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Created February 23, 2021 23:19
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def result_description(key_name)
descriptions = {
:report_google_adwords_campaign => "We checked to see if you have any Google Adwords campaigns
running and if you would benefit from running a campaign.
AdWords campaigns are an effective way to reach customers
when they're looking for your products or services.",
:report_google_organic_campaign => "We crawled your site to test for best practice on-page
optimisation factors required to help it rank better. It's
important to have your on-page optimisation in order to help
your pages rank on search engine results pages.",
:report_display_advertising_campaign => "We checked the Google Display Network to see if you have any
Display Advertising Campaigns running and if they're
optimising. These campaigns reach customers when they're
looking to convert.",
:report_google_my_business_listing => "We checked to see if there is a Google My Business page for your
business and if you've claimed it. This is essential for local
customers to find you.",
:report_optimised_google_my_business_listing => "We detected that you have a Google My Business page and
assessed it to see if it's fully optimised. It's easier for local
customers to connect with you if your listing is optimised.",
:report_website_loading_speed => "We used a tool to check all the factors that impact a web page's
loading speed to determine if yours is loading in a reasonable
time. Slow loading pages give visitors time to leave before
they’re seen your site.",
:report_mobile_responsiveness_of_website => "We used a tool that rates the mobile friendliness of your website
to determine if it's optimised for mobile. Mobile friendly sites
offer users a better browsing experience.",
:report_social_media_accounts => "We assessed what social media accounts you have and if they are
the right ones for your business. Connecting with your customers
on social media is now a business necessity.",
:report_structured_data => "We tested your site to see if you have tags installed
and optimised for your business needs. Schema speaks directlty
to search engines and helps you rank higher.",
:report_rich_content => "We analysed your site for pages that contain long form rich
content. Long content is informative and good for SEO.",
:report_video_content => "We checked your website for optimised video content, which is
an important ranking factor and a good way to engage your
:report_phone_protocols => "We checked all the phone numbers on your website to see if they
have the correct click to call code installed. Clickable phone
numbers make it easy for customers to contact you and you can
track this metric.",
:report_analytics_code => "We scanned your website looking for the Google Analytics code, which is needed to track your visitors activity within your website.",
:report_facebook_pixel_code => "We scanned your website looking for the Facebook Pixel code, which is very similar to the Analytics one, but in this case serves Facebook to do some tracking.",
:report_backlinks_quality_audit => "We conducted a large search for unique backlinks to your site
and assessed their credibility/quality. Quality backlinks are a key
ranking factor.",
:report_optimise_heading_and_title_tags => "We used technology to scrape your site to determine if your
heading and title tags are optimised and setup correctly. These
tags are important search engine ranking factors.",
:report_positive_reviews_and_high_ratings => "We scraped the internet for reviews and rankings linked to your
business and did an audit to determine the quality of them.
Customers look at reviews and ratings to influence their
purchasing decisions.",
:report_display_ad_remarketing_campaign => "We scanned your website to check whether you are applying google remarketing campaigns or not, showing ads on specific websites can make your target market grow.",
:report_call_tracking => "We checked your website to see if you are tracking the clicks on your phone numbers accross the site, this is a good way of measuring how interested your visitors are about getting in touch with you.",
:report_live_chat => "We used technology to check if you have any live chat installed on your site. There are plenty of them, but they all are good tools to have a direct interaction with your potential customers.",
:report_social_sharing_functionality => "We looked back over the last 12 months to see if anyone has
shared your content. Shared content helps your ranking and
:report_secure_socket_layer_existence => "We tested your website checking for the existence of SSL certificate, having SSL on your website makes it more trustworthy and secure."
def result_result(key_name, status)
descriptions = {
:report_google_adwords_campaign => {
"0" => "As far as we can see, you are not managing any paid words or campaign on Google Adwords. Is your budget too tight? We can help you.",
"1" => "We could see you are paying for some good keywords on Google Adwords. However, if you're not getting the results you need we can improve that.",
"WARN" => ""
:report_google_organic_campaign => {
"0" => "We've detected that your pages don’t have the basic on-page
optimisation to appear on the first page of search engines results
pages to attract new customers and traffic to your site.",
"1" => "We've detected that the optimisations in terms of keywords on your website are appealing the visitors, keep doing it that way.",
"WARN" => ""
:report_display_advertising_campaign => {
"0" => "We can't find any trace of display advertising for your business.
