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Created June 20, 2020 21:13
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Assymetric Loop
<a href='//' target='_blank'>build</a>
import * as $ from '//'
import { OrbitControls } from '//'
import { EffectComposer } from '//'
import { RenderPass } from '//'
import { UnrealBloomPass } from '//'
// ----
// Boot
// ----
const renderer = new $.WebGLRenderer({ antialias: false });
const scene = new $.Scene();
const camera = new $.PerspectiveCamera(75, 2, .1, 1000);
const controls = new OrbitControls(camera, renderer.domElement);
const composer = new EffectComposer(renderer);
window.addEventListener('resize', () => {
const { clientWidth, clientHeight } = renderer.domElement;
renderer.setSize(clientWidth, clientHeight, false);
camera.aspect = clientWidth / clientHeight;
composer.setSize(clientWidth, clientHeight);
window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize'));
renderer.setAnimationLoop(t => {
// ----
// Main
// ----
scene.background = new $.Color('black');
scene.fog = new $.Fog(scene.background, 1, 8);
camera.position.set(0, 0, 5);
const light0 = new $.DirectionalLight('cyan', 2);
const light1 = new $.PointLight('magenta', 5, 5, 1);
//// Make Non Indexed Geometry
let geom;
const geom_ = new $.TorusKnotBufferGeometry(2, .5, 100, 50, 2, 3);
geom = geom_.toNonIndexed();
//// Compute Morph Attrib - Position
const positions0 = new Float32Array(geom.attributes.position.array.length);
const $vec0 = new $.Vector3();
const $vec1 = new $.Vector3();
const $vec2 = new $.Vector3();
const $norm = new $.Vector3();
const $tri0 = new $.Triangle();
const $mat0 = new $.Matrix4();
const $mat1 = new $.Matrix4();
const $euler = new $.Euler();
const $arr = geom.attributes.position.array;
for (let i = 0, I = $arr.length; i < I; i += 9) {
$vec0.set($arr[i + 0], $arr[i + 1], $arr[i + 2]),
$vec1.set($arr[i + 3], $arr[i + 4], $arr[i + 5]),
$vec2.set($arr[i + 6], $arr[i + 7], $arr[i + 8])
$mat0.makeTranslation($norm.x, $norm.y, $norm.z);
$mat1.makeRotationFromEuler($euler.set(Math.random() * Math.PI, Math.random() * Math.PI, Math.random() * Math.PI));
$mat0.multiplyMatrices($mat1, $mat0);
positions0.set($vec0.toArray(), i);
positions0.set($vec1.toArray(), i + 3);
positions0.set($vec2.toArray(), i + 6);
//// Compute Morph Attrib - Normal
const geom_ = new $.BufferGeometry();
geom_.setAttribute('position', new $.BufferAttribute(positions0, 3));
geom.morphAttributes.position = [geom_.attributes.position];
geom.morphAttributes.normal = [geom_.attributes.normal];
//// Make Mesh{}
const mat = new $.MeshPhongMaterial({
morphTargets: true, morphNormals: true, side: $.DoubleSide,
transparent: true, opacity: 0.5, depthWrite: false
const mesh = new $.Mesh(geom, mat);
mesh.morphTargetInfluences = [2];
//// PostProcessing
const renderPass = new RenderPass(scene, camera);
const unrealBloomPass = new UnrealBloomPass(renderer.getDrawingBufferSize(), 1, 1, 0.2);
//// Animate
gsap.timeline({ repeat: 1e10 })
.to(mesh.morphTargetInfluences, { duration: 2, '0': 0.1, ease: 'bounce' })
.to(mesh.morphTargetInfluences, { delay: 1, duration: 3, '0': 2, ease: 'power2' })
gsap.timeline({ repeat: 1e10 })
.to(mesh.rotation, { duration: 20, y: Math.PI * 2, ease: 'none' })
gsap.timeline({ repeat: 1e10 })
.to(mesh.rotation, { duration: 60, x: Math.PI * 2, ease: 'none' })
gsap.timeline({ repeat: 1e10 })
.to(light1, { duration: 1, distance: 1, ease: 'bounce' })
<script src=""></script>
canvas {
width: 100%;
height: 100vh;
display: block;
background: #000;
a {
position: fixed;
left: 0;
top: 0;
padding: 0.5
color: #eee;
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