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Created September 17, 2012 02:37
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Kohana module to translate urls. Module is on github already. It provides a quick and easy way to deal with multi-lang websites
defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
class Urlang {
* @var Urlang
private static $_instance;
* Cached supported langs array.
private $_langs;
private function __construct() {
$this->_langs = (array) Kohana::$config->load('urlang.langs');
* @return Urlang
public static function instance() {
return Urlang::$_instance ? Urlang::$_instance : Urlang::$_instance = new Urlang();
* Prepends the lang in I18n::lang() or the $lang parameter if specified.
* @param string $uri
* @param string $lang is the lang to prepend.
* @return string a prepended url with the lang.
public function prepend($uri, $lang = NULL) {
return ($lang !== NULL ? $lang : I18n::lang()) . '/' . ltrim($uri, '/');
* Unprepend a lang on a uri.
* @param string $uri
* @return string
public function unprepend($uri) {
// Remove the prepended language in url if exists
//$langs = (array) Kohana::$config->load('urlang.langs');
$uri = preg_replace('~^(?:' . implode('|', $this->_langs) . ')(?=/|$)~i', "", $uri);
if (strlen($uri) > 0 && $uri[0] === "/") {
$uri = substr($uri, 1);
return $uri;
* Turns uri into translation.
* @param string $uri An uri to translate.
* @param string $lang To override the destination lang.
* @return string The uri translated version.
public function uri_to_translation($uri, $lang = NULL) {
$parts = explode("/", $uri);
$source = i18n::lang();
// temporarily change target language
i18n::lang('url-' . ($lang ? $lang : $source));
// On traduit chacune des parties de l'url dans la langue de destination
foreach ($parts as &$part) {
$part = __($part);
return implode("/", $parts);
* @param string $translation
* @return string
public function translation_to_uri($translation) {
$hashtag = "";
if ($pos = strpos($translation, "?") | $pos = strpos($translation, "#")) {
$hashtag = substr($translation, $pos);
$translation = str_replace($hashtag, "", $translation);
$parts = explode('/', $translation);
foreach ($parts as &$part) {
// On doit mettre la langue courrante en premier dans le tableau !
if ($index = array_search(i18n::lang(), $this->_langs)) {
$temp = $this->_langs[0];
$this->_langs[0] = $this->_langs[$index];
$this->_langs[$index] = $temp;
foreach ($this->_langs as &$lang) {
$table = i18n::load('url-' . $lang);
if ($key = array_search($part, $table)) {
$part = $key;
return implode('/', $parts) . $hashtag;
* Retuns the suggested lang based on data in uri, cookies and browser language.
* @param string $uri
* @return string
public function suggested_lang($uri, $fallback = NULL) {
$parts = explode("/", $uri);
// Matches the prepended language.
if (count($parts) > 0 && in_array($parts[0], $this->_langs)) {
return $parts[0];
// Match the first part of the uri that has a translated value by url files.
foreach ($parts as &$part) {
foreach ($this->_langs as &$lang) {
// Safe to use, translation tables are cached in I18n
$table = i18n::load('url-' . $lang);
if ($key = array_search($part, $table)) {
return $lang;
// Default fallback is the index 0 of langs array.
// This array cannot be empty.
if ($fallback === NULL)
$fallback = $this->_langs[0];
// If request is available, we can grab the fallback from the browser language.
if (Request::$current !== NULL) {
$fallback = Request::$current->headers()->preferred_language($this->_langs);
return Cookie::get("lang", $fallback);
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