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Last active June 10, 2023 03:01
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Aliases for OSX Terminal and Windows command-prompt
# Terminal aliases
# OSX: Save/add this to ~/.bash_profile
# Ubuntu: Add this to ~/.bashrc
# Windows Git Bash: Add this to ~/.bashrc
# Uncomment one of the following two options
# - This for OSX:
# alias aliedit="code ~/.bash_profile"
# - Or this for Ubuntu:
alias aliedit="code ~/.bashrc"
# - Or this for Git Bash on Windows
# unless
# alias aliedit="code ~/.bash_profile"
# Customise shell prompt if in Windows Git Bash
if [[ $OSTYPE =~ msys* ]]
PS1='\[\033]0;$TITLEPREFIX:$PWD\007\]\n\[\033[32m\]\u \[\033[33m\]\w\[\033[36m\]`__git_ps1`\[\033[0m\]\n$ '
# If WSL...
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "linux-gnu" ]]
# Load SSL agent
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
ssh-add /mnt/c/Users/Arthur/.ssh/id_rsa
# Add .local/bin to path for Ansible
# Turn off annoying 'Default Beep' sound in Windows Bash
bind "set bell-style none"
# Shell commands
alias l="ls"
# Launch apps
alias bash="start C:/cygwin64/bin/bash.exe"
alias cyg="start C:/cygwin64/bin/bash.exe"
# Git shortcuts
alias gpl="git pull"
alias gps="git push"
alias gpso="git push origin"
alias gpsb="git push Bitbucket"
alias gpst="git push --tags"
alias gpstf="git push --tags -f"
alias ga="git add"
alias gaa="git add ."
alias gaaa="git add -A"
alias gb="git branch"
alias gbd="git branch -d"
alias gbv="git branch -v"
alias gc="git commit"
alias gcm="git commit -m"
alias gco="git checkout"
alias gcob="git checkout -b"
alias gcof="git checkout --"
alias gcom="git checkout master"
alias gcod="git checkout develop"
alias gcol="git checkout live"
alias gd="git diff"
alias gda="git diff HEAD"
alias gf="git fetch"
alias gg="git gui"
alias gi="git init"
alias gl="git log"
alias glg="git log --graph --oneline --decorate --all"
alias gld="git log --pretty=format:'%h %ad %s' --date=short --all"
alias glog="git log --pretty=format:%%h -n 1"
alias ghc="git log --pretty=format:%%h -n 1^ | xclip"
alias gmg="git merge --no-ff"
alias gs="git status"
alias gss="git status -s"
alias gst="git stash"
alias gsta="git stash apply"
alias gstl="git stash list"
alias gstp="git stash pop"
alias gstd="git stash drop"
# File management
alias open="explorer.exe ."
# Useful paths
# (Adjust paths per system)
alias src="cd /c/src"
alias core="cd /c/src/core"
alias ebt="cd /c/src/electric-book"
alias ebm="cd /c/src/electric-book-gui"
alias ebw="cd /c/src/electricbookworks"
alias manage="cd /c/src/manage"
alias temp="cd /c/temp"
alias squid="cd /c/src/booksquid"
alias squidm="cd /c/src/booksquid-mailer"
alias hbam="cd /c/src/howbooksaremade"
alias ebe="cd /c/src/electric-book-electron"
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "linux-gnu" ]]
alias src="cd /mnt/c/src"
alias core="cd /mnt/c/src/core"
alias ebt="cd /mnt/c/src/electric-book"
alias ebm="cd /mnt/c/src/electric-book-gui"
alias ebw="cd /mnt/c/src/electricbookworks"
alias manage="cd /mnt/c/src/manage"
alias temp="cd /mnt/c/temp"
alias squid="cd /mnt/c/src/booksquid"
alias squidm="cd /mnt/c/src/booksquid-mailer"
alias hbam="cd /mnt/c/src/howbooksaremade"
alias ebe="cd /mnt/c/src/electric-book-electron"
# Open files
alias sites="code /c/src/manage/sites.txt"
# for Windows Git bash only, enable the Linux xdg-open
# command to work in Windows. First, we create a function
# called xdgopen (functions can't have dashes) which
# on Windows will run `start`, followed by the file to open.
# Then we map the alias `xdg-open` to our no-dashes function name.
if [[ $OSTYPE =~ msys* ]]
start $1
export -f xdg-open
alias xdg-open="xdgopen"
# Fix path for WSL
alias sites="code /mnt/c/src/manage/sites.txt"
# Jekyll
alias js="bundle exec jekyll serve"
alias jsi="bundle exec jekyll serve --incremental"
alias jsb0="bundle exec jekyll serve --baseurl=''"
alias jsb0i="bundle exec jekyll serve --baseurl='' --incremental"
alias jsib0="bundle exec jekyll serve --baseurl='' --incremental"
alias jb="bundle exec jekyll build"
alias jbb0="bundle exec jekyll build --baseurl=''"
alias jb-epub="bundle exec jekyll build --config='_config.yml,_configs/_config.epub.yml'"
alias jb-app="bundle exec jekyll build --config='_config.yml,_configs/'"
alias jsi-app="bundle exec jekyll serve --incremental --config='_config.yml,_configs/'"
alias js-epub="bundle exec jekyll serve --config='_config.yml,_configs/_config.epub.yml'"
alias jsi-epub="bundle exec jekyll serve --incremental --config='_config.yml,_configs/_config.epub.yml'"
alias jsi-print="bundle exec jekyll serve --incremental --config='_config.yml,_configs/_config.print-pdf.yml'"
alias js-live="bundle exec jekyll serve --config='_config.yml,_configs/'"
alias jb-live="bundle exec jekyll build --config='_config.yml,_configs/'"
alias jsi-live="bundle exec jekyll serve --incremental --config='_config.yml,_configs/'"
# Electric Book commands
alias rl="./"
alias eb="npm run eb"
# BrowserSync
alias bsync='browser-sync start --server "_site" --files "*.*"'
:: ::
