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Last active March 23, 2024 10:41
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Results-gathering nursery wrapper, using aioresult.ResultCapture for the results
# aioresult variant of StreamResultsNursery
# Original idea by smurfix:
# Fixed non-aioresult version:
from collections import deque
import math
from aioresult import ResultCapture
import trio
class StreamResultsNursery:
"""Nursery that streams results to an async for loop.
This is like the aioresult function to_stream(), except that it allows for further tasks to be
added. The loop over results until all tasks have finished.
The async for loop will always return a result for every started task, even if the nursery is
cancelled. If that happens, the result will show as having ended with exception type Cancelled,
or not being done (if the routine did not start at all, which happens if the nursery was already
cancelled before .start_*() was called or if it happened while the task was pending due to
max_running_tasks). This does not include if .start_*() raises an exception itself (due to the
nursery having not yet started or already finished, or due to the for loop having already
**Loop completion:**
The logic that decides when the for loop should complete will handle most common situations.
The usual one is that you kick off one or more tasks within the body of this nursery, and then
run the async for loop in this nursery, and new tasks are then run from other tasks or from
within the loop. That is::
async with StreamResultsNursery() as srn:
srn.start_soon(foo, srn) # foo() can then run other tasks, which can run still more...
async for r in srn:
# ... it is also possible to run more tasks from in here ...
In more subtle situations, it is up to you to ensure that the nursery and async for loop do not
complete before you are done. For example, it is OK to loop over results in an outer nursery::
async with trio.open_nursery() as outer_nursery:
async with StreamResultsNursery() as task_nursery:
task_nursery.start_soon(start_some_tasks, task_nursery)
outer_nursery.start_soon(loop_over_results, task_nursery)
Here, the loop_over_results() function receives the task_nursery as an argument so that it can
perform the loop. But it is NOT OK (at least, not necessarily OK) for loop_over_results() to
spawn new tasks, because if there are no open tasks when it does this then the task_nursery
might already have completed.
def __init__(self, max_running_tasks=math.inf):
self._nursery = trio.open_nursery()
self._results = deque()
self._unfinished_tasks_count = 0 # Includes both running and waiting to run
self._capacity_limiter = trio.CapacityLimiter(max_running_tasks)
self._nm = None
self._parking_lot = trio.lowlevel.ParkingLot()
self._loop_finished = False
def cancel_scope(self):
return self._nm.cancel_scope
def max_running_tasks(self):
return self._capacity_limiter.total_tokens
def max_running_tasks(self, value):
self._capacity_limiter.total_tokens = value
def running_tasks_count(self):
return self._capacity_limiter.borrowed_tokens
async def __aenter__(self):
self._nm = await self._nursery.__aenter__()
return self
def __aexit__(self, *exc):
return self._nursery.__aexit__(*exc)
async def _wrap(self, rc: ResultCapture, task_status=trio.TASK_STATUS_IGNORED):
async with self._capacity_limiter:
self._unfinished_tasks_count -= 1
def start_soon_rc(self, rc: ResultCapture):
if self._nm is None:
raise RuntimeError("Enter context manager before starting tasks")
if self._loop_finished:
raise RuntimeError("Loop over results has already completed")
self._unfinished_tasks_count += 1
self._nm.start_soon(self._wrap, rc)
def start_soon(self, p, *a, suppress_exception=False):
rc = ResultCapture(p, *a, suppress_exception=suppress_exception)
return rc
async def start_rc(self, rc: ResultCapture):
if self._nm is None:
raise RuntimeError("Enter context manager before starting tasks")
if self._loop_finished:
raise RuntimeError("Loop over results has already completed")
self._unfinished_tasks_count += 1
await self._nm.start(self._wrap, rc)
async def start(self, p, *a, suppress_exception=False):
rc = ResultCapture(p, *a, suppress_exception=suppress_exception)
await self.start_rc(rc)
return rc
def __aiter__(self):
return self
async def __anext__(self):
await trio.lowlevel.checkpoint() # Ensure this function is always a checkpoint
while len(self._results) == 0 and self._unfinished_tasks_count != 0:
await self._parking_lot.park() # Need to wait for a result to be produced
if self._results:
return self._results.popleft()
self._loop_finished = True
raise StopAsyncIteration # All tasks done and all results retrieved
def result_to_str(rc: ResultCapture):
# FIXME: Put in aioresult.ResultBase.__str__()
if not rc.is_done():
return "ResultCapture(not done)"
elif rc.exception() is not None:
return f"ResultCapture(exception: {rc.exception()!r})"
return f"ResultCapture(result: {rc.result()})"
if __name__ == "__main__":
import random
async def rand(i):
sleep_length = random.random()
print(f"Starting {i}: {sleep_length}")
await trio.sleep(sleep_length)
print(f"Finished {i}: {sleep_length}")
return sleep_length
except BaseException:
print(f"Exception {i}: {sleep_length}")
async def main(count):
async with trio.open_nursery() as outer_nursery:
async with StreamResultsNursery(max_running_tasks=3) as N:
for i in range(count):
print(f"Starting task {i}")
N.start_soon(rand, i)
i = 0
async for rc in N:
i += 1
assert isinstance(rc, ResultCapture)
print(f"Got {i}: {result_to_str(rc)}")
if i == count:
print(f"starting extra task")
N.start_soon(rand, i)
async def loop_results(N: StreamResultsNursery):
i = 0
async for rc in N:
i += 1
assert isinstance(rc, ResultCapture)
print(f"Got {i}: {result_to_str(rc)}")
if i == 5:
async def main_other(count):
async with trio.open_nursery() as outer_nursery:
async with StreamResultsNursery(max_running_tasks=math.inf) as N:
for i in range(count):
print(f"Starting task {i}")
N.start_soon(rand, i)
outer_nursery.start_soon(loop_results, N),10), 10)
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