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Created April 27, 2018 18:36
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From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool ssrnat seq.
Section Padding.
Variable T : Type.
Implicit Types (c def : T) (i n : nat) (s : seq T).
Definition left_pad c n s := nseq (n - size s) c ++ s.
Lemma left_pad1 c n s : size (left_pad c n s) = maxn n (size s).
by rewrite /left_pad size_cat size_nseq maxnC maxnE [RHS]addnC.
Lemma left_pad2 c n s i def :
i < n - size s ->
nth def (left_pad c n s) i = c.
move=> bound.
by rewrite /left_pad nth_cat size_nseq bound nth_nseq bound.
Lemma left_pad3 c n s i def :
nth def (left_pad c n s) (n - size s + i) = nth def s i.
by rewrite /left_pad nth_cat size_nseq ltnNge leq_addr /= addKn.
End Padding.
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