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Created August 31, 2013 07:19
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6 1 9 _ 3 _ _ 4 _
2 7 _ _ 6 1 _ _ 8
_ _ _ _ 4 7 6 2 1
4 8 6 3 _ 2 _ 7 9
_ _ _ _ 1 4 5 8 _
_ 3 1 _ _ 9 _ 6 _
_ _ 5 7 2 _ 8 _ 6
3 2 _ 1 _ 6 _ 5 7
1 6 _ 4 _ _ _ 3 _
class Sudoku
attr_reader :numbers
def initialize(numbers)
@numbers = []
@numbers.replace = numbers.split(//).map {|x| x.to_i}
def solve!
main loop: while puzzle not solved
def rowcol_length
look for rows/columns with most numbers
if a row and column both have the same number of blanks or if row has fewer blanks, examine_row
else examine_col
def examine_row
loop: while counter is <= 9
- determine which numbers are missing
- look at first column/row and see which of the missing numbers it has
- if only 2 missing numbers, whichever one is not in the column is the one to put in that spot
- put the other missing number in the other spot in the row
- if 3 or more missing numbers, examine each column and note which of the missing numbers can fit in that column/row intersection
- if any intersection only has one option, fill that in
- else if all of the row's spots have more than 1 option, move to next row/column that has the most numbers
- if any number has been filled in for that row, review row again
if numberAdded reset counter
else increment counter
end loop
def examine_col
same as examine_row
def examine_box
loop: while counter is <= 9
loop: while options still available without requiring guessing
- look for box with least number of spaces
- loop: look at options for each space
- check row/column for each space to determine which option fits
- if space is filled, restart loop
end loop
def search (row/column, box, options)
- loop: look at col/row and box to see if any option is already in that col/row/box
- if all options but one have been found in row/col or box, return remaining number
- else return 0
def board
end #class
ONE_THRU_NINE = (1..9).to_a
class Sudoku
def initialize(board_string)
@numbers = []
@numbers = board_string.split(//).map {|x| x.to_i}
def solve!
# p @numbers
not_solved = true
checks =, false)
while not_solved
# p @numbers
checks[0] = true if examineRow? # if examineRow returns true, no more changes to make
checks[1] = true if examineCol? # if examineCol returns true, no more changes to make
checks[2] = true if examineBox? # if examineBox returns true, no more changes to make
not_solved = false if !checks.include?(true) # if no more changes to make for all 3, problem solved/unsolveable
# p @numbers
end #while
# p @numbers
# def examineRow: iterate through rows to
# 1) find the number of blanks in each row
# 2) choose the row with the least number of blanks
# 3) determine the list of number options for that spot in the row
# 4) create comparison array for search (col + box)
# 5) search the intersecting column and box to determine if one of the options works
def examineRow?
rowcounter = 1
while rowcounter <= 9
num_blanks = blanksPerRow.clone
p num_blanks.min
row_least_num_blanks = num_blanks.index( {|i| i > 0 && i == num_blanks.min}) # step 1) and 2) / Find row to attack
#attack row and iterate through each blank, then create row cell options
p row_least_num_blanks
lower_bound = row_least_num_blanks * 9
# Step 3 (creates options array for individual cell)
a = getRowArray(lower_bound)
a.each_with_index do |cell, index|
if cell == 0
numbers_index_from_row_number = (row_least_num_blanks * 9) + index
options_array = createRowCellOptions(lower_bound)
# Step 4
comparison_array = []
(0..8).each {|x| comparison_array << @numbers[((9 * x) + index)]} # Row comparison calculation (col)
top_left = (3*(numbers_index_from_row_number/3)) - ((row_least_num_blanks%3)*9) # top left of box by index
(0..2).each do |x| # gets all numbers from box and puts into array
comparison_array << @numbers[top_left + x]
comparison_array << @numbers[top_left + x + 9]
comparison_array << @numbers[top_left + x + 18]
end # box each
# Step 5
remaining_options = search(comparison_array, options_array)
if remaining_options.length == 1
a[index] = remaining_options[0] # number found, fill cell in
@numbers[numbers_index_from_row_number] = remaining_options[0]
rowcounter = 1 # restart checking all rows since a row has been changed
#(0..8).each {|x| @numbers[numbers_index_from_row_number + x] = a[x]}
p a
# next
# p @numbers
end #if
end #each_with_index
rowcounter += 1
end #while
true # finished checking all rows and no more changes available
end #def
# def blanksPerRow: returns an ARRAY containing the number of blanks per row
def blanksPerRow
lower_bound = 0
number_of_blanks =,0)
