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Last active March 27, 2020 13:48
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Custom mysql2 adapter for connecting Rails via ProxySQL
database: &default
adapter: proxy_mysql2
require "active_record/connection_adapters/mysql2_adapter"
require "activerecord-import/adapters/mysql2_adapter"
module ActiveRecord
module ConnectionHandling
# Provide an extensible connection adapter based on mysql2_connection implemented in
# In the configuration of shard.yml or database.yml, one may declare to use this custom adapter:
# adapter: "proxy_mysql2"
# Note that we can't just call it "proxysql" because database tasks looks for the pattern /mysql/ in the name.
def proxy_mysql2_connection(config)
config = config.symbolize_keys
config[:username] ||= "root"
config[:flags] ||= 0
if Mysql2::Client.const_defined?(:FOUND_ROWS)
if config[:flags].kind_of?(Array)
config[:flags] |= Mysql2::Client::FOUND_ROWS
client =, logger, nil, config)
rescue Mysql2::Error => error
if error.message.include?("Unknown database")
raise ActiveRecord::NoDatabaseError
# When acquiring a new connection in Rails5, it sets the `sql_mode` in the beginning of the query. ProxySQL ignores all the variables after setting the `sql_mode`.
# ```
# # rails5 - ProxySQL ignores the subsequent variables after sql_mode.
# SET @@SESSION.sql_mode = CONCAT(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(@@sql_mode, 'STRICT_TRANS_TABLES', ''), 'STRICT_ALL_TABLES', ''), 'TRADITIONAL', ''), ',NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO'), @@SESSION.max_statement_time = 300000,
# @@SESSION.sql_auto_is_null = 0, @@SESSION.wait_timeout = 2147483"
# ```
# As a result, the connection isn't set up properly in Rails5.
# Except the `sql_mode`, the rest of the variables are the same. In practice, `sql_mode = ''` in Rails4 falls back to the default of MySQL server. `sql_model = 'NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION'` in Rails5, practically, has the same effect.
# The adapter ensures that the session variables are set properly and keeps multiplexing enabled in ProxySQL.
class ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ProxyMysql2Adapter < ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::Mysql2Adapter
include ActiveRecord::Import::MysqlAdapter
# Copied from
# and
def configure_connection
@connection.query_options.merge!(as: :array)
variables = @config.fetch(:variables, {}).stringify_keys
# By default, MySQL 'where id is null' selects the last inserted id.
# Turn this off.
variables["sql_auto_is_null"] = 0
# Increase timeout so the server doesn't disconnect us.
wait_timeout = self.class.type_cast_config_to_integer(@config[:wait_timeout])
wait_timeout = 2147483 unless wait_timeout.is_a?(Integer)
variables["wait_timeout"] = wait_timeout
# Make MySQL reject illegal values rather than truncating or blanking them, see
# If the user has provided another value for sql_mode, don't replace it.
unless variables.has_key?("sql_mode")
variables["sql_mode"] = strict_mode? ? "STRICT_ALL_TABLES" : ""
# NAMES does not have an equals sign, see
# (trailing comma because variable_assignments will always have content)
if @config[:encoding]
encoding = "NAMES #{@config[:encoding]}"
encoding << " COLLATE #{@config[:collation]}" if @config[:collation]
encoding << ", "
# Gather up all of the SET variables...
variable_assignments = do |k, v|
if v == ":default" || v == :default
"@@SESSION.#{k} = DEFAULT" # Sets the value to the global or compile default
elsif !v.nil?
"@@SESSION.#{k} = #{quote(v)}"
# or else nil; compact to clear nils out
end.compact.join(", ")
# The ProxySQL config at /etc/proxysql.cnf keeps multiplexing enabled on queries tagged with /* keep_multiplexing_enabled */
# Otherwise multiplexing is disabled because it sets the session variables, and the db connections are not shared between processes.
@connection.query("SET #{encoding} #{variable_assignments} /* keep_multiplexing_enabled */")
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apatchenkov commented Oct 28, 2019

Hi, I got the same problem. But I don’t know where ActiveRecord::Import::MysqlAdapter came from. Can you describe it?

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@apatchenkov, you can ignore the line. Our project uses; otherwise you shouldn't need that.

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hopewise commented Mar 11, 2020

@arthurchui we too use , however we get error uninitialized constant ActiveRecord::Import (NameError)

where exactly do you require the proxy adapter file?

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@hopewise ActiveRecord requires the target adapter from a specific path. In our case, it's active_record/connection_adapters/proxy_mysql2_adapter. Since the adapter is needed before booting the app, the file should be put in a non-autoload path, e.g. lib, in a Rails' project.

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@hopewise As your project uses activerecord-import, it must require the gem before loading the adapter. I just updated the gist.

require "activerecord-import/adapters/mysql2_adapter"

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hopewise commented Mar 16, 2020

Thanks @arthurchui, by the way, did you nagios with ProxySQL ?

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We configured Nagios with the MySQL database but not ProxySQL. @hopewise

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When I require require "activerecord-import/adapters/mysql2_adapter" I am getting error

/Users/samir/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.3@backend/gems/activerecord-import-0.13.0/lib/activerecord-import/adapters/mysql_adapter.rb:1:in `<top (required)>': uninitialized constant ActiveRecord::Import (NameError)

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@arthurchui shouldn't we not add comment keep_multiplexing_enabled while doing a transaction?

For example, having a cluster that has writer and reader, while doing a transaction: When storing data to DB (writer connection), then querying the DB again for updated data (reader connection), before the replication is done for that record.

What do you think?

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