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Last active November 4, 2019 14:36
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Word frequency with PowerShell
# PowerShell: Counting words in a text file
# Returns a list of the most-used, longest words in a text file.
# Adapted slightly from
# Run this with PowerShell in the folder containing your text, from PowerShell with:
# ./word-freq
# It looks for combined.txt. To get this from a set of markdown files,
# I use Cygwin (because native Windows CLIs have encoding issues) and run:
# cat *.md > combined.txt
# The very last number in the script sets the length of the word list you'll get.
# It finds words longer than 4 letters. To increase this limit, change the 4
# in the second-last line.
$FileName = "combined.txt"
Write-Host "Reading file $FileName..."
$File = Get-Content $FileName
$TotalLines = $File.Count
Write-Host "$TotalLines lines read from the file."
$SearchWord = ""
$Found = 0
$WordCount = 0
$Longest = ""
$Dictionary = @{}
$LineCount = 0
$File | foreach {
$Line = $_
Write-Progress -Activity "Processing words..." -PercentComplete ($LineCount*100/$TotalLines)
$Line.Split(" .,:;?!/()[]{}-```"") | foreach {
$Word = $_.ToUpper()
If ($Word[0] -ge 'A' -and $Word[0] -le "Z") {
If ($Word.Contains($SearchWord)) { $Found++ }
If ($Word.Length -gt $Longest.Length) { $Longest = $Word }
If ($Dictionary.ContainsKey($Word)) {
} else {
$Dictionary.Add($Word, 1)
Write-Progress -Activity "Processing words..." -Completed
$DictWords = $Dictionary.Count
Write-Host "There were $WordCount total words in the text"
Write-Host "There were $DictWords distinct words in the text"
Write-Host "The word $SearchWord was found $Found times."
Write-Host "The longest word was $Longest"
Write-Host "Most used words with more than 4 letters:"
$Dictionary.GetEnumerator() | ? { $_.Name.Length -gt 4 } |
Sort Value -Descending | Select -First 200
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