1 right)
| otherwise = Node (x2, y2) (merge left l2) r2
split :: Int -> Treap -> (Treap, Treap)
split _ Null = (Null, Null)
split key (Node (x, y) l r)
| x < key =
let (l1, r1) = split key r
in (Node (x, y) l l1, r1)
| otherwise =
let (l1, r1) = split key l
in (l1, Node (x, y) r1 r)
insert :: (Int, Int) -> Treap -> Treap
insert p Null = Node p Null Null
insert (x, y) t =
let (t1, t2) = split x t
in merge t1 (merge (singletone x y) t2)
delete :: Int -> Treap -> Treap
delete x t =
let (ll, r1) = split x t
(_, rr) = split (x + 1) r1
in merge ll rr
next :: (Int -> Bool) -> Treap -> Maybe Int
next _ Null = Nothing
next p v@(Node (x, y) l r)
| p x = pick x nextL
| otherwise = next p r
nextL = next p l
pick x Nothing = Just x
pick _ j = j
prev :: (Int -> Bool) -> Treap -> Maybe Int
prev _ Null = Nothing
prev p v@(Node (x, y) l r)
| p x = prev p l
| otherwise = pick x prevR
prevR = prev p r
pick x Nothing = Just x
pick _ j = j
exists :: Int -> Treap -> Bool
exists key t =
let test (Just x) = key == x
test Nothing = False
in test (next (>= key) t)
singletone x y = Node (x, y) Null Null
iter (t, gen) ("insert", x) = do
let (y, newGen) = gen
pure (insert (x, y) t, newGen)
iter (t, gen) ("delete", x) = pure (delete x t, gen)
iter (t, gen) ("exists", x) = do
let ifExists = exists x t
ansWord True = "true"
ansWord False = "false"
putStrLn (ansWord ifExists)
pure (t, gen)
iter (t, gen) ("next", x) = do
let nextV = next (> x) t
ansWord (Just x) = show x
ansWord Nothing = "none"
putStrLn (ansWord nextV)
pure (t, gen)
iter (t, gen) ("prev", x) = do
let prevV = prev (>= x) t
ansWord (Just x) = show x
ansWord Nothing = "none"
putStrLn (ansWord prevV)
pure (t, gen)
main = do
gen <- R.newStdGen
content <- getContents
let input = map (\[a, b] -> (a, read b :: Int)) $ map words $ lines content
foldM_ iter (Null, gen) input
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