row_number = 0
until row_number == 9
number_of_blanks[row_number] = countBlanks(getRowArray(lower_bound))
row_number += 1
lower_bound += 9
def createRowCellOptions(row_number)
# lower_bound = 9 * row_number
# ONE_THRU_NINE - @numbers.slice(lower_bound..(lower_bound + 8))
ONE_THRU_NINE - getRowArray(row_number)
#Returns ARRAY of the numbers in a row
def getRowArray(start)
@numbers.slice(start..(start + 8))
def examineCol? # iterate through columns
colcounter = 1
while colcounter <= 9
num_blanks = blanksPerColumn.clone
col_least_num_blanks = num_blanks.index(num_blanks.min) # step 1) and 2) / Find column to attack
# Step 3 (creates options array for individual cell)
getColArray(col_least_num_blanks).each_with_index do |cell, index|
if cell == 0
numbers_index_from_col_number = (index * 9) + col_least_num_blanks
options_array = createColCellOptions(col_least_num_blanks)
# Step 4
comparison_array = []
row_start = (numbers_index_from_col_number / 9) * 9
comparison_array << @numbers.slice(row_start..(row_start + 8)) # col comparison calculation (row)
top_left = (3*(numbers_index_from_col_number/3)) - (((row_start/9)%3)*9) # top left of box by index
(0..2).each do |x| # gets all numbers from box and puts into array
comparison_array << @numbers[top_left + x]
comparison_array << @numbers[top_left + x + 9]
comparison_array << @numbers[top_left + x + 18]
end # box each
# Step 5
remaining_options = search(comparison_array, options_array)
if remaining_options.length == 1
cell = remaining_options[0] # number found, fill cell in
colcounter = 1 # restart checking all cols since a row has been changed
end #if
end #each_with_index
colcounter += 1
end #while
true # finished checking all rows and no more changes available
def createColCellOptions(col_number)
lower_bound = col_number
col_array = []
(0..8).each {|i| col_array.push(@numbers.slice((9 * i) + col_number))}
ONE_THRU_NINE - col_array
def blanksPerColumn
lower_bound = 0
number_of_blanks =,0)
col_number = 0
until col_number == 9
number_of_blanks[col_number] = countBlanks(getColArray(lower_bound))
col_number += 1
lower_bound += 1
#returns array of the numbers in a column
def getColArray(start)
col_array = []
(0..8).each {|i| col_array.push(@numbers.slice((9 * i) + start))}
def examineBox? # iterate through boxes
boxcounter = 0
while boxcounter < 9
num_blanks = blanksPerBox.clone
box_least_num_blanks = num_blanks.index(num_blanks.min) # step 1) and 2) / Find box to attack
# Step 3 (creates options array for individual cell)
getBoxArray(box_least_num_blanks).each_with_index do |cell, index|
if cell == 0
numbers_index_from_box_number = ((boxcounter/3)*27) + ((index/3)*3) + ((boxcounter%3)*3) + (index % 3)
options_array = createBoxCellOptions(box_least_num_blanks)
# Step 4
comparison_array = []
row_start = (numbers_index_from_box_number / 9) * 9
comparison_array << @numbers.slice(row_start..(row_start + 8)) # box comparison calculation (row)
(0..8).each {|x| comparison_array << @numbers[((9 * x) + index)]} # box comparison column
# Step 5
remaining_options = search(comparison_array, options_array)
if remaining_options.length == 1
cell = remaining_options[0] # number found, fill cell in
boxcounter = 0 # restart checking all cols since a row has been changed
end #if
end #each_with_index
boxcounter += 1
end #while
true # finished checking all rows and no more changes available
def createBoxCellOptions(box_number)
lower_bound = box_number
(0..2).each do |x| # gets all numbers from box and puts into array
box_array << @numbers[start + x]
box_array << @numbers[start + x + 9]
box_array << @numbers[start + x + 18]
ONE_THRU_NINE - box_array
def blanksPerBox
top_left = 0
number_of_blanks =,0)
box_number = 0
row_number = 0
col_number = 0
until (box_number == 9) && (row_number == 9)
number_of_blanks[box_number] = countBlanks(getBoxArray(top_left))
top_left = (3*(box_number/3)) - (((row_number/9)%3)*9)
row_number += 3 if (box_number % 3 == 0) && (box_number != 0)
if box_number % 3 > 0
col_number += 1
col_number = 0
box_number += 1
#returns array of the numbers in a box
def getBoxArray(start)
box_array = []
(0..2).each do |x| # gets all numbers from box and puts into array
box_array << @numbers[start + x]
box_array << @numbers[start + x + 9]
box_array << @numbers[start + x + 18]
def search(comparison_array, options_array) # search through 9 numbers
options_array - comparison_array
def countBlanks(set_of_nine)
number_of_blanks = 0
set_of_nine.each {|i| number_of_blanks += 1 if i == 0}
end #class
game ="619030040270061008000047621486302079000014580031009060005720806320106057160400030")
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