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Created October 11, 2019 17:13
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def frequencies(text)
# intro downcase the string, and create an empty hash
frequency = {}
text = text.downcase
# 1. split the string into an array of words
words = text.split
# words => ["the", "lazy", ...]
# 2. iterate over the array
words.each do |word|
# each: count how many times it is in the text
if frequency.key?(word)
# in our hash update the word and amount
frequency[word] += 1
# frequency['the'] += 1
# set to one
frequency[word] = 1
# frequency['the'] = 1
# 3. return the hash
return frequency
p frequencies("the lazy dog jumped over the brown fox")
# {"the" => 2, "fox" => 1, ...}
def frequencies(text)
# intro downcase the string, and create an empty hash
frequency =
text = text.downcase
# 1. split the string into an array of words
words = text.split
# words => ["the", "lazy", ...]
# 2. iterate over the array
words.each do |word|
# each: count how many times it is in the text
frequency[word] += 1
# 3. return the hash
return frequency
p frequencies("the lazy dog jumped over the brown fox")
# {"the" => 2, "fox" => 1, ...}
require_relative "../frequencies"
describe "#frequencies" do
it "returns an empty Hash when passed an empty string" do
frequencies_hash = frequencies("")
expect(frequencies_hash).to eq({})
it "counts multiple words" do
frequencies_hash = frequencies("the fox the")
expect(frequencies_hash).to eq({"the" => 2, "fox" => 1})
# Q8
grades = [19, 8, 11, 15, 13]
# TODO: compute and store the result in a variable `average`
sum = 0
grades.each do |grade|
sum += grade
average = sum / grades.size.to_f
# p sum
# Q.9
fruits = ["banana", "peach", "watermelon", "orange"]
# 0 1 2 3
# Print out "peach" from the fruits array in the terminal
# puts fruits[1]
# Add an "apple" to the fruits array # Replace "watermelon" by "pear"
fruits << "apple"
# Delete "orange"
# Q.10
city = { name: "Paris", population: 2000000 }
# Print out the name of the city
# puts city[:name]
# Add the Eiffel Tower to city with the `:monument` key
city[:monument] = "Eiffel Tower"
# Update the population to 2000001
city[:population] = 2000001
# What will the following code return?
# => nil
# Q.11
# Use the map iterator to convert the variable students,
# an array of arrays, into an array of hashes.
# Those hashes should have two keys: `:name` and `:age`
students = [ [ "john", 28 ], [ "mary", 25 ], [ "paul", 21 ] ]
new_arr = do |student|
{name: student[0], age: student[1]}
p new_arr
# students = [ { name: "john", age: 28 ]}, {...} ]
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