:: Windows Command Prompt aliases ::
:: ::
@echo off
DOSKEY alias=echo Listing all aliases in aliases.bat ^& if ".$*." == ".." ( DOSKEY /MACROS ) else ( DOSKEY $* )
DOSKEY aliedit=echo edit aliases in "C:\Users\Arthur\AppData\Roaming\aliases.bat" ^& notepad C:\Users\Arthur\AppData\Roaming\aliases.bat
:: Unix commands
DOSKEY l=echo dir ^& DIR $*
DOSKEY ls=echo dir ^& DIR $*
DOSKEY mv=echo move ^& MOVE $*
DOSKEY h=echo doskey ^/history ^& DOSKEY /HISTORY
:: Git shortcuts
DOSKEY gpl=echo git pull ^& git pull
DOSKEY gps=echo git push ^& git push
DOSKEY gpso=echo git push origin ^& git push origin
DOSKEY gpsb=echo git push Bitbucket ^& git push Bitbucket
DOSKEY ga=echo git add ... ^& git add $*
DOSKEY gaa=echo git add ^. ^& git add .
DOSKEY gaaa=echo git add -A ^& git add -A
DOSKEY gb=echo git branch ^& git branch
DOSKEY gbd=echo git branch -d ... ^& git branch -d $*
DOSKEY gbv=echo git branch -v ... ^& git branch -v $*
DOSKEY gc=echo git commit ^& git commit
DOSKEY gcm=echo git commit -m ... ^& git commit -m $*
DOSKEY gco=echo git checkout ... ^& git checkout $*
DOSKEY gcob=echo git checkout -b ... ^& git checkout -b $*
DOSKEY gcof=echo git checkout -- ... ^& git checkout -- $*
DOSKEY gcom=echo git checkout master ^& git checkout master
DOSKEY gcod=echo git checkout develop ^& git checkout develop
DOSKEY gd=echo git diff ^& git diff
DOSKEY gda=echo git diff HEAD ^& git diff HEAD
DOSKEY gf=echo git fetch ^& git fetch
DOSKEY gg=echo git gui ^& git gui
DOSKEY gi=echo git init ^& git init
DOSKEY gl=echo git log ^& git log
DOSKEY glg=echo git log --graph --oneline --decorate --all ^& git log --graph --oneline --decorate --all
DOSKEY gld=echo git log --pretty=format:"..." --date=short --all ^& git log --pretty=format:"%h %ad %s" --date=short --all
DOSKEY glog=echo git log --pretty=format:%%h -n 1 ^& git log --pretty=format:%%h -n 1
DOSKEY ghc=git log --pretty=format:%%h -n 1^|clip ^& echo Short hash copied to clipboard
DOSKEY gmg=echo git merge --no-ff ^& git merge --no-ff
DOSKEY gs=echo git status ^& git status
DOSKEY gss=echo git status -s ^& git status -s
DOSKEY gst=echo git stash ^& git stash
DOSKEY gstl=echo git stash list ^& git stash list
DOSKEY gstp=echo git stash pop ^& git stash pop
DOSKEY gstd=echo git stash drop ^& git stash drop
:: Give git status for all subdirectories
DOSKEY gsa=@echo off ^& for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /ad /b') do (echo ---------------------------------------------------- $T echo %%a $T git --git-dir=%%a/.git --work-tree=%%a status)
:: File management
DOSKEY open=start .
:: Sublime Text
DOSKEY sublime="C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 3\sublime_text.exe"
:: Use paths
DOSKEY src=cd /d c:\src
DOSKEY core=cd /d c:\src\core
DOSKEY eb=cd /d c:\src\electric-book
DOSKEY ebm=cd /d c:\src\electric-book-gui
DOSKEY ebw=cd /d c:\src\electricbookworks
DOSKEY manage=cd /d c:\src\manage
DOSKEY wrt=cd /d c:\src\write
DOSKEY temp=cd /d c:\temp
:: Open files
DOSKEY sites=c:\src\manage\sites.txt
:: Jekyll
DOSKEY js=echo bundle exec jekyll serve ^& bundle exec jekyll serve
DOSKEY jsi=echo bundle exec jekyll serve --incremental ^& bundle exec jekyll serve --incremental
DOSKEY jsb0=echo bundle exec jekyll serve --baseurl="" ^& bundle exec jekyll serve --baseurl=""
DOSKEY jsb0i=echo bundle exec jekyll serve --baseurl="" --incremental ^& bundle exec jekyll serve --baseurl="" --incremental
DOSKEY jsib0=echo bundle exec jekyll serve --baseurl="" --incremental ^& bundle exec jekyll serve --baseurl="" --incremental
DOSKEY jb=echo bundle exec jekyll build ^& bundle exec jekyll build
DOSKEY jbb0=echo bundle exec jekyll build --baseurl="" ^& bundle exec jekyll build --baseurl=""
DOSKEY jb-epub=echo bundle exec jekyll build --config="_config.yml,_configs/_config.epub.yml" ^& bundle exec jekyll build --config="_config.yml,_configs/_config.epub.yml"
DOSKEY jsi-epub=echo bundle exec jekyll serve --incremental --config="_config.yml,_configs/_config.epub.yml" ^& bundle exec jekyll serve --incremental --config="_config.yml,_configs/_config.epub.yml"
DOSKEY jsi-print=echo bundle exec jekyll serve --incremental --config="_config.yml,_configs/_config.print-pdf.yml" ^& bundle exec jekyll serve --incremental --config="_config.yml,_configs/_config.print-pdf.yml"
DOSKEY js-live=echo bundle exec jekyll serve --config="_config.yml,_configs/" ^& bundle exec jekyll serve --config="_config.yml,_configs/"
:: Electric Book
DOSKEY rw=echo run-windows.bat ^& run-windows.bat
DOSKEY rwd=echo run-windows-default-output.bat ^& run-windows-default-output.bat
:: Do not use cls to clears screen when loaded. This will add a tofu line feed character
:: See
:: Also, do not echo notes to your CLI from there. They will break some scripts
:: that read everything passed to the CLI.
:: VirtualBox
:: Open Ubuntu in a new virtual desktop
DOSKEY ubu=vdesk run:"C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe" startvm "Ubuntu-18.04"
:: Or on the same desktop
DOSKEY ubu1="C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe" startvm "Ubuntu-18.04"
Copy link