This is a really effective way for customers to find you online and
visit your site when they're ready to convert.",
"1" => "We've detected that you're running display ads. This is a great
way for your receptive customers to find you.",
"WARN" => ""
:report_google_my_business_listing => {
"0" => "You are not present on Google My Business, and you should, because this is a great window for your potential customers to get to know you.",
"1" => "Great! It looks like you already have a Business Listing on Google, that will appeal more customers than having just a website.",
"WARN" => ""
:report_optimised_google_my_business_listing => {
"0" => "A Google My Business page is good, but an optimised one is
better. Your listing would really benefit from a professional
"1" => "Congrats, your Google My Business page is awesome!",
"WARN" => ""
:report_website_loading_speed => {
"0" => "Having a slow loading website will make your customers flee before you show to them what you've got, you need to improve this as soon as possible.",
"1" => "A speedy load time for your site is really important to keep
customers engaged. Your website loads quickly which is great news.",
"WARN" => ""
:report_mobile_responsiveness_of_website => {
"0" => "People find it difficult to interact with sites that aren't optimised
and that can drive them away. You're probably losing customers
as your website isn't mobile optimised.",
"1" => "Looks like your website is fully mobile optimised!",
"WARN" => ""
:report_social_media_accounts => {
"0" => "Your customers are extremely social and you don't have the best
social media accounts to reach them.",
"1" => "You're connecting with your customers on all the right social
media channels, keep it up.",
"WARN" => ""
:report_structured_data => {
"0" => "We've identified that you don’t have schema implemented. This
is a key ranking factor that you’re missing out on, and your
search engine results would look a lot more appealing to new
customers with schema.",
"1" => "You have the schema implemented in your website, you just have to make sure you are using it the right way.",
"WARN" => ""
:report_rich_content => {
"0" => "Your site is a bit light on content and this can affect your search
engine rankings. The more content you have, the more relevant
people will find it and be likely to share it around.",
"1" => "You have some great content on your website with several pages
containing over 1,200 words and most of them with over 300 words. Keep doing it this way!.",
"WARN" => ""
:report_video_content => {
"0" => "We couldn't find any video on your website. People love video
content - it's really engaging and sharable. You should consider
creating some video content that will appeal to your customers.",
"1" => "You have at least a couple of videos on your website, let's try to use them more frequently, they are a great marketing tool",
"WARN" => ""
:report_phone_protocols => {
"0" => "We’ve detected that the contact phone numbers on your website
aren't optimised with click to call code. You could be missing
out on a lot of calls and losing a lot of business because of this.",
"1" => "Splendid! More than 90% of the pages we scanned have the click to call code, that's the best way to get some calls",
"WARN" => ""
:report_analytics_code => {
"0" => "We couldn't find any Google Analytics codes on your page, you should start doing it ASAP, it's a great tool to keeping track of your sales.",
"1" => "Great news! You're Google Analytics code is on place and ready to receive some events and trackings",
"WARN" => ""
:report_facebook_pixel_code => {
"0" => "We were unable to find the Facebook Pixel code across your website. This tool is becoming very important in terms of marketing today.",
"1" => "Fantastic, you have set the Facebook Pixel on your website, so you can track your visitors activity now. If you need help doing that just contact us.",
"WARN" => ""
:report_backlinks_quality_audit => {
"0" => "There are little to no backlinks to your website. This can
negatively impact your SEO ranking and means people aren't
interacting with your content.",
"1" => "You have a healthy number of backlinks to your sites from some
credible sources. This is great for your SEO and natural ranking.",
"WARN" => ""
:report_optimise_heading_and_title_tags => {
"0" => "Your titles and heading tags are kind of flat, they need to be unique and stay within 60 characters. Also, make sure there are some keywords on them.",
"1" => "Your heading and title tags are unique and optimised for your
keywords, well done.",
"WARN" => ""
:report_positive_reviews_and_high_ratings => {
"0" => "We noticed you are not getting too many reviews from your visitors, or they are not as good as expected. We can help you improve your overall rating.",
"1" => "We've found some really good reviews and ratings for your
business. This is great social confirmation for your business and
builds a strong brand position. It also helps with organic page
"WARN" => ""
:report_display_ad_remarketing_campaign => {
"0" => "We haven't found any remarketing tag on your website, it means that you are not seizing the power of this tool. If you don't know how to do it we can help you.",
"1" => "Nice! Looks like you've tapped into the power of remarketing, however there's a chance your website is prepared but you might not be doing it yet.",
"WARN" => ""
:report_call_tracking => {
"0" => "It seems you are not tracking your phone calls, you should't start doing it to check for any trends on your website.",
"1" => "Perfect, you are tracking your phone calls on your website.",
"WARN" => ""
:report_live_chat => {
"0" => "Sadly we couldn't find any live chat installed on your site, at least none of the most popular ones. You might be missing lots of sales because customers want to reach you quickly.",
"1" => "That's great, you have a live chat installed and working on your site.",
"WARN" => ""
:report_social_sharing_functionality => {
"0" => "We found out that you don't have so many shares of your website, you need to improve your presence and quality in order to get your content shared.",
"1" => "We can see that many people is sharing your content, that's pretty good!"
:report_secure_socket_layer_existence => {
"0" => "Your website has no SSL certificate. Consider getting one soon in order to gain your visitors' trust.",
"1" => "Your website has SSL certificate. That's good news, now your visitors can browse it without worries."
descriptions[key_name.to_sym][status] == "" ? "" : descriptions[key_name.to_sym][status]
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