arthurattwell commented Apr 13, 2017

Command-line aliases

These files are my own, personal command-line aliases. Below I've left some instructions for setting them up. Note that you will almost certainly need to remove some of mine and add your own aliases! The ones here are specific to my environment, machines and preferences. Never use someone else's aliases unless you understand what they do.

Windows Command Prompt

The DOSKEY command sets an alias for a command in the Windows Command Prompt. This is a script of DOSKEY commands that set aliases I find useful. If you run it, it will set the aliases listed for the current command prompt, till you close it.

If you want this script to load your aliases every time you open the command prompt, you need to tell Windows to autorun it whenever Command Prompt launches.

Warning: don't do this if you don't know what you're doing. Making mistakes when editing your registry can break your computer.

To do this in Windows 10:

  1. Save this file to C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming
  2. Open the Registry Editor (C:\WINDOWS\System32\regedt32.exe)
  3. Navigate the tree to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor
  4. Go to 'Edit > New > String value`
  5. Enter AutoRun for the Name.
  6. Leave REG_SZ for the Type.
  7. Enter "%AppData%\aliases.bat" for the Data value.


Each time you update aliases.bat, close and reopen the command prompt for the changes to take effect.

Windows Bash

If you're using Windows Bash, copy the contents of to a .bash_profile file in your user directory. The shortcut for getting to your user directory in the file explorer is to click on the file-path box, replace the contents with %USERPROFILE%, and hit enter.

In some setups using Git Bash in Windows, you may need .bashrc and an extra setup step.

Ubuntu and OSX

Copy the contents of to a .bashrc file in your home directory (i.e. ~/.bashrc). On OSX, this file is usually named .bash_profile